Re: power supply idea

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Sujet : Re: power supply idea
De : jrwalliker (at) *nospam* (John R Walliker)
Groupes :
Date : 22. Apr 2024, 16:32:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v05vr8$qc8s$>
References : 1 2 3
User-Agent : Mozilla Thunderbird
On 22/04/2024 16:09, Bill Sloman wrote:
On 22/04/2024 10:57 pm, Don wrote:
John Larkin wrote:
If one had, say, a 48 volt power bus, you could hang a half-bridge
switcher to ground, and a lowpass filter out. If the drive has duty
cycle n, the output voltage is 48*n. So we have a programmable power
supply with no feedback, which will be stable into any load.
The load regulation will be mediocre, but we could almost sell it
So now, sense the output voltage and compute the error against the
target, run through a slowish integrator, and tweak the PWM to get
zero output voltage error. Gross transient response is basically the
response of the output filter, with some modest drool from the
We can constrain the influence range of the integrator, just enough to
give the regulation that we need. That limits output swing in case the
feedback is wrong, as one could get from a botched remote sense
Is your "spread spectrum" dodad supposed to mitigate EMI?
 It smears it out over a range of frequencies, and makes it look better on the screen - no big frequency spikes, but many more smaller ones.
 "Mitigate" depends on how the hash messes up your particular system.
Yes, but the only one that most designers care about is the EMC
receiver at the compliance test lab.

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