Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail

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Sujet : Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 19. May 2024, 01:17:28
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Sat, 18 May 2024 16:10:23 -0700
The Horny Goat <> wrote:

On Fri, 17 May 2024 21:51:34 -0400, Rhino
<> wrote:
What do you think will happen in the BC election? I'm not even sure
when it's happening, just that it will be relatively soon. Are people
sufficiently disgusted with Eby to turf the NDP? Typically, NDP
governments get two consecutive terms before you put the other guys
back in but I don't know where public opinion is in BC this year. 
I expect to see a NDP victory - though if I had my way David Eby (head
of the BC NDP) would be "ridden out of town on a rail". In an effort
to amp housing starts (immigration in both BC and ON which is where
most Canadian immigration is going has created a mass housing shortage
which is driving prices through the roof - which is major bad news for
the 30-35 age group who are normally the group buying their first home
but are largely priced out of the market. There was a newspaper
article a couple of weeks ago about a husband and wife pair of MDs who
got turned down for a mortgage....)
Anyhow what Eby has done is allow free subdivision of pretty much any
single family home into most suites which would have the effect of (a)
massively driving up land prices and therefore taxes (b) require mass
demoliion of most 40-50 year old houses in Vancouver and Victoria
(mine was build in 1987) (c) convert single family into multi-family
lots without amending the tax code (which taxes multi-unit lots at a
higher rate than single unit lots and (d) mean the de-forestration of
most of metro Vancouver since most single family homes are built in
the center of lots with plenty of trees around the perimeter of the
property - usually 5-10 feet from the edge though for 4-plexes you
would need to build to within 3-4 feet of each property line - all of
which means massive property inflation with little relief for first
time buyers - and most of the inflation would be front end loaded
meaning the increases would come BEFORE the new suites were actually
built. It would also create a mass run (no pun intended) on water and
sewage systems....
Vancouver prides itself on having more trees than almost all cities in
North America so this scheme is likely to change that!
Meanwhile the provincial Liberal party has had a split with the more
conservative wing currently leading the polls but intra-mural fighting
is likely to result in the NDP winning a lot of 3 way races.
So as bad a job as Eby is doing, the NDP will likely be re-elected. My
The provincial election is scheduled for 1 week after Canadian
Thanksgiving (which Rhino will know is about 3 weeks before US
election day)

In case non-Canadian residents are wondering, Horny Goat and I are in
the same country but we don't get much detail with respect to elections
in other provinces. That's why I didn't know when the BC election was.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 * [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail3Rhino
18 May 24 `* Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail2Rhino
19 May 24  `- Re: [OT] Deputy PM says it's un-Canadian to notice that a killer was out on bail1Rhino

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