Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...

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Sujet : Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...
De : Silvano (at) *nospam* (Silvano)
Groupes : sci.lang  alt.usage.english  alt.english.usage
Suivi-à : alt.usage.english
Date : 27. Jul 2024, 09:07:40
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v829se$3a7u0$>
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Ruud Harmsen hat am 27.07.2024 um 09:52 geschrieben:
Conclusion: the easiest spelling, no matter how weird or irregular, is
always the one you are used to. Simplification always only makes
things harder.

For people who master the existing spelling system. Not necessarily for
people who learn the new spelling from scratch (e. g. children after a
spelling reform).

Fup to AUE because I don't read the other groups. I tried sci.lang
recently, but these days it's just a small subset of AUE. Is AEU worthwhile?

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Jul 24 * Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...4Silvano
28 Jul 24 `* Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...3Aidan Kehoe
28 Jul 24  +- Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...1Peter Moylan
29 Jul 24  `- Re: PTD was the most-respected of the AUE regulars ...1Ruud Harmsen

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