Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.

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Sujet : Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.
De : robin.miller (at) *nospam* invalid.invalid (Robin Miller)
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Date : 20. May 2024, 17:18:56
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Nyssa wrote:
Robin Miller wrote:
Nyssa wrote:
Robin Miller wrote:
Adam H. Kerman wrote:
Nyssa  <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman wrote:
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
Thought he was worth a mention in here even if
nobody else bothered to.
Maybe it's because he was described by the NYT as
"the actor audiences loved to hate."
Must have been because of the "9 to 5" role, I
certainly never hated him.
9 to 5 was a lousy movie.
Coleman absolutely played unsympathetic characters
but he was a terrific actor.
As this is a tv newsgroup, let's recall his two tv
series, Buffalo Bill and The Slap Maxwell story
(which gave the world Meaghan Gallager and her
glorious long hair).
The first time Coleman pinged my radar was when he
played the con-man father of a child evangelist on
"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman."
Good point. This was mentioned in the obits and I
forgot to include it.
Another sleazy character, but as always, played to
Nyssa, who wonders whatever happened to the child
actor who played Jimmy Joe Jeeter on that show
He stopped acting in 1986, when he was probably 18:
Maybe went to college?
Someone with his birth name (Marcus Issoglio) appears to
be a physical therapist living in Yreka, California,
according to LinkedIn:
Thanks, Robin! Good detective work. ;)
I was impressed with his acting chops on "Mary Hartman,
Mary Hartman," but never saw him in any other role.
It sounds like he made the decision for himself and
landed on his feet with an in-demand career choice.
Good for him!
Nyssa, who is always pleased to read about a good
outcome for talented child actors when they choose
a different career path as an adult (knowing that
the story doesn't always end well for many kids in
the business)
And the person on LinkedIn went to high school from
1983-1986, which is exactly the right age for him. And
they're both from/in California. I bet that's the same
I'm confident that you're right. The real last name isn't
a common one.
 It's very nice to know that he's having a good life and
not a drug-addled derelict living in a gutter somewhere. :)
 I thought he was a talented kid when he was on the
Mary Hartman show in a fairly difficult role (serious kid
evangelist with a problematic father he wanted to please).
It seems he has other talents too and has built a stable
life for himself away from LA-LA Land.
 Thanks again for doing the digging and research!
 Nyssa, who always likes it when a mystery is solved with
a happy ending
You're most welcome!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 May 24 * Dabney Coleman R.I.P.17super70s
18 May 24 +* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.2suzeeq
18 May 24 i`- Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.1moviePig
18 May 24 +* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.11Adam H. Kerman
19 May 24 i+* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.3moviePig
19 May 24 ii`* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.2super70s
19 May 24 ii `- Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.1shawn
19 May 24 i`* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.7Nyssa
19 May 24 i `* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.6Adam H. Kerman
19 May 24 i  `* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.5Robin Miller
19 May 24 i   `* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.4Nyssa
19 May 24 i    `* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.3Robin Miller
20 May 24 i     `* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.2Nyssa
20 May 24 i      `- Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.1Robin Miller
19 May 24 +* Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.2EGK
19 May 24 i`- Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.1danny burstein
21 May 24 `- Re: Dabney Coleman R.I.P.1Adam H. Kerman

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