Re: Can this marriage be saved?

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Sujet : Re: Can this marriage be saved?
De : dannyb (at) *nospam* (danny burstein)
Groupes :
Date : 26. May 2024, 00:35:47
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Organisation : PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
Message-ID : <v2tp43$94i$>
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In <v2to6l$32dl4$> "Adam H. Kerman" <> writes:


My recollection is that, yes, the column was being ghostwritten by the
daughter, and it wasn't revealed publicly for years.

Next up:  AHK will tell us that one of the major Jewish
commentators on the bible, "Rashi", took the credit
for his daughters' work...

(And, while we're at it... Mrs. Jehan Raouf Sadat, along
with Mrs. Aliza Arnold Begin, plus MAJOR input by Rosalyn
Smith Cater... deserve the real credit for "Camp David")

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

Date Sujet#  Auteur
25 May 24 * Re: Can this marriage be saved?4danny burstein
26 May 24 +* Re: Can this marriage be saved?2Adam H. Kerman
26 May 24 i`- Re: Can this marriage be saved?1danny burstein
26 May 24 `- Re: Can this marriage be saved?1trotsky

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