Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom

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Sujet : Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom
De : nanoflower (at) *nospam* (shawn)
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Date : 18. Jun 2024, 02:21:52
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 17 Jun 2024 16:40:33 -0700, BTR1701 <> wrote:

In article <v4qevl$vdbg$>,
"Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
Mayor Brandon Johnson is appointing a blue-ribbon panel on reparations!
They're getting $500,000 to study all policies that have harmed Black
people from slavery till the present day!
How will California respond?
We already got there before you. San Francisco did this years ago (with
the conclusion that every black person in the city is owed $11 million--
an aggregate sum that is 10 times the city's entire annual budget and
would result in immediate municipal bankruptcy if implemented), and the
state is currently funding a study of its own to determine what
fantastical amount needs to be doled out to every slave descendant in a
state that never had legalized slavery to begin with.
I'd say you have a long way to go to catch up to our lunacy.

Which member of the people conducting the study has give up their home
to help start the funding of the reparations? Did any member of the
city government do likewise to show people how this needs to get done?

No? So how do they expect anyone else to support such a policy. I mean
it's not like it's some crazy policy that can't work but does sound
nice when it comes time to campaign for votes.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
18 Jun 24 * Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom6Adam H. Kerman
18 Jun 24 `* Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom5BTR1701
18 Jun 24  `* Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom4shawn
18 Jun 24   `* Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom3BTR1701
18 Jun 24    +- Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom1trotsky
18 Jun 24    `- Re: Chicago makes aggressive play in race for the bottom1Adam H. Kerman

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