Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating

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Sujet : Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating
De : plutedpup (at) *nospam* (Pluted Pup)
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Date : 12. Jun 2024, 01:43:31
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On Sun, 09 Jun 2024 21:13:21 -0700, Ian J. Ball wrote:

On 6/9/24 8:22 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
On Jun 9, 2024 at 8:16:52 PM PDT, "shawn"<>
On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 02:51:27 +0000, BTR1701<>  wrote:
Today is the start of a new era in Europe:
France: National Rally wins a historic 31.5% of the EU vote, forcing Macron
dissolve the national parliament.
Germany: AfD surges to become the 2nd largest party, liberal parties tank.
Belgium: Prime Minister resigns after his crushing defeat against the right.
Italy: Meloni's Brother of Italy wins in a historic landslide
Austria: FPÖ doubles their seats and becomes the largest party in the nation.
Spain: Right beating the left by 10%.
Luxembourg: First ever seat for ADR.
It won't be that long before they get another world war going.
Yes, because unless leftist win all the elections, world wars will happen.
It does when many of the Euro far right have been infiltrated by the
Look, no one hates a Euro leftie more than me, but too many of the far
right in Europe are cozy with Putin.
What I am unclear on right now is whether the "regular" Euro right is in
control of the Euro parliament after this, or the pro-Putin far right. I
assume the former, but I haven't heard for sure.

If you want to call the criminal Putin, a totem of the
all-Jewish criminal class euphemistically called the "Oligarchs",
"far right" then go ahead and do so.

I don't call waging domestic wars against antisemitism
or invading countries to kill antisemites to be far right,
or left wing, for the matter, just narrowly, and specifically

Hopefully the pro-Putin forces of the Right can be
defeated by the anti-Putin forces of the Right, and
the pro-Putin Left lose to the anti-Putin Left.

Don't need a lot of putin' to figure that out!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jun 24 * European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating13BTR1701
10 Jun 24 +* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating8shawn
10 Jun 24 i`* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating7BTR1701
10 Jun 24 i +* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating3Adam H. Kerman
10 Jun 24 i i`* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating2BTR1701
10 Jun 24 i i `- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1FPP
10 Jun 24 i +* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating2Ian J. Ball
12 Jun 24 i i`- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1Pluted Pup
10 Jun 24 i `- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1FPP
10 Jun 24 +- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1Adam H. Kerman
11 Jun 24 `* Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating3Ubiquitous
11 Jun 24  +- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1shawn
12 Jun 24  `- Re: European Elections: Leftists Take a Beating1Pluted Pup

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