Re: With any luck...

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Sujet : Re: With any luck...
De : nobody (at) *nospam* (moviePig)
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Date : 31. May 2024, 18:54:13
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3cvbl$2aa0t$>
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On 5/31/2024 6:53 AM, FPP wrote:
On 5/31/24 4:21 AM, trotsky wrote:
On 5/30/24 10:31 AM, FPP wrote:
On 5/28/24 2:26 PM, trotsky wrote:
With any luck Trump will be found guilty on all counts today. We've waited long enough.
Maybe Friday... today is really doubtful.  I expect he might be guilty on some counts, and skate on others.
Well neither of those happened.
But you never know what a jury will do.  Hung juries aren't like you see on Teevee.
It's pretty rare... about 6% of the juries hang.  Convictions are more than 10 times that.
This thing was more or less open and shut.  If only we could expect jail time to be sentenced.d
 I thought they might convict on the checks he signed, but let him skate on those he didn't.  Juries like to split the difference... so opposing sides all get something.
 Guess there were no opposing sides in the jury room.
 Jail time isn't out of the question.  He could serve weekends, or community service, or house arrest.  Point is, he's going to be punished with something.
 34 felony counts aren't chickenfeed, and he hasn't demonstrated any remorse.  The opposite, in fact... he's digging himself into a hole.
I favor whatever punishment -- even including none -- has the least chance of being seen as a minimization, exoneration, or vendetta.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 May 24 * Re: With any luck...9FPP
30 May 24 +- Re: With any luck...1moviePig
30 May 24 +* Re: With any luck...3moviePig
31 May 24 i`* Re: With any luck...2trotsky
31 May 24 i `- Re: With any luck...1moviePig
31 May 24 +* Re: With any luck...3trotsky
31 May 24 i`* Re: With any luck...2FPP
31 May 24 i `- Re: With any luck...1moviePig
31 May 24 `- Re: With any luck...1FPP

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