Re: Let's go Brandon!

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Sujet : Re: Let's go Brandon!
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 11. Jun 2024, 19:27:27
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Thursday, Joe Biden went to Normandy on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day
invasion, the largest amphibious invasion in the history of warfare, and
attempted to channel Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan was there for the 40th anniversary of D-Day and gave an
incredibly famous and wonderful speech about the boys of Pointe du Hoc and
the rest of that fateful day.

Joe Biden showed up and proceeded to possibly poop, which is under dispute.
The White House suggested that the president did not, in fact, poop.

But the fact that it�s an open question is not ideal for the president of the
United States, who has now been the subject of a giant Wall Street Journal
piece pointing out the obvious to all of us, which is that the president is
no longer functional.

The New York Times reported:

The aging American president facing a re-election campaign came to
the Normandy coast of France to pay tribute to the daring Army
Rangers who scaled the cliffs of Pointe du Hoc, offer a paean to
democracy for which they sacrificed and perhaps even wrap himself a
little bit in their reflected glory.

That was 1984, and the president was Ronald Reagan, who delivered an
ode to heroism and patriotism that would become one of the most
iconic moments of his presidency. Forty years later, another aging
president facing re-election plans to return to the same spot Friday
to honor the same heroes and effectively align himself with Mr.
Reagan�s legacy of leadership against tyranny.

Good luck to Joe Biden if he hoped to mirror the performance of Ronald Reagan
in 1984 in Normandy. In 1984, Reagan was 73-years-old, younger than both of
the major party candidates this year. Biden is currently 81 and no longer in
control of his faculties.

The viral clips that were going around social media yesterday were not the
clips of Biden appearing stalwart in defense of democracy. They were clips of
the president doddering around, guided by his handlers, led by the hand by
Dr. Jill (who�s going to need a medical degree before all of this is over,
given the way that Biden is medically slipping).

Biden arrived at Omaha Beach and staggered around in his moon shoes. They
have him in these moon shoes because they are afraid he is going to trip or
keel over.

He got out of the car, didn�t know where to go, and stood there looking
bewildered, his mouth slack-jawed. Then, he went on stage with the other
world leaders, all of whom are probably half his age. He had this
particularly odd moment in which he was not sure whether to sit down on a
chair or not to sit down on a chair � though nobody else seemed confused.
Everyone else was standing. You might feel for Dr. Jill, except for the fact
that she�s the one who�s keeping him in power and has ambitions of her own.

Biden had to be led away, tottered away, by Dr. Jill before everyone else.

All the rest of the world leaders greeted all of the members of the Greatest

But Biden was gone. During the ceremony, he appeared to be lost; at times, he
appeared to have his eyes closed, which has become a common occurrence for
him. The Wall Street Journal reported that during meetings, it�s not clear
whether he�s fallen asleep or not.

Why does any of this matter? It matters because this is a president who
clearly is not in command. So the question becomes, who is in command?

The answer is: whoever�s in command that day. There is no one consistent
answer. It is not as though there�s a shadow president like Barack Obama
sitting in the background manipulating all the strings. At least then you
would get a bad but coherent policy from Biden.

But we are getting an extraordinary level of volatility and eccentricity in
Biden�s policymaking, which makes it feel as though he�s ping-ponging off the
walls, because he is. That is not unusual in a case when you have somebody
who�s approaching senility; on some days, they are better than on others.

Even his greatest allies, people who perform acts of Stormy-Daniels-level
sycophancy upon Biden, are starting to make jokes about the fact he does not
appear to be in control of himself.

Jimmy Kimmel, lackey par excellence to the Biden administration, mocked Biden
descending stairs. That�s always a great look, when even the people who love
you the most are making fun of the fact you might fall down the stairs at any

Democrats are fighting off the perception that this president is not only
incompetent at his job, but that he�s just not with it by ratcheting up the
rhetoric against Donald Trump. That�s because if they can make the election a
referendum on Trump, then Trump has some trouble. If the election is a
referendum on Joe Biden, the current president of the United States, then
Biden has some trouble, which is why the chief goal of the Trump campaign
should be to stay out of the line of fire.

Quiet Trump is the best Trump. If Trump were to actually pursue Biden�s
strategy from 2020 by going into a basement and staying there until November,
Trump would be president of the United States again.

It is the job of Democrats to pull the panic alarm and push the panic button
with regard to Trump, so they are really ratcheting it up.

On Thursday, Hillary Clinton issued what is one of the most egregious tweets
I�ve ever seen in my life. She wrote, �Eighty years ago today, thousands of
brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This
November, all we have to do is vote.�

According to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump is Hitler. And when you vote
against Donald Trump, that is the same as you storming the beaches of
Normandy. It�s the same as when your great-grandfather stormed the beaches of
Normandy while his friends got killed by mortars.

There are a couple of reasons this is insulting: The idea that voting is in
any way equivalent to military service is absurd. The idea that Trump is
orange Hitler is absurd; we know he isn�t. He was president of the United
States already.

Mitch Landrieu, who�s a senior advisor in infrastructure coordination for the
Biden administration, echoed, �I feel very, very confident that this is going
to be a very hard fought race � but when the chips are down, the American
people are going to show up just like those kids did, 80 years ago.�

�Just like the kids did 80 years ago?� As though storming off of an
amphibious landing craft onto a beach marked by machine gunfire is the same
as voting for the old man who may have actually pooped on himself at

You have the Biden administration saying Trump is the incipient tyrant and
voting against him is like storming the beaches of Normandy.

That�s despicable.

 "My Corvette go BRRRRR"
        -- Joe Biden

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11 Jun 24 o Re: Let's go Brandon!1Ubiquitous

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