Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.

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Sujet : Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.
De : cd (at) *nospam* (Cursitor Doom)
Groupes :
Date : 09. Apr 2024, 00:24:33
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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On Mon, 08 Apr 2024 05:25:38 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>

On a sunny day (Sun, 07 Apr 2024 13:32:39 +0100) it happened Cursitor Doom
<> wrote in <>:
On Sun, 07 Apr 2024 11:43:49 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
On a sunny day (Sun, 07 Apr 2024 10:51:57 +0100) it happened Cursitor Doom
<> wrote in <>:
On Sun, 07 Apr 2024 05:40:20 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
On a sunny day (Sat, 06 Apr 2024 17:28:48 -0400) it happened Joe Gwinn
<> wrote in <>:
On Sat, 06 Apr 2024 21:24:14 +0100, Cursitor Doom <>
On Sat, 06 Apr 2024 11:14:56 -0400, Joe Gwinn <>
On Sat, 06 Apr 2024 04:25:32 GMT, Jan Panteltje <alien@comet.invalid>
German state gov. ditching Windows for Linux, 30K workers migrating
Schleswig-Holstein looks to succeed where Munich failed.
I'd suggest reading the entire article.
Less US spying too.
Nah.  Linux is no harder for big intelligence agencies than Windows or
MacOS.  And Linux is already dominant in the infrastructure, so those
agencies are already there.
Joe Gwinn
... Unless you roll your own distro and know how to use it
And are too small potatoes for the big agencies to bother, leaving the
field to various hackers.
Joe Gwinn
Well I have been running Linux since 1998 as my systems.
No hacks observed, and that running included an online web server.
There was some hacking group, I challenged them to hack my server,
watched them trying, they gave up.
These day Linux is getting way too complex, the idiot in rathead made tings worse
Many processes I see running I have no clue what they do without looking it up on google.
So maybe time for something different.
But then again, no problem with security in all these years.
Of course I know CIA and who not is reading everything I wrote, the brain damage if causes them is my defense weapon LOL.
But really microsoft windows was dead after win 3.1 when they integrated the GUI with the basic OS to keep DRDOS out
so now they move to Linux too.
rathead and microsore doing a takeover is a possibility.
Maybe some Linux versions that are clean will keep existing
But bloat has taken over, giggle bytes and tera hertz needed to read a website via fiber
content: daily news, israel commits genocide, nobody does anything about it.
Same on teefee.
What is it all worth?
Cannot even buy a return to Mars, in the sixties they did a return to moon.
Its all over now. Dinos!!!
In the old days you could get a collage degree if you were good at playing with a ball,
now you get it for free if your sun lotion did not work.
(ducks) well
Going back to the substance of your original post, Jan, I'm just
wondering if this is a trend which will spread world-wide as a natural
consequence of the recent phenomenon of de-dollarization as countries
seek to divest themselves of dollar assets in the wake of the
financial sanctions imposed on Russia. We should keep a wary eye open
for further examples of this going forward as it could ultimately have
serious consquences for world peace.
I was just reading this:
Americans skipping meals to cope with rising costs – poll:
Cannot believe the rental prices in the US!
For sure inflation at its worst.
So, back to the wigwam
I'm afraid RT is blocked in my jurisdiction so I can't see the article
- and I don't use a VPN. Likewise their TV news channel (which was
*very* good) has also been blocked. Seems the Globalists are keen to
ensure they retain exclusive rights to Western 'news' broadcasts and
don't want any dissenting views heard. And that includes domestic
dissenters as well, as GB News is finding out!
Yes, what then remains is a one-sided view of the current club in power
(US Military Industrial Complex sucking the taxpayer and burning clueless Ukrainian and other lives using a CIA controlled comic.
As to 'RT blocked', I found it did not work on my Linux system until I switched to the google nameserver.
So I made a text file /etc/resolv.conf.GOOGLE
That contains this:
Then after I go online I basically do:
cp /etc/resolv.conf.GOOGLE /etc/resolv.conf
Note that the system will screw it up, so you need to copy the file every time after you get the net connection
Your ISP may block rt, but this still works...
Script I uses activated from command line:
if [ "$1" == "off" ]
echo "ececuting ifconfig eth1 down"
ifconfig eth1 down
elif [ "$1" == "on" ]
echo "executing ifconfig eth1 up"
ifconfig eth1 up
echo "executing cp /etc/resolv.conf.GOOGLE /etc/resolv.conf"
cp /etc/resolv.conf.GOOGLE /etc/resolv.conf
echo "executing cat /etc/resolv.conf"
cat /etc/resolv.conf
echo "Usage: set_google_nameserver on | off"
I could get RT via satellite, now they moved to a different sat that I get not much signal from since across the road they insulated the roofs, likely some metal foil in there
Need to put the dish higher, but it is already too high for comfort, blocks my QO100 channels too.
Anyways satellite is cool,
if I want to see Cuba or NASA tv or Al Jazeera .. just a click away.
You can search for your satellite station here:
Anyways here is the original RT text:
A new survey has found that half of US homeowners and renters are struggling to afford their housing payments

A "for rent" sign is posted last July in Miami, Florida.
© Getty Images / Joe Raedle
Half of Americans are struggling to afford their rising housing costs, and the financial squeeze is so severe for many that over one in five skip meals to get by, a new poll has revealed.
The survey, commissioned by Seattle-based real estate brokerage Redfin and released on Friday, showed that 50% of US homeowners and renters have had difficulties making their housing payments.
Many respondents said they had to make sacrifices to cope with inflationary pressures.
For instance, 22% reported that they had skipped meals, 21% sold some of their belongings, and a combined 37% either worked extra hours or took on additional jobs.
“Housing has become so financially burdensome in America that some families can no longer afford other essentials, including food and medical care, and have been forced to make major sacrifices, work overtime and ask others for money so they can cover their monthly costs,â€? said Redfin’s economic research chief, Chen Zhao.

Read more Biden’s approval rating drops to all-time low
Home prices and rents have risen sharply in many US cities, and mortgage rates remain elevated after reaching a 23-year high last October.
Redfin said the typical US household income is about $30,000 a year lower than the level needed to afford a median-priced home.
Nearly 35% of poll respondents said they were taking fewer vacations, or none at all, to keep up with their housing payments.
About 18% borrowed money from friends and family or dipped into their retirement savings.
For 16%, the cash crunch was so difficult that they had to delay or forgo needed medical care.
The US inflation rate rose to the highest level in more than 40 years in June 2022, prompting the Federal Reserve to boost interest rates in an attempt to tame prices.
The pace of inflation has slowed since then, but price growth rose to 3.2% from a year earlier in February, higher than economists expected.
The increase dimmed hopes that the US central bank will soon begin pushing interest rates lower.
READ MORE: Most US adults have given up on ‘American dream’ – poll
Many young Americans have had to give up their apartments and move back in with their parents.
A Harris/Bloomberg poll last September found that 45% of 18- to 29-year-olds are living at home with their parents or other relatives, the highest level since the 1940s.
Most of those had moved back home within the past two years.

THanks, Jan. Yes, that chimes in perfectly with reports from bloggers
and other independent media. Very concerning....

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Apr 24 * German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.19Jan Panteltje
6 Apr 24 +- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1Don
6 Apr 24 `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.17Cursitor Doom
7 Apr 24  +* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.7Jan Panteltje
7 Apr 24  i`* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.6Cursitor Doom
7 Apr 24  i `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.5Jan Panteltje
7 Apr 24  i  `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.4Cursitor Doom
8 Apr 24  i   +* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.2Jan Panteltje
9 Apr 24  i   i`- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1Cursitor Doom
8 Apr 24  i   `- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1Jan Panteltje
7 Apr 24  `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.9Liz Tuddenham
7 Apr 24   +* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.6Don Y
8 Apr 24   i`* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.5Liz Tuddenham
8 Apr 24   i `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.4Don Y
8 Apr 24   i  +- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1John Larkin
9 Apr 24   i  `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.2Don Y
9 Apr 24   i   `- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1Don Y
8 Apr 24   `* Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.2Joe Gwinn
8 Apr 24    `- Re: German state gov. dicthing Windows for Linux, 30k workers migrating.1Don Y

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