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On 05/07/2024 16:06, The Natural Philosopher wrote:Exactly. Nuclear waste.On 05/07/2024 15:34, Bill Sloman wrote:He is right and you are wrong. They are primordeal radioactive materials left over from a supernova remnant ejecta when the Earth was formed and have been decaying away each according to their half life ever since.On 5/07/2024 10:18 pm, The Natural Philosopher wrote:>On 05/07/2024 12:36, Bill Sloman wrote:>On 5/07/2024 8:08 pm, The Natural Philosopher wrote:On 05/07/2024 10:38, Martin Brown wrote:On 04/07/2024 17:18, Jethro_uk wrote:On Thu, 04 Jul 2024 14:11:54 +0000, Smolley wrote:On Thu, 04 Jul 2024 21:55:59 +1000, Bill Sloman wrote:
>>Well volcanoes are how most of the Uranium and thorium got to where it is today.>
Whatever makes you think that?
`>There are (expensive) glassification processes that can render it more or less inert for long term storage underground.
The Australian CSIRO's Synroc process is one of them.
"Synroc was chosen in April 2005 for a multimillion-dollar "demonstration" contract to eliminate 5 t (5.5 short tons) of plutonium-contaminated waste at British Nuclear Fuel's Sellafield plant, on the northwest coast of England. "
>>Snag is the best places to put it geologically in the UK are not the same as the places where it will most likely be dumped (under Sellafield, formerly Winscale formerly Calder Hall - cunningly renamed after each mammoth cockup/MFU).They could build a pyramid and stuff it in that., It would be safe.
In your ever-so-well-informed opinion.Yes. In my ever so well informed opinion.>
The pyramids have been up and stable longer than ten half lives of any radioactive isotope crated in a reactor'
The oldest pyramid was completed around 2650 BC so it been up for about 4,600 years.
The seven long lived fission products have half-lives ranging from 211,000 years ( Technicium-99) to 15.7 million year (Iodine-199).
Completely wrong The oldest fiisson products are uranium and thorium with half lives in billions of years
The oldest *fissionable* materials are uranium (and thorium) which way back was sufficiently U235 rich that groundwater water was able to moderate fission reactions in the Oklo region. Complete with the signature Ru99 isotopic enrichment characteristic of fission products like Tc99 decay.Exactly Natuaral fission reacxtins creatng even more nuclear waste. isotope with a half life of more than a few hundred years isn't very naturally radioactive.
Thorium isn't very naturally radioactive nor for that matter is depleted uranium mostly U238 (provided it hasn't been through a nuclear reactor). It is widely used as a super dense metal in engineering applications (and as an armour penetrator by the military). Pyrophoric on impact too.
Clean DU is even used in some of the best radiation shielding (sandwiched with a layer of pre-nuclear age steel on either side).Its used in te balance weighs on many airliners
Grandmother eggs suckIodine 199 et al are so un radioactive you could bathe in them and be just fineITYM *I129* Apart from it having a nasty habit of concentrating in the thyroid gland. The really bad ones from a nuclear accident or detonation are I131 half life 8d and I132 (from Te132) half life 3d.
Pb205 is about the longest loved decay chain product at 1.7e7y (it is a trace impurity that when concentrated by a calutron requires Pb206 isotopic spikes to be marked as radioactive).Precisely,. The longer it lasts the less dangerous it is,
That's what I have been saying. Stuff with a half life of a few hundred years is the problem, and a pyramid that works for 5000 years is plenty good enough
So you've made yet another ludicrously false claim.No you habve. No one except you is in the slightest bit concerned aboutIt is the ones with a short or moderate half life that are problematic for containment. Sr90 (30y) and Co60(5y) being notable examples.
Inert materials like that. You are more at danger from lead poisoning, which lasts FOREVER
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