Re: Which 'Ad-Free' Streaming Tiers Are Actually Ad-Free?

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Sujet : Re: Which 'Ad-Free' Streaming Tiers Are Actually Ad-Free?
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
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Date : 23. May 2024, 10:59:18
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17d212823a9ba69d$19328$3841210$>
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On 5/22/24 9:10 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On May 22, 2024 at 6:34:42 PM PDT, "Dimensional Traveler" <>
The Streamable
Pre-play ads on so-called ‘ad-free’ streaming plans are increasingly
common, and we’ll take a look at which streamers are forcing viewers to
sit through them.
The one-time idealistic belief that streaming would be ad-free forever
has long since been shattered. Streamers are not only spinning up
ad-supported plans to tempt price-sensitive customers, they are even
going to lengths like discontinuing low-priced ad-free plans and
cracking down on account sharing to entice people to opt for
ad-supported plans over ad-free versions. Streaming providers simply
can’t ignore the revenue available through advertising, and ads have
become such necessary income generators that they’ve even seeped onto
ad-free plans.
 Yeah, I've noticed that the Paramount + and the Apple TV+ both front-load ads
for their own content into their ad-free tier. I called P+ customers service
and complained and the girl told me they don't consider trailers for their own
content to be ads. I told her that I'm the one paying the bills and an ad is
an ad. Just because you're advertising your own product doesn't make it any
less an ad. Of course that got me nowhere.
They have this new thing now, they're called class action lawsuits.  You should speak to an attorney and find out more about them, instead of posting to Usenet to further sound like you've been castrated.

Will Prime Video Begin Placing Ads on Ad-Free Plan?
It feels like a safe bet that Prime Video will eventually begin showing
pre-play ads, and maybe even pause ads on its ad-free plan.
 These are the absolute worst. When I pause a show, it's usually because
there's something on screen I want to examine, like a handwritten note or a
computer screen or something that flashes by too quickly to read it all. But
with these asinine 'pause ads', the moment you hit pause, a fucking ad for
tampons or something fills the screen and makes it impossible to see what
caused you to pause it in the first place.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
23 May 24 * Which 'Ad-Free' Streaming Tiers Are Actually Ad-Free?3Dimensional Traveler
23 May 24 `* Re: Which 'Ad-Free' Streaming Tiers Are Actually Ad-Free?2BTR1701
23 May 24  `- Re: Which 'Ad-Free' Streaming Tiers Are Actually Ad-Free?1trotsky

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