Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters

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Sujet : Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters
De : atropos (at) *nospam* mac.com (BTR1701)
Groupes : rec.arts.tv
Date : 10. Jun 2024, 03:33:16
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Message-ID : <mm-dnR0JMddByvv7nZ2dnZfqnPqdnZ2d@giganews.com>
User-Agent : Usenapp/0.92.2/l for MacOS
Three teens are facing felony charges after they made marks on a gay flag
street mural with their Lime scooters. They were charged with "malicious
mischief" - a Class B felony in Washington.


It’s "free speech" when leftists burn the American flag but a criminal offense
if someone makes tire marks on a Pride flag that's part of the public street.
Welcome to the new blasphemy laws in America.

(Note: On the same day in Spokane, two people got stabbed at the Spokane
airport by one of Biden's Border Boys and yet this is the only "hate" the
local media is running with.)

In case you need a quick reference guide to what counts as free speech in
America now and what is deemed a hate crime, here are some handy pocket memes
to consult:




Lime has also implemented a "no go zone" around the pride mural so if you're
just a regular customer and happen to be traveling down that street,
apparently your scooter will now come to a screeching halt and prohibit you
from driving over the pavement on a city street that belongs to the public.

Some anti-troon group should apply to the city for a permit to paint a mural
expressing their views on the pavement of a nearby intersection. The city
can’t engage in viewpoint discrimination with regard to its permitting
policies. That would be a bright-line violation of the 1st Amendment. So if
it’s going to let the troon groomers have an intersection, they have let
people with opposing viewpoints express themselves, too. I bet if that
happened and the city was faced with being forced to allow anti-troon
messaging, it would paint over the gay flag and prohibit everyone from
engaging in this nonsense, which is how it should have been from the

And just a bit of advice for the troons who seem to love using city streets to
express themselves: you wouldn't paint a mural in a toilet bowl and get mad
when someone craps on it; toilets exist for crapping, roads exist for driving.
Stop having hysterical meltdowns every time your road mural gets a mark on

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jun 24 * Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters9BTR1701
10 Jun 24 +- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1FPP
10 Jun 24 +* Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters5FPP
10 Jun 24 i+* Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters3BTR1701
11 Jun 24 ii+- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1trotsky
18 Jun14:42 ii`- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1FPP
11 Jun 24 i`- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1trotsky
12 Jun 24 +- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1Ubiquitous
12 Jun 24 `- Re: Washington State: Felony Charges for Driving Over Troon Flag With Scooters1Ubiquitous

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