Ping "BTR1701"

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Sujet : Ping "BTR1701"
De : gmsingh (at) *nospam* (trotsky)
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Date : 29. May 2024, 10:02:01
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Organisation : NewsDemon -
Message-ID : <17d3e6d8bf51f08f$1$1509875$>
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
Hey OKT, I was listening to Peter Van de Graaf's Through the Night program on WFMT.  Mr Van de Graaf's ( is basically a college level class in musicology.  His taste his impeccable and his knowledge of composers and their catalogs is mind blowing.  That said, currently I'm listening to Erich Korngold's music from Errol Flynn's "The Sea Hawk." Within about 30 seconds I thought "Now I know where John Williams got the Star Wars theme from.  So I googled this:
Search:  did john williams channel Korngold in the star wars soundtrack
Whether you'd go so far as to call this a "cinematic swipe," it's no shocker that Williams looked to channel Korngold, whose music for classic films like The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) and The Sea Hawk (1940) is clearly the immediate template from which Williams was working with Star Wars and his other best-known ...Sep 1, 2023
'Star Wars' music: What were John Williams' classical ...
YourClassical › story › 2021/05/04 › st...
And although you're an anonyshit who I wouldn't know from Adam, I've heard you wax groupie-like about John Williams on many occasions and I *almost* felt sorry for you. If you weren't such a complete asshole I probably would have, but as it is now you are even a bigger fraud than ever.  Although you don't appear to know dick about being a lawyer, you do seem to have legitimate musical knowledge, only it's not so 'legitimate' now, is it?  What a fucking fraud you turned out to be. I'm reminded of Rory Calhoun's last line in the movie "Motel Hell:" "My whole life has been a lie...I used preservatives." (Anybody who has seen the movie knows what this means.) I assume you won't have the balls to respond, but even if you did, what would you say.  You suck, your taste in music sucks, and your politics is horseshit.  Did I miss anything?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
29 May 24 o Ping "BTR1701"1trotsky

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