Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban

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Sujet : Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 15. Jun 2024, 00:07:53
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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BTR1701 <> wrote:
Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

A Trump administration ban on bump stocks-- devices that enable a shooter
to rapidly fire multiple rounds from semi-automatic weapons after an
initial trigger pull-- was struck down Friday by a federal appeals court in
New Orleans.

The ban was instituted after a gunman perched in a high-rise hotel using
bump stock-equipped weapons massacred dozens of people in Las Vegas in
2017. Gun rights advocates have challenged it in multiple courts. The 13-3
ruling at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is the latest on the issue,
which is likely to be decided at the Supreme Court.

This case was appealed to the Supreme Court by the government, and accepted
because of the circuit split. Garland v. Cargill

Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion, siding against the
government and in favor of Michael Cargill, the gun store owner who had
turned in two bump stocks to ATF to have standing to sue to have the
regulation overturned.

This is great news. The ban was struck down not on some technicality,
but on the basis that the law says what it says and the BATF can't just
decide it wants to 'interpret it' to mean something entirely different
to conform to the politics of the moment and make instant felons out of
hundreds of thousands of citizens who legally bought expensive equipment
that the government refuses to reimburse them for while at the same time
requiring them to surrender it to law enforcement. (Seems like there
would have been a great 5th Amendment claim here as well as the 2nd
Amendment claim.)

Is this because Cargill "voluntarily" turned in his bump stocks to ATF
and therefore it wasn't a taking? I don't blame the guy for doing it
"voluntarily" as he would have been subject to arrest and criminal
charges, which is grief and massive expense he didn't need.

The Court ruled that the BATF has no authority to make
or amend law. Only to enforce the laws as passed by Congress.

I thought I read that in the Constitution somewhere.

Why did no one brief on violation of the APA? Would that have meant the
appeal would have been to the federal circuit for government and not 5th
circuit, so it was a matter of appellate strategy?

This is the slap down we've been looking for, not just for BATF, but a
whole host administrative agencies who have been acting like
mini-legislatures for way too long now.

I don't think Thomas touched Chevron deference here.

Sotomayor is getting all the love from the corporate legacy media today
for her unhinged dissent: "When I see a bird that walks like a duck,
swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck," she

Well, Sonia, coots, grebes, and loons are all birds that look like ducks
and are commonly mistaken for ducks but they're indisputably not ducks.

Ok. You made me look it up. Did she literally put it in dissent, and now
future law students have to learn the "duck test"?

This is the "duck" in question.

A French inventor Jacques de Vaucanson created a mechanical duck that
could eat and then (gah) eliminate.

The phrase has been getting the reasoning wrong all these centuries!

Words matter and it's rather appalling that a Supreme Court justice of
all people would insist otherwise.

Congress has defined "machine gun" under U.S. law and only Congress gets
to change it.

The case hinged upon statutory interpretation and not the Second
Amendment. In fact, in Alito's concurrence, he wrote that Congress could
amend the 1934 law banning the use of a rapid-fire device with a
semiautomatic rifle and there would not be any material difference.

The difference is that Congress didn't amend the statute. ATF did and
ATF has no legal authority to do so.

Meanwhile, as his son was being convicted of violating federal gun laws,
Biden was ranting incoherently before a pro-confiscation group "Who in
god's name needs a magazine that can hold 200 shells?"

I think that would be heavy, awkward, impractically large. You'd need
some sort of mounted weapon.

Pretty sure no one's asking for that, Joe. But regardless, it's called
the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. We citizens aren't required
to demonstrate a need to the government before we exercise our
guaranteed rights.

I still don't see how the shooter can aim a semiautomatic weapon so
equipped, since subsequent trigger pulls are during recoil.

I fired a bump-equipped rifle once. It's not any harder to aim than a
firing a fully-automatic rifle. They both tend to ride up while firing
and the shooter needs to compensate for that. You do that by firing 2-4
round bursts and reacquiring the target, not the mag-emptying spray of
bullets that fill Hollywood movies and TV shows.

Didn't the Las Vegas shooter just spray bullets, or was he aiming at
specific victims?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Jun 24 * Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban134Adam H. Kerman
14 Jun 24 `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban133BTR1701
15 Jun 24  +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3Adam H. Kerman
15 Jun 24  i+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1danny burstein
21 Jun03:27  i`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
15 Jun 24  +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban118moviePig
15 Jun 24  i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban117BTR1701
15 Jun 24  i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban116trotsky
15 Jun 24  i  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban115moviePig
15 Jun 24  i   `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban114trotsky
16 Jun 24  i    `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban113BTR1701
16 Jun05:17  i     +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban30moviePig
16 Jun06:59  i     i+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4BTR1701
16 Jun11:12  i     ii+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
16 Jun19:26  i     ii+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
18 Jun15:22  i     ii`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
16 Jun11:10  i     i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban25trotsky
18 Jun15:24  i     i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban24FPP
18 Jun23:00  i     i  +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban22BTR1701
18 Jun23:10  i     i  i+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban7Adam H. Kerman
18 Jun23:12  i     i  ii`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban6BTR1701
18 Jun23:26  i     i  ii +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1Adam H. Kerman
19 Jun11:21  i     i  ii +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:04  i     i  ii +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
21 Jun03:05  i     i  ii `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2FPP
21 Jun09:57  i     i  ii  `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
19 Jun00:23  i     i  i+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban12moviePig
19 Jun03:43  i     i  ii`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban11BTR1701
19 Jun04:23  i     i  ii +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4moviePig
19 Jun04:33  i     i  ii i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3BTR1701
19 Jun04:48  i     i  ii i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1Adam H. Kerman
21 Jun03:07  i     i  ii i `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
21 Jun03:06  i     i  ii `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban6FPP
21 Jun03:32  i     i  ii  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban5BTR1701
21 Jun04:03  i     i  ii   `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4FPP
21 Jun07:08  i     i  ii    `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3BTR1701
22 Jun11:50  i     i  ii     +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
22 Jun17:11  i     i  ii     `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
19 Jun11:14  i     i  i+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:02  i     i  i`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
19 Jun09:44  i     i  `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
16 Jun11:06  i     +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2trotsky
16 Jun22:10  i     i`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
18 Jun15:21  i     `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban80FPP
18 Jun23:03  i      `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban79BTR1701
19 Jun00:29  i       +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban73moviePig
19 Jun03:47  i       i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban72BTR1701
19 Jun04:28  i       i +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban64moviePig
19 Jun04:38  i       i i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban63BTR1701
19 Jun20:38  i       i i +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban59moviePig
19 Jun21:13  i       i i i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban58BTR1701
19 Jun23:04  i       i i i +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban52moviePig
20 Jun01:28  i       i i i i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban51BTR1701
20 Jun03:10  i       i i i i +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban35shawn
20 Jun05:25  i       i i i i i+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban23BTR1701
20 Jun10:06  i       i i i i ii+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
20 Jun17:42  i       i i i i ii+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban18moviePig
20 Jun18:29  i       i i i i iii+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban16BTR1701
20 Jun21:32  i       i i i i iiii+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban13moviePig
20 Jun23:13  i       i i i i iiiii`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban12BTR1701
21 Jun03:24  i       i i i i iiiii +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban10FPP
21 Jun04:18  i       i i i i iiiii i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban9BTR1701
22 Jun12:01  i       i i i i iiiii i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
22 Jun17:07  i       i i i i iiiii i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
22 Jun17:09  i       i i i i iiiii i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban6FPP
22 Jun17:30  i       i i i i iiiii i  +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4BTR1701
22 Jun17:42  i       i i i i iiiii i  i+* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2FPP
22 Jun17:52  i       i i i i iiiii i  ii`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1BTR1701
22 Jun19:59  i       i i i i iiiii i  i`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1Adam H. Kerman
22 Jun21:53  i       i i i i iiiii i  `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
21 Jun09:49  i       i i i i iiiii `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:22  i       i i i i iiii+- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
21 Jun09:42  i       i i i i iiii`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun09:41  i       i i i i iii`- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:22  i       i i i i ii`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3FPP
21 Jun03:43  i       i i i i ii `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2BTR1701
21 Jun04:04  i       i i i i ii  `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1FPP
21 Jun03:21  i       i i i i i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban11FPP
21 Jun03:47  i       i i i i i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban10BTR1701
21 Jun04:06  i       i i i i i  +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban8FPP
21 Jun07:02  i       i i i i i  i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban7BTR1701
21 Jun11:14  i       i i i i i  i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun23:59  i       i i i i i  i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
22 Jun17:20  i       i i i i i  i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4FPP
22 Jun17:46  i       i i i i i  i  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3BTR1701
22 Jun19:48  i       i i i i i  i   `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2Adam H. Kerman
22 Jun22:00  i       i i i i i  i    `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
21 Jun11:20  i       i i i i i  `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
20 Jun10:04  i       i i i i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:19  i       i i i i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban14FPP
21 Jun03:49  i       i i i i  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban13BTR1701
21 Jun04:08  i       i i i i   +* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban6FPP
21 Jun06:59  i       i i i i   i`* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban5BTR1701
22 Jun00:16  i       i i i i   i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
22 Jun17:22  i       i i i i   i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3FPP
22 Jun17:46  i       i i i i   i  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban2BTR1701
22 Jun22:54  i       i i i i   i   `- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
21 Jun05:41  i       i i i i   `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban6moviePig
21 Jun07:17  i       i i i i    `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban5BTR1701
21 Jun17:48  i       i i i i     +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1moviePig
22 Jun17:23  i       i i i i     `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3FPP
20 Jun10:00  i       i i i +- Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban1trotsky
21 Jun03:16  i       i i i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban4FPP
21 Jun03:14  i       i i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban3FPP
21 Jun03:13  i       i `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban7FPP
21 Jun03:10  i       `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban5FPP
18 Jun15:18  `* Re: 5th Circuit Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban11FPP

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