Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup

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Sujet : Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup
De : weberm (at) *nospam* (Ubiquitous)
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Date : 12. Jun 2024, 10:30:43
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4c1d5$1kicf$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : WinVN 0.99.12N (x86 32bit) wrote:
Ubiquitous <> wrote:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used the 80th anniversary of D-
Day to draw a comparison between Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and former
President Donald Trump, claiming that those who voted against Trump would
be doing as much to �protect democracy� as the boys who stormed the
Normandy beaches.
Clinton appeared to have some idea that her thoughts might not be well-
received, as evidenced by the fact that she shut down replies to the post
on X.
Oh? How many Democrats gave their lives to "protect democracy"? I'm
pretty sure it wasn't 2500 - which is roughly US deaths in Normandy on
And I'm equally certain it wasn't anything like the first 20 minutes
of "Saving Private Ryan".
What she's doing is an act of extreme hyperbole.
And that's even if Trump was Hitler which is by no means
demonstrated.(I strongly dislike Trump but he never came anywhere like
the Third Reich) I understand Hillary doesn't like him but had they
existed, I'm sure Biden would have found Trump's death camps by now.
You know - the one's that killed 10-12 million people either by poison
gas, starvation or neglect.

Oh, that's because Trump hasn't done it _yet_. [eyeroll]

Did they ever find the gay internment camps George W Bush created?

Let's go Brandon!

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup5Ubiquitous
12 Jun 24 +- Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup1NoBody
12 Jun 24 +- Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup1Ubiquitous
18 Jun15:38 `* Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup2FPP
18 Jun20:58  `- Re: Hillary Clinton Says She Will Not Shutup1Ubiquitous

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