Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy

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Sujet : Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 25. May 2024, 04:01:24
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On May 18, 2024 at 5:08:26 PM PDT, "Rhino" <>

On Sat, 18 May 2024 19:15:05 -0400
moviePig <> wrote:
 On 5/18/2024 4:37 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
 > In article <v2b0i8$2u4t7$>,
 >   moviePig <> wrote:
 >> On 5/18/2024 1:48 PM, BTR1701 wrote: 
 >>> In article <v2akce$2roir$>,
 >>>    moviePig <> wrote:
 >>>> On 5/18/2024 12:09 AM, BTR1701 wrote: 
 >>>>> On May 17, 2024 at 6:43:52 PM PDT, "Rhino"
 >>>>> <>
 >>>>> wrote:
 >>>>>> On Fri, 17 May 2024 00:42:52 -0700
 >>>>>> The Horny Goat <> wrote:
 >>>>>>>     On Thu, 16 May 2024 13:09:59 -0700, BTR1701
 >>>>>>> <> wrote:
 >>>>>>>     >Yes, and because the current system isn't a dream for
 >>>>>>>     >sight-readers,
 >>>>>>>     >that means it's a racist form of white supremacy.
 >>>>>>>     >
 >>>>>>>     >(Because only white people can sight read perfectly or
 >>>>>>>     >something.)
 >>>>>>>     >
 >>>>>>>     ><rolls eyes> 
 >>>>>>>     I'm pretty sure there were and are a few black musicians
 >>>>>>> who have managed the feat and somehow a lot of the concert
 >>>>>>> pianists these days
 >>>>>>>     are of Asian origin... 
 >>>>>> I wouldn't expect that to continue if I were you.
 >>>>>> As I understand it, Asian musicians expressed concerns that
 >>>>>> they weren't getting performance gigs as white musicians and
 >>>>>> attributed this to race. To address that, all or most
 >>>>>> auditions for orchestras started being done behind screens so
 >>>>>> that the judges could only hear the performance but not see
 >>>>>> the performer. But apparently Asians are now seen as white or
 >>>>>> white allies and a certain group of people who I'll call
 >>>>>> People of Darker Colour (PODC) are demanding that they simply
 >>>>>> be given positions on orchestras without auditioning because
 >>>>>> they have been discriminated against in the past. I assume
 >>>>>> they're proposing some kind of quota system but I'm not sure
 >>>>>> what percentage of the slots they're demanding.
 >>>>>> Now, I don't know if this proposal is finding any support
 >>>>>> among the people who decide these things but, given the way
 >>>>>> things are going in general, I would be surprised if this was
 >>>>>> NOT done. Competence is going out of the window to be replaced
 >>>>>> by hiring on the basis of skin colour.
 >>>>>> I'm sure the usual suspects will be along momentarily to deny
 >>>>>> all of this and/or defend it. 
 >>>>> Yes, during the height of the Saint Floyd of Fentanyl riots,
 >>>>> where literally everything in America was discovered to be
 >>>>> racist, there was an article in the New York Times that
 >>>>> asserted that the blind audition system used by most
 >>>>> professional orchestras and ensembles was racist because it
 >>>>> *prevents* racial bias in the hiring process.
 >>>>> The 'problem' is that when musicians play behind a screen and
 >>>>> the judges have no idea who the person is, what race they are,
 >>>>> what gender they are, etc., it takes away the judge's ability
 >>>>> to racially discriminate. This used to be considered a good
 >>>>> thing, but in today's woke world, the inability to racially
 >>>>> discriminate (i.e., give preference to blacks over whites) is a
 >>>>> major problem that needs fixing. Blind auditions tend to result
 >>>>> in orchestras being problematically white and Asian. When pure
 >>>>> talent and ability are the only factors available upon which to
 >>>>> base a decision, the resulting orchestras aren't 'diverse'
 >>>>> enough for the intelligentsia.
 >>>>> So now, rather than blind auditions, the wokesters want to
 >>>>> remove that screen so the judges see the players, can actively
 >>>>> discriminate against whites and Asians, and make hiring
 >>>>> decisions based on race and gender, rather than ability to play
 >>>>> the music.
 >>>>> Anyone who thinks a level playing field and the elimination of
 >>>>> racial discrimination is the goal of the modern
 >>>>> 'progressive'... well, I have a few bridges to sell them.
 >>>>> And with all the hand-wringing over how they needed to get rid
 >>>>> of blind auditions so that they can 'fix' the problem of too
 >>>>> many white classical musicians, there strangely was no plan to
 >>>>> 'fix' the problem of too many black basketball players (or any
 >>>>> recognition that it even is a problem in the first place).
 >>>>> Wonder why that is? 
 >>>> In so many words, you're complaining about 'affirmative action'
 >>>> as though it were a moral absurdity. Does that sum up your view?
 >>> I'm complaining about making an orchestra less than world class
 >>> so that you can pat yourself on the back for sticking it to
 >>> whitey.
 >>> Yes. Giving someone a seat on stage for any other reason than
 >>> that they can do the job is morally abhorrent. I'm not surprised
 >>> you cheerlead for it.
 >>> Of course Asians are historically oppressed minorities, too, and
 >>> they somehow manage to not only make it into these ensembles on
 >>> sheer talent and merit alone, but dominate them. Weird how that's
 >>> not seen as a 'diversity' success but a problem that needs
 >>> 'fixing'. 
 >> But the issue in question is 'affirmative action', i.e.:
 >> procedural bias meant to hasten the homogenization of an
 >> artificially bifurcate society. 
 > But in the case of these orchestras, there's nothing artificial
 > about it. The auditions are blind and the chips fall where they may
 > with regard to race, gender, and all the other grievance groups.
 > A mostly white or Asian orchestra is no more of an artificial
 > occurrence than is a mostly black basketball team. In both cases,
 > the best people for the job are the ones who are hired.
 > Again, why is a mostly black basketball team perfectly fine, but a
 > mostly Asian orchestra 'problematic'?
 > Both are historically oppressed minorities and both organizations
 > are what they are because they hired the best people for the job.
 > Why is one a 'diversity success' and the other a problem that needs
 > to be fixed? 
 Any general policy is subject to second-guessing in any given
Which says absolutely nothing as is typical for you when you fail to
defend the indefensible.

Here's how DIE is working out in the federal judiciary...

Among top LSAT scorers (170 or above), 82.5% are white, 15.2% are Asian, 1.6%
hispanic, and 0.3% black.

State Bar exam passage rates averaged over the 50 states: 76.2% white, 11.4%
Asian, 7.3% hispanic, 4.6% black.

80% of lawyers in the United States are white.

Biden's 200 federal judges: 30% white, 50% Hispanic and black, 14% Asian.

It's obvious what happened here:

(*Numbers do not include Native Americans and Pacific Islanders.)

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 May 24 * Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy39BTR1701
14 May 24 +* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy6Rhino
16 May 24 i+* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy2Adam H. Kerman
17 May 24 ii`- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1Adam H. Kerman
16 May 24 i`* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy3BTR1701
16 May 24 i `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy2Adam H. Kerman
16 May 24 i  `- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1BTR1701
16 May 24 `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy32moviePig
16 May 24  `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy31BTR1701
16 May 24   +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1moviePig
18 May 24   `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy29Rhino
18 May 24    `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy28BTR1701
18 May 24     +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1trotsky
18 May 24     `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy26moviePig
18 May 24      `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy25BTR1701
18 May 24       `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy24moviePig
18 May 24        `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy23BTR1701
18 May 24         +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1Adam H. Kerman
19 May 24         `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy21moviePig
19 May 24          +* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy17Rhino
19 May 24          i+* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy15moviePig
19 May 24          ii`* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy14Rhino
20 May 24          ii `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy13moviePig
20 May 24          ii  `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy12BTR1701
20 May 24          ii   +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1trotsky
20 May 24          ii   `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy10moviePig
20 May 24          ii    `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy9BTR1701
20 May 24          ii     +* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy7moviePig
20 May 24          ii     i`* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy6BTR1701
20 May 24          ii     i +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1moviePig
20 May 24          ii     i +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1Adam H. Kerman
22 May 24          ii     i +* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy2FPP
23 May 24          ii     i i`- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1trotsky
23 May 24          ii     i `- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1trotsky
20 May 24          ii     `- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1Adam H. Kerman
25 May 24          i`- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1BTR1701
19 May 24          `* Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy3BTR1701
19 May 24           +- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1Adam H. Kerman
19 May 24           `- Re: Oxford Music Professors: Sheet Music is White Supremacy1trotsky

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