The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?

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Sujet : The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 13. Jun 2024, 23:03:01
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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User-Agent : Claws Mail 4.2.0 (GTK 3.24.41; x86_64-w64-mingw32)
Rick Beato thinks we've reached the point he's been warning about: AI
is now able to generate music that many people can't recognize as AI. [9]

Strangely enough, his kids, who are WAY more knowledgeable about music
than most kids, can easily spot the AI songs where Beato himself has

I truly hope AI can't do engraving, otherwise BTR1701 may not be able
to do it for money any longer!


Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Jun 24 * The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?6Rhino
14 Jun 24 +* Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?4BTR1701
14 Jun 24 i+- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1Rhino
14 Jun 24 i+- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1moviePig
14 Jun 24 i`- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1trotsky
14 Jun 24 `- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1shawn

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