Sujet : Re: OT: Converting miles/km
De : peter (at) *nospam* (Peter Moylan)
Groupes : sci.lang alt.usage.englishDate : 03. Mar 2025, 12:48:50
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On 02/03/25 17:02, Peter Moylan wrote:
and all the European leaders seem to have closed ranks behind
Having said that, I have to mention today's cartoon from "The Echidna", a
newsletter I regularly receive in my e-mail. It shows a bunch of
national leaders holding signs saying "We stand for Ukraine". But they
are not standing, they are crawling in front of a very large Trump.
That reminds me of a cartoon in the same publication a week or two
earlier. It showed a pollster gathering opinions from voters. (Australia
has a federal election coming up soon.) The poll question was "Who do
you prefer as Prime Minister? The one who kisses Trump's arse, or the
one who kisses his feet?"
-- Peter Moylan http://www.pmoylan.orgNewcastle, NSW