Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month

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Sujet : Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month
De : atropos (at) *nospam* mac.com (BTR1701)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 07. Jun 2024, 22:55:22
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Message-ID : <atropos-0F14A9.13552207062024@news.giganews.com>
User-Agent : MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.3b3 (Intel Mac OS X)
First question that ought to spring to everyone's mind is, why is it
that soldiers who gave their lives defending the country only get one
day of remembrance but the purple-haired freak with a dildo stuck on the
top of his head gets an entire month?

Next up, have you ever noticed how all these corporations change their
logos to rainbows for Pride Month here in America but overseas, in
places like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, their logos remain unchanged.

It's almost like they're not really taking a stand for LGBTQIA-LMNOP
rights at all, just pandering for the social justice credit where they
think they can get away with it and avoiding it like the plague where
they know it will hurt them.

"But," you might say, "the reason they don't change the logos in places
like Saudi Arabia is because they don't want to be beheaded for
violating Islamic religious laws hostile to gay people."

Which means these corporations only advocate for human rights when it's
safe and comfy and without risk. How stunning. How brave. How stunningly

But these stunningly brave corporations weren't on board with
celebrating gays here in America, either, when there was no danger of
physical violence. Just social disapproval. You didn't see any corporate
sponsorships and rainbow logo changes back when Pride first started,
when gays actually *needed* their support.

You see, homosexuality was controversial back then and corporations just
want money, not controversy.

Now that the battle has been safely won, they're all over Pride,
virtue-signaling by pretending to help smash down doors that have
already been opened long ago without their help.

So Coca-Cola sponsors Pride events in Los Angeles, but do you think
they'll do the same thing in Uganda, where the support of a
billion-dollar multi-national corporation with significant influence
over government officials can make a helluva difference for gay rights?

Don't hold your breath.

Meanwhile, PostMates has re-published their "Bottom-Friendly" menu for
Gay Pride Month.

I honestly never thought I'd see "How to avoid shitting on a dick while
getting fucked in the ass" as a marketing campaign for food delivery,
but here we are.

Sweet meteor of death, what's taking you so long?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
7 Jun 24 * Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month5BTR1701
8 Jun 24 +- Re: Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month1FPP
8 Jun 24 `* Re: Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month3FPP
8 Jun 24  `* Re: Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month2trotsky
10 Jun 24   `- Re: Welcome to Another Corporate Pandering, er, Pride Month1FPP

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