Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably

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Sujet : Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
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Date : 01. Jun 2024, 20:12:50
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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Apparently, Terence Howard fancies himself a physicist. He recently
published a book that sought to reimagine physics with brilliant new
insights. Actual scientist Sabine Hossenfelder examines these insights: [10 minutes]

Maybe Terence Howard should stick to acting....


Date Sujet#  Auteur
1 Jun 24 * Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably5Rhino
1 Jun 24 +* Re: Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably2Ian J. Ball
1 Jun 24 i`- Re: Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably1Rhino
2 Jun 24 +- Re: Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably1Dimensional Traveler
2 Jun 24 `- Re: Actor seeks to revolutionize physics but fails miserably1moviePig

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