Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future

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Sujet : Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future
De : super70s (at) *nospam* super70s.invalid (super70s)
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Date : 30. May 2024, 21:51:16
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3albk$1r2nl$>
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User-Agent : Unison/2.2
On 2024-05-30 18:13:43 +0000, The Horny Goat said:

On Wed, 29 May 2024 21:04:05 -0500, super70s
<super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
You don't think anyone other than rock-ribbed wingnuts is going to
follow a link to the Babble-On Bee do you.
 I occasionally go there when I have a yen for satire - but I certainly
wouldn't consider it news.
 Hopefully nobody else does either - it's not quite Jonathan Swift but
when it's good it's extremely good satire.
It's a rip of The Onion for the rightwing audience.
But in The Onion's defense how could they play to that audience when 90% of the people who do stupid stuff worth parodying in the real world are on the right.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
29 May 24 * Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future24BTR1701
30 May 24 +- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Rhino
30 May 24 +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2Ubiquitous
30 May 24 i`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future19super70s
30 May 24 i+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future6BTR1701
30 May 24 ii+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future3super70s
30 May 24 iii+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 iii`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1BTR1701
30 May 24 ii+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 ii`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1FPP
30 May 24 i+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 i+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Ubiquitous
30 May 24 i+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future8super70s
30 May 24 ii`* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future7Adam H. Kerman
31 May 24 ii `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future6super70s
31 May 24 ii  `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future5Adam H. Kerman
1 Jun 24 ii   `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future4super70s
1 Jun 24 ii    +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2trotsky
3 Jun 24 ii    i`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1super70s
1 Jun 24 ii    `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Adam H. Kerman
31 May 24 i`* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2Ubiquitous
1 Jun 24 i `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
31 May 24 `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky

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