Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?

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Sujet : Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?
De : no_offline_contact (at) *nospam* (Rhino)
Groupes :
Date : 14. Jun 2024, 04:26:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Fri, 14 Jun 2024 01:53:44 +0000
BTR1701 <> wrote:

On Jun 13, 2024 at 2:03:01 PM PDT, "Rhino"
<> wrote:
Rick Beato thinks we've reached the point he's been warning about:
AI is now able to generate music that many people can't recognize
as AI. [9]
Strangely enough, his kids, who are WAY more knowledgeable about
music than most kids, can easily spot the AI songs where Beato
himself has trouble.
I truly hope AI can't do engraving, otherwise BTR1701 may not be
able to do it for money any longer! 
I've seen demonstrations of what purport to be the cutting edge of AI
scanning and recognition software when applied to music and while it
does a good job with clearly legible handwritten notation of one-line
melodies and simple chords, the moment it's given a page of something
like Jerry Goldsmith's score for ALIEN, with both it's terrible
penmanship and grainy/faded image quality that's been copied and
recopied a dozen times, the software has the equivalent of a nervous
breakdown and produces something out of a George Crumb fever dream:
Yikes! Did the AI people take a bribe from the chiropractors union to
make the score a spiral? After all, the musicians are going to get
seriously warped necks trying to follow that....
So I think I'm safe from musical Skynet for now.

Yes: "for now". Just as Beato predicted that AI music would get harder
to distinguish from the real thing to the point where many people were
fooled, I bet the engraving skills of the AIs will eventually be very
hard to distinguish from the best human efforts.

It seems like all computer stuff is like that. I can remember early
word processors that had only a single font and couldn't handle
practically anything harder than simple paragraphs and headings. Now,
there is almost no document type that they can't create. Machine
translation is much better than it was initially, Etc. etc. etc.


Date Sujet#  Auteur
13 Jun 24 * The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?6Rhino
14 Jun 24 +* Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?4BTR1701
14 Jun 24 i+- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1Rhino
14 Jun 24 i+- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1moviePig
14 Jun 24 i`- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1trotsky
14 Jun 24 `- Re: The end of human-generated music in movies, TV and more?1shawn

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