Sujet : Re: OT: Converting miles/km
De : peter (at) *nospam* (Peter Moylan)
Groupes : sci.lang alt.usage.englishDate : 23. Sep 2024, 08:25:09
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On 23/09/24 15:50, Bertel Lund Hansen wrote:
lar3ryca wrote:
I haven't neede it, but just for fun I have calculated the Danish speed
limits in miles. If you want round firgures, it's:
50 km = 30 mi
80 km = 50 mi
110 km = 70 mi (2 km too much)
130 km = 80 mi
'mi' should be 'MPH'.
No. km ~ mi
And the analogue of mph is km/h.
-- Peter Moylan http://www.pmoylan.orgNewcastle, NSW