PING: Anim8r

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Sujet : PING: Anim8r
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
Groupes :
Date : 27. May 2024, 04:57:09
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User-Agent : Usenapp/0.92.2/l for MacOS
I know you've talked about having worked professionally on scale models in the
past-- the Nautilus from 20,000 LEAGUES, etc.-- so I was wondering if you have
any contacts or any websites I could go to where I could find someone who
builds models for hire.

I'd love to have a model of an Imperial Star Destroyer like this one...

...but I have neither the modeling skill, the equipment, nor the electrical
knowledge to put something like this together and light it up properly. If I
could find someone local who could build it and light it for me, I'd be
willing to pay a decent amount of quatloos for it.

I would imagine that this being the land of movies and all, there are probably
such people around, but I have no idea how to find them. Google keeps leading
me to models of the Victoria's Secret variety, which while not altogether
unpleasant, doesn't solve my problem.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 May 24 o PING: Anim8r1BTR1701

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