Re: 1972 Legnano in the news

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Sujet : Re: 1972 Legnano in the news
De : funkmaster (at) *nospam* (Zen Cycle)
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Date : 14. Nov 2024, 22:06:55
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <vh5l8v$2q3pb$>
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On 11/14/2024 1:43 PM, Frank Krygowski wrote:
On 11/14/2024 10:43 AM, Roger Merriman wrote:
Catrike Ryder <> wrote:
The rail trails leisure cycle routes if tarmac seem to last almost
indefinitely, ...
 That's not what we've seen locally. In two local trails, the destructive culprit seems to have been tree roots running laterally under the trail. Yes, it took a while - more than ten years - but the roots have raised series of sharp "speed bump" ridges, probably 2" high. One trail has just a few of them, spaced so I can hop over them on the bike; but the other has such a dense network that the only way through is to stand and slow to about five mph until one's past that section.
Rail trails in the NorthEast US also undergo freeze/thaw cycles as much as +/- 20F from freezing in one day, for several days at a time across the winter months. Since these trails aren't built to handle motor vehicle traffic they can frost-heave rather significantly.
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
9 Nov 24 * 1972 Legnano in the news198AMuzi
9 Nov 24 +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news192Frank Krygowski
9 Nov 24 i+- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1AMuzi
9 Nov 24 i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news185Mark J cleary
9 Nov 24 ii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news176Wolfgang Strobl
9 Nov 24 iii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news174Mark J cleary
9 Nov 24 iiii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news34Wolfgang Strobl
10 Nov 24 iiiii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news30Catrike Ryder
10 Nov 24 iiiiii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news29Roger Merriman
10 Nov11:29 iiiiii +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news27Catrike Ryder
10 Nov11:42 iiiiii i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news13John B.
10 Nov12:27 iiiiii ii+- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Catrike Ryder
10 Nov12:27 iiiiii ii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news9Roger Merriman
10 Nov13:10 iiiiii iii+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news6John B.
10 Nov13:23 iiiiii iiii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news5Roger Merriman
10 Nov15:08 iiiiii iiii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4John B.
10 Nov16:46 iiiiii iiii  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Roger Merriman
11 Nov05:35 iiiiii iiii   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2John B.
11 Nov18:15 iiiiii iiii    `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Roger Merriman
10 Nov18:09 iiiiii iii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2AMuzi
10 Nov18:55 iiiiii iii `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Roger Merriman
14 Nov21:06 iiiiii ii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Tom Kunich
15 Nov12:52 iiiiii ii `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Roger Merriman
11 Nov04:12 iiiiii i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news13Frank Krygowski
11 Nov12:05 iiiiii i `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news12Catrike Ryder
11 Nov23:16 iiiiii i  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news11Frank Krygowski
12 Nov00:02 iiiiii i   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news10Catrike Ryder
12 Nov04:11 iiiiii i    `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news9Frank Krygowski
12 Nov10:52 iiiiii i     `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news8Catrike Ryder
12 Nov14:32 iiiiii i      +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Zen Cycle
14 Nov22:10 iiiiii i      i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Zen Cycle
15 Nov01:35 iiiiii i      i `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Jeff Liebermann
12 Nov18:45 iiiiii i      `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4Frank Krygowski
12 Nov20:11 iiiiii i       `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Catrike Ryder
12 Nov22:27 iiiiii i        `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Zen Cycle
14 Nov22:10 iiiiii i         `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Zen Cycle
13 Nov22:49 iiiiii `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Zen Cycle
13 Nov19:11 iiiii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Tom Kunich
13 Nov22:52 iiiii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Zen Cycle
16 Nov22:48 iiiii  `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Tom Kunich
10 Nov04:57 iiii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news139Frank Krygowski
10 Nov11:28 iiii +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news15Catrike Ryder
10 Nov11:52 iiii i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news14John B.
10 Nov12:43 iiii i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Catrike Ryder
10 Nov13:05 iiii i i`- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1John B.
10 Nov18:05 iiii i `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news11AMuzi
10 Nov18:45 iiii i  +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Catrike Ryder
11 Nov03:53 iiii i  i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Frank Krygowski
11 Nov11:41 iiii i  i `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Catrike Ryder
11 Nov05:23 iiii i  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news7John B.
11 Nov06:19 iiii i   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news6Frank Krygowski
11 Nov10:00 iiii i    +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2John B.
11 Nov22:30 iiii i    i`- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Frank Krygowski
11 Nov15:59 iiii i    `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3AMuzi
11 Nov16:12 iiii i     `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Rolf Mantel
11 Nov20:24 iiii i      `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Wolfgang Strobl
10 Nov15:19 iiii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news123John B.
10 Nov16:51 iiii  +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news120Roger Merriman
10 Nov18:20 iiii  i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news6Catrike Ryder
10 Nov18:55 iiii  ii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news5Roger Merriman
11 Nov04:11 iiii  ii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4Frank Krygowski
11 Nov12:03 iiii  ii  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Catrike Ryder
11 Nov15:18 iiii  ii   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2John B.
11 Nov22:48 iiii  ii    `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Frank Krygowski
11 Nov05:25 iiii  i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news113John B.
11 Nov10:47 iiii  i `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news112Roger Merriman
11 Nov22:34 iiii  i  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news111Frank Krygowski
12 Nov02:20 iiii  i   +- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Roger Merriman
12 Nov23:44 iiii  i   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news109Radey Shouman
13 Nov04:29 iiii  i    +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news104Frank Krygowski
13 Nov10:06 iiii  i    i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news5John B.
13 Nov10:42 iiii  i    ii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4Catrike Ryder
13 Nov15:50 iiii  i    ii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3AMuzi
13 Nov16:11 iiii  i    ii  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Catrike Ryder
13 Nov20:29 iiii  i    ii   `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Roger Merriman
13 Nov10:35 iiii  i    i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news84Catrike Ryder
13 Nov11:27 iiii  i    ii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news83John B.
13 Nov12:45 iiii  i    ii +- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Catrike Ryder
13 Nov17:13 iiii  i    ii `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news81Frank Krygowski
13 Nov17:35 iiii  i    ii  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news80Catrike Ryder
13 Nov18:11 iiii  i    ii   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news79Zen Cycle
13 Nov20:52 iiii  i    ii    `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news78Frank Krygowski
13 Nov21:07 iiii  i    ii     +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news76Catrike Ryder
13 Nov22:01 iiii  i    ii     i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news75Frank Krygowski
13 Nov22:23 iiii  i    ii     i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news30Catrike Ryder
13 Nov22:57 iiii  i    ii     i i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news29Zen Cycle
13 Nov23:19 iiii  i    ii     i i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news27Catrike Ryder
13 Nov23:31 iiii  i    ii     i i i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news26Zen Cycle
14 Nov00:35 iiii  i    ii     i i i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news17Catrike Ryder
14 Nov14:15 iiii  i    ii     i i i i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news16Zen Cycle
14 Nov14:38 iiii  i    ii     i i i i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news14Catrike Ryder
14 Nov15:18 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news13Zen Cycle
14 Nov15:59 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news12Catrike Ryder
14 Nov18:30 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news11Zen Cycle
14 Nov19:03 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i   +- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1AMuzi
15 Nov01:12 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i   `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news9Catrike Ryder
15 Nov14:37 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i    `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news8Zen Cycle
15 Nov14:49 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i     `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news7Catrike Ryder
15 Nov15:02 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i      +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Zen Cycle
15 Nov16:00 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i      i`- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Catrike Ryder
15 Nov17:44 iiii  i    ii     i i i i i      `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4Frank Krygowski
14 Nov22:15 iiii  i    ii     i i i i `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Zen Cycle
14 Nov06:25 iiii  i    ii     i i i +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news7Frank Krygowski
14 Nov22:13 iiii  i    ii     i i i `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Zen Cycle
14 Nov22:18 iiii  i    ii     i i `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Zen Cycle
14 Nov06:44 iiii  i    ii     i `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news44John B.
14 Nov06:54 iiii  i    ii     `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1John B.
13 Nov20:09 iiii  i    i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news11Roger Merriman
15 Nov16:14 iiii  i    i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Wolfgang Strobl
13 Nov04:35 iiii  i    `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news4Joy Beeson
11 Nov03:57 iiii  `* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Frank Krygowski
13 Nov19:06 iii`- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Tom Kunich
13 Nov19:01 ii`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news8Tom Kunich
15 Nov00:14 i+* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news3Frank Krygowski
16 Nov22:16 i`* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Tom Kunich
9 Nov 24 +- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Wolfgang Strobl
11 Nov15:35 +* Re: 1972 Legnano in the news2Zen Cycle
14 Nov22:08 +- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1AMuzi
16 Nov22:19 `- Re: 1972 Legnano in the news1Tom Kunich

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