Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)

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Sujet : Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)
De : arthur (at) *nospam* (Arthur Lipscomb)
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Date : 22. Jun 2024, 01:32:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/21/2024 1:23 PM, shawn wrote:
On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 11:15:23 -0700, Arthur Lipscomb
<> wrote:
On 6/21/2024 9:24 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
On 6/21/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
What did you watch?
On the last workday of the (summer!) work week, I watched soaps and some
more movies!:
soaps: DOOL - This was mostly set up for the "prom" episode that will
come Friday. (Uh, it's mid- to late-June - Do HS's *anywhere* have prom
this late in the year?!!) Anyway, NuTate's date (can't remember her
name) overhears Tate and his friend (can't remember his name) talking
about prom, and realizes that Tate isn't interested in her and is just
using her to get close to Holly - later, Tate's date rats out their
scheme to NuTheresa! So they're going to get busted on Friday.
Meanwhile, Theresa has a disturbing dream about giving it all up for
Brady! Stefan forces EJ to reveal he's DA again to Nicole.
     GH - Finn's bosses refuse to let him back to work, and he takes it
about as well as expected. Spinelli gets the audio file of Carly's
incriminating confession that Jagger has been holding over Jason and
makes a copy for Sam, who beelines it to Carly.
     Y&R - I only saw a little bit of this - Victoria's younger daughter
still resents the insertion of Claire into their lives. Claire
commiserates with Kyle (I can't even figure it out - are they blood
relatives, or not?! I think they're not...).
Target: My Daughter (Tubi) - This was interesting - this 2017 thriller
felt too low-budget to be a Lifetime flick (IOW, even lower budget than
a Hybrid Films flick!), so it never made it to Lifetime.
     Also, I have a theory that Yancy Butler has been blackballed by
I thought she was blacklisted by Hollywood in general.
 Is it really a black list when your own actions with alcohol have lead
people to feel like she wouldn't be a reliable performer.
Same difference.  ;-)
Though she's
clearly gotten plenty of roles over the years. Nothing major but at
least she's been able to keep working. Though nothing in the last few
I was surprised to see her name.  I haven't seen her name pop up in anything since Witchblade.

(I think she appeared in a Lifetime film or two a decade or
more ago, but has not been in a Lifetime flick in at least a decade!),
so they probably wouldn't take a movie with her anyway...
     But it also stars Karis Cameron, c. 2017 - so between Cameron doing
"Open Heart" in 2015 and her first Lifetime flick (which was "Identity
Theft of a Cheerleader") in 2019 - back when Karis Cameron was still
young and beautiful (and before she put on the weight, post-2020 -
Cameron effectively hasn't worked since 2022).
     Anyway, in this, Cameron's character witnesses the murder of her
father (via cell phone), by a gangster (Aurelio Di Nunzio), and so she
and her mother (Butler) - who, of course, happens to be ex-special
forces or something - are put into witness protection (the original
title of this flick was "Witness Protection") in a coastal village
somewhere (this couldn't look more like British Columbia if they tried!!).
     And, of course, the gangster sends a hitman (hey! it's Sebastian
Spence!) after them.
     This was barely OK, but I enjoyed Butler's twitchy performance as
sort of crummy mom-type, and Karis Cameron has perhaps never looked
better than here.
Prowl (2010) (Tubi) - OK, I am about 95% sure I have seen this 2010
flick before, most likely on the Chiller channel back in the midish-2010s.
     This has an even more laughable crediting sitch' than the movies I
watched on Wednesday - the indisputable "star" of this 2010 horror flick
is Courtney Hope (before she f**ked up her looks and got gigs on B&B and
Y&R - Hope is naturally thin-lipped as you can see here, but in later
life she has refused to accept this fact...  :/  ) - anyway, Hope is
credited *third* in the film's primary end-credits, and *fifth*!! in the
film's cast list credits. Despite being the film's clear lead!! That's
She needs a better agent.
 I only know her from her role in the game, CONTROL. She's great in
that game. Haven't seen Y&R in years since I only saw it when visiting
my parents.
     Anyway, Hope's character ropes in a bunch of friends (among them, a
young Perdita Weeks (after she did "The Tutors" but before "As Above, So
Below"), Ruta Gedmintas and Josh Bowman (from "Revenge")) to accompany
her to Chicago. For [reasons], they are eventually to be transported
there by a truck driver played by Bruce Payne - hint: if your driver is
played by Bruce Payne, he is up to no good.
     From this point, the film doesn't waste anytime in getting to
(improbable!) horror.
     This was about on part with Wed's flick "Underground" - it's a
decent "ride", once it gets started.
     P.S. In this one, Perdita Weeks has arguably the most horrific death
scene.  :/
What did you watch?
I watched:
The Boys - "Wisdom of the Ages" - I'm not even going to try and
summarizing it.  But I guess it was OK.
 Is that episode 4? Haven't got to that just yet. The season is
definitely pushing the edges.
Yes, episode 4.  This episode continues the tradition of pushing limits.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
21 Jun10:30 * What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)5Ubiquitous
21 Jun18:24 `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)4Ian J. Ball
21 Jun20:15  `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)3Arthur Lipscomb
21 Jun22:23   `* Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)2shawn
22 Jun01:32    `- Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-20 (Thursday)1Arthur Lipscomb

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