Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving

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Sujet : Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving
De : super70s (at) *nospam* super70s.invalid (super70s)
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Date : 07. Jun 2024, 13:01:08
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-06-07 08:28:37 +0000, anim8rfsk said:

Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
BTR1701 <> wrote:
On May 30, 2024 at 1:49:58 PM PDT, Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
BTR1701 <> wrote:
This is amazing.
I just feel sorry for his poor lawyer, who's stuck trying to defend
this idiot while he's committing crimes in real time in front of the
judge. That's not something they cover in law school. 
His lawyer further pissed off the judge by saying he was only charged
with driving on a suspended license as the judge was looking at his
license record and could see that it was still suspended.
I saw the Steve Lehto video this morning. I was thinking of posting
about it but you beat me to it.
I must have missed the “How to Deal With Dumbass Clients Who Commit Crimes
*In* Court” class in law school.
With as heavy a LART as you can carry, applied directly to the skull,
having first asked the judge's permission to confer with your client?
I'm going to have to withdraw my initial impression of this matter and
apologize to the defendant. It turns out he was caught in a Kafa-esque
nightmare of bureaucracy.
However, my initial impression of his lawyer still stands. She sucks.
She needed to consult with her client, to draw out of him exactly what
was going on, and then present it to the judge to gain sympathy.
Under legal ethics, a lawyer is obligated to represent the client to the
best of his or her ability and that's not what happened here.
There was a followup Steve Lehto video. In his earlier veto, he
explained that video clips from this judge's courtroom get posted to
social media frequently because he just doesn't take any guff.
After this defendant was exposed to worldwide humiliation, the Detroit
tv station with the nation's most famous call letters WXYZ tracked him
Historic note: In radio days, WXYZ was a major source of programs fed to
the Mutual Broadcasting System. The Lone Ranger and the Green Hornet,
both of which began as radio dramas, were produced in the Detroit radio
studios of WXYZ.
He was fucked.
His driver's license was suspended in 2010 for failure to pay child
support. He must have gotten the child support matter cleared up because
a judge lifted the suspension. Now, there is no automatic process to
file a judge's order with the state driver's services bureau. He was
relying upon something called "Michigan Friend of the Court" to perform
this duty but they failed to do so. I have no idea if he could have
obtained a copy of the judge's order then gone directly to the
appropriate state office to file it to receive an immediate lift of the
suspension on their records.
"Michigan Friend of the Court" is the intermediary between the court and
the state child welfare bureau. He needed not just the judge's order but
paperwork from this office to file with the state's driver's license
bureau. While there is an automatic process in which the driver's
license bureau notes that there is a suspension due to a judge's order
or other court action, there is no automatic process lifting the
suspension (if there isn't something else on the record suspending the
license) because the driver's services bureau may also impose its own
fee to process paperwork lifting the suspension in their database.
Fees, fines, and court costs are simply revenue raising matters to avoid
raising taxes.
Until the state driver's service bureau shows that the suspension was
lifted on their records, then both the police and the court using their
system continue to see the suspension.
 No. Fucking. Way.
 Lehto watched the video of this guy's court hearing. This time, everyone
is in the courtroom.
 There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license. Let me
repeat. There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license.
 Upon convening the hearing, the judge makes this announcement on record to
counter all of the media coverage.
 There is no record that this man ever had a driver's license.
 How does the judge know this? In Michigan, the state ID issued by the
driver's services bureau is available ONLY to those people who do not
hold a driver's license. Remember that citation for driving on a
suspended license last October? The man claimed that the reason he
didn't clear it up was that he was laid up. The judge asked, Where were
you on December 28? The man said he was at home. The judge pointed out
that's incorrect. He was at the driver's services bureau renewing his
state ID. It appears he's been renewing the state ID since he was a kid,
although I'm not sure the judge checked the record that far back.
 Worse still, he has an older citation that he still hasn't handle on a
previous charge of driving on a suspended license. The judge told him he
was going to be taken into custody AGAIN for that charge.
 That's two pending driving on a suspended license charges. I'm wondering
how the hell the cops who pulled him over utterly missed the fact he
never had a driver's license.
 How can his license be suspended? Because if he ever tries to apply,
they want to block the application till the issue leading to the
suspension are resolved.
 That's the unpaid child support, then the judge's order that lifted the
suspension. The Michigan Friend of the Court, the intermediary with the
child support bureau, did not make a bureaucratic mistake.
 Once that paperwork is taken care of, he'll be able to apply to have the
suspension lifted. Turns out the filing fee is $1.25.
 The judge was trying to help the guy and set the next court hearing for
August in order to give the man plenty of time to resolve the
suspension, and once he does that, apply for and pass his driving test
and finally obtain a license.
  Why? Why do we possibly want this guy to have a drivers license?
Seth Meyers did several jokes last night around this lawyer who accidentally left his cat filter on during a Zoom call.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 May 24 * Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving19BTR1701
30 May 24 +* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving3shawn
30 May 24 i`* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving2moviePig
1 Jun 24 i `- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1moviePig
30 May 24 +- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1shawn
30 May 24 +* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving10Adam H. Kerman
31 May 24 i`* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving9BTR1701
31 May 24 i +* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving7Adam H. Kerman
1 Jun 24 i i`* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving6Adam H. Kerman
1 Jun 24 i i `* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving5Adam H. Kerman
1 Jun 24 i i  +* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving2BTR1701
1 Jun 24 i i  i`- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1Adam H. Kerman
7 Jun 24 i i  +- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1Adam H. Kerman
7 Jun 24 i i  `- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1super70s
31 May 24 i `- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1trotsky
31 May 24 `* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving4BTR1701
31 May 24  +* Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving2BTR1701
31 May 24  i`- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1shawn
31 May 24  `- Re: Man With Suspended License Joins Court Zoom Hearing While Driving1trotsky

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