Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets

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Sujet : Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets
De : ahk (at) *nospam* (Adam H. Kerman)
Groupes :
Date : 21. Jun 2024, 01:48:01
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v52f3h$2q3gj$>
References : 1
User-Agent : trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:

Ah, California... the stupidity never stops. <sigh>

This is the target we used for requals. We always questioned why it is that
we were only shooting white guys.


Since at least 2013, a tremendous number of agencies have suffered from
"Good Idea Fairy" visits. I’m specifically addressing those "good ideas"
that will reportedly fix society's ills but have little to no factual
foundation. Generally, these stem from politicians "doing something" to fix
a problem.

Some of these include-- claiming there is no national standard for using
force while trying to throw out Graham v Connor, ignoring SCOTUS rulings
like United States v Whren to attack pro-active policing, or protesting the
release of positive body-worn camera footage.

Wait. What? I thought the whole point of footage from body-worn cameras
was to produce needed evidence and to make it publicly available.

. . .

Date Sujet#  Auteur
20 Jun20:02 * California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets16BTR1701
20 Jun21:36 +- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1moviePig
21 Jun01:48 +* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets7Adam H. Kerman
21 Jun03:21 i`* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets6BTR1701
21 Jun03:58 i +- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1FPP
21 Jun04:30 i `* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets4Adam H. Kerman
21 Jun07:18 i  `* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets3BTR1701
21 Jun11:12 i   +- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1trotsky
21 Jun15:01 i   `- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1Adam H. Kerman
21 Jun03:45 +* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets3FPP
21 Jun04:28 i`* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets2BTR1701
22 Jun17:36 i `- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1FPP
21 Jun09:47 `* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets4trotsky
21 Jun23:48  `* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets3moviePig
22 Jun11:30   `* Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets2trotsky
22 Jun21:48    `- Re: California Bans Non-White Paper Shooting Targets1moviePig

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