Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future

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Sujet : Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future
De : super70s (at) *nospam* super70s.invalid (super70s)
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Date : 03. Jun 2024, 21:21:46
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-06-01 17:40:45 +0000, trotsky said:

On 6/1/24 11:59 AM, super70s wrote:
On 2024-05-30 23:23:31 +0000, Adam H. Kerman said:
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
On 2024-05-30 21:03:08 +0000, Adam H. Kerman said:
super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
On 2024-05-30 18:13:43 +0000, The Horny Goat said:
Wed, 29 May 2024 21:04:05 -0500, super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid>:
You don't think anyone other than rock-ribbed wingnuts is going to
follow a link to the Babble-On Bee do you.
I occasionally go there when I have a yen for satire - but I certainly
wouldn't consider it news.
Hopefully nobody else does either - it's not quite Jonathan Swift but
when it's good it's extremely good satire.
It's a rip of The Onion for the rightwing audience.
Could you please just shut the fuck up and stopping digging your hole
Well look who's here, the self-proclaimed know-it-all of r.a.t. And
he's bursting a vein again.
 Never stop doing that thing in which you project your own bad acts upon
others. No one on Usenet would recognize you if you stopped being that
 I said I didn't care for the Babylon Bee.
 You jumped in with both guns blazing and attacked me, ordering me to "shut the fuck up."
 Who's the immature one.
They are specifically Protestant Christian. They satirize
church and their own religious beliefs too. "Right wing" is a lame
description. They are religious Christians with conservative politics.
But mostly, they are comic writers. They are trying to be entertaining
and to land their jokes. But you wouldn't understand comedy if an anvil
fell on your head.
"Religious Christians," huh. The most flippant and iconclastic bunch of
"religious Christians" I've ever seen.
 Comic writers are flip? Who knew?
But in The Onion's defense how could they play to that audience when
90% of the people who do stupid stuff worth parodying in the real world
are on the right.
I know you are stupid. Do you have to keep proving it?
Jump up my ass you pompous jerk.
 So yes?
I have nothing in common with the writers. I still read their stuff.
Must have a hard time keeping yourself occupied then.
 You are super concerned about all this. You're still participating in
this thread. It's clearly more important to you than anything else
you've done this year.
 Babble-on, so to speak.
 "Super concerned," lol. I don't give a shit whether you like BB or not, any more than I care about any other of your arrogant posts.
They make me smile. It's funny because they fully commit to the comedy.
And you're easily entertained apparently.
 Not really. I find you sad, and pathetic.
Comedy first, last, and always. I just don't care about the politics of
the writers.
That's because you're a pretentious simpleton.
 There's that projection thing again.
It's simply not for humorless gits like you.
Oh I'm "humorless" because I don't care to read a rightwing rip-off of
The Onion.
 No, you are humorless because you utterly lack a sense of humor. As many
others have already pointed out to you, The Onion didn't invent parody.
 What are you, some kind of control freak? You're the one with a bug up his ass because someone doesn't happen to like the same website you do.
  Are you trying to make Verman mad?  I sure hope you're trying to make Verman mad.
I'm not trying but it sure looks like I'm successful.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
29 May 24 * Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future24BTR1701
30 May 24 +- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Rhino
30 May 24 +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2Ubiquitous
30 May 24 i`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future19super70s
30 May 24 i+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future6BTR1701
30 May 24 ii+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future3super70s
30 May 24 iii+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 iii`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1BTR1701
30 May 24 ii+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 ii`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1FPP
30 May 24 i+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
30 May 24 i+- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Ubiquitous
30 May 24 i+* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future8super70s
30 May 24 ii`* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future7Adam H. Kerman
31 May 24 ii `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future6super70s
31 May 24 ii  `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future5Adam H. Kerman
1 Jun 24 ii   `* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future4super70s
1 Jun 24 ii    +* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2trotsky
3 Jun 24 ii    i`- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1super70s
1 Jun 24 ii    `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1Adam H. Kerman
31 May 24 i`* Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future2Ubiquitous
1 Jun 24 i `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky
31 May 24 `- Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future1trotsky

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