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Sujet : THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 07. Jun 2024, 01:57:02
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The first episodes of what the showrunner Leslye Headland calls 'the
gayest STAR WARS ever' have dropped and it's really as dreadful as you

THE ACOLYTE is a queer Marxist vandalization of the STAR WARS mythos.
The Force is now a metaphor for cultural hegemonic power and the Jedi
are a metaphor for 'cisgender' white oppressors who hoard that power for
themselves. Yes, it really is that obnoxious and stupid.

I watched it so you don't have to. Here's a summary:

1. The main character has two mothers.

2. All of the main Jedi characters are black or Asian. Zero white people.

3. In the first episode, the only speaking role for a white person was a
   convicted criminal.

In the third episode, they plan to jettison STAR WARS canon entirely
while writing concerns about pronouns and being 'misgendered' into the
storyline. By that point they will have destroyed all remaining
affection the fan base has for the STAR WARS Universe.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jun 24 * THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?11BTR1701
7 Jun 24 +- Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?1Adam H. Kerman
7 Jun 24 +* Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?3Ian J. Ball
7 Jun 24 i`* Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?2shawn
7 Jun 24 i `- Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?1shawn
7 Jun 24 +* Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?5shawn
7 Jun 24 i+* Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?3BTR1701
7 Jun 24 ii`* Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?2shawn
7 Jun 24 ii `- Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?1FPP
8 Jun 24 i`- Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?1Your Name
7 Jun 24 `- Re: THE ACOLYTE - The Death of STAR WARS?1Capricorne

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