Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO

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Sujet : Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 15. Jun 2024, 04:29:42
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4iuam$350bs$>
References : 1
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

And the hits just keep on coming for Grandpa Badfinger. Ol' Joe's not
having a good week.

First his gun control agenda takes a hit with the overturn of the
bump-stock ban and now his attempt to make it illegal to keep troons from
replacing women in college sports is blocked by a federal judge who called
it what it is: an abuse of power.


U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty granted a preliminary injunction on
Thursday, and referred to the Biden administration's unilateral Title IX
changes as a "threat to democracy".

It's too bad he doesn't keep emotion out of the opinion.

"This case demonstrates the abuse of power by executive federal agencies in
the rulemaking process," Doughty said in his ruling. "The separation of
powers and system of checks and balances exist in this country for a

Doughty ruled that the changes were inadmissible because the term "gender
discrimination" as used in the establishment of Title IX "only included
discrimination against biological males and females at the time of

Gorsuch's Title VII ruling in Bostock says otherwise. This could be
overturned on the same reasoning.

Instead, the judge might have ruled that the administration cannot
redefine the meaning of "men" and "women".

Under the administration's new rules, sex discrimination would include
discrimination based on gender identity as well as sexual orientation.

A school would not be able to separate or treat people differently based on
sex, except in limited circumstances, under the provisions.

Critics say that the change will allow locker rooms and bathrooms to be
based on gender identity.

We already got this crap under Obama based on a situation in my state.
Where have these critics been?

Lawsuits against the Biden administration's changes-- similar to the
Louisiana case-- are underway in states across the country.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 Jun 24 * Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO16BTR1701
15 Jun 24 +* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO6danny burstein
15 Jun 24 i+* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO4BTR1701
15 Jun 24 ii+* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO2trotsky
18 Jun15:30 iii`- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1FPP
18 Jun15:30 ii`- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1FPP
18 Jun15:28 i`- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1FPP
15 Jun 24 +- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1Adam H. Kerman
15 Jun 24 +* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO3trotsky
15 Jun 24 i+- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1NoBody
18 Jun15:33 i`- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1FPP
18 Jun15:27 `* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO5FPP
21 Jun03:52  `* Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO4FPP
21 Jun11:23   +- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1trotsky
21 Jun15:36   +- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1Adam H. Kerman
22 Jun17:40   `- Re: Federal Court Blocks Biden's Title IX Troon EO1FPP

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