Advanced STAR WARS Theory

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Sujet : Advanced STAR WARS Theory
De : atropos (at) *nospam* (BTR1701)
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Date : 13. Jun 2024, 06:23:29
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At the battle of Yavin, when Porkins got hit, all the other pilots kept
yelling at him to eject before he crashed into the surface of the Death Star,
but even if he had...

(1) He wasn't wearing a full helmet or any kind of clothing that would have
allowed him to survive in hard vacuum, and

(2) Where did they expect him to eject *to*? Not only wasn't he wearing a
space suit, he wasn't wearing anything that would allow him to maneuver, so he
would have just shot out of the cockpit and kept going forever. And that's the
best case scenario. If the rebels were successful, he'd be vaporized when the
Death Star blew anyway because in the five minutes he had before Luke took the
shot, he wouldn't have been able to float far enough away to achieve minimum
safe distance.

I think Porkins made the best choice available to him.

Also, I don't know why this bit of humor has escaped me all these years:

FLIGHT CONTROL: Enemy fighters coming your way.

LUKE: I don't see any fighters on my scope.

RED LEADER: Pick up your visual scanning.

Translation from military jargon speak: "Look out the damn window."

Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Jun 24 * Advanced STAR WARS Theory3BTR1701
13 Jun 24 +- Re: Advanced STAR WARS Theory1BTR1701
14 Jun 24 `- Re: Advanced STAR WARS Theory1trotsky

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