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Steve Hayes <> wrote:I've never understood why -
On Sun, 2 Mar 2025 11:18:42 -0600, lar3ryca <> wrote:Deliberately I guess.
>On 2025-03-02 00:02, Peter Moylan wrote:>On 02/03/25 11:26, Snidely wrote:>
>>A bit like the idiot who said he had a solution to end a war but>
forgot to invite one of the parties to the negotiations.
You're being generous if you think it was just forgetting. The
display he and his wingman Vance just gave was clearly intended to
have Ukraine twisting in the wind.
Trump didn't seem to understand the impression that the TV audience got.
It went down well in Moscow, of course, along with Putin's comment that
Zelenskyy had been "disciplined". Throughout the Western world, though,
the reactions were along the lines of "this will go down as America's
most shameful day in history". Zelenskyy went on to London and got a
hero's welcome, and all the European leaders seem to have closed ranks
behind Ukraine. Trump came across as a little kid having a tantrum.
We can expect nothing more from Trump. USA LLC is now a company with a
CEO that runs it based solely on profits, and with no HR department.
This is made worse by his belief that it's not enough to win in any deal
he makes, but the other party has to lose.
IMO he is currently the single worst human? on the planet, with Putin as
a close second. Both of them are the most likely to start a nuclear war.
I think you overlooked Netanyahu.
This is also your South African perspective showing.
In the USA and much of Western Europe all mention of Netanyahu
in connection with crimes against humanity, or war crimes,
is met with voluminous howling of 'anti-semitism'.
(against Francesca Albanese for example)
Netanyahu is the good guy, and all he does is justified
because he is fighting those horrible 'terrorist'.
It is all the fault of the ICC, for falsely accusing him.
They cannot see Israel like South Africa sees it,
as an example of an apartheids regime,
and as just another nasty (de)colonisation war.
'The West' (-USA by now) also fails to see
that it is their double standard
wrt Gaza/Ukraine that makes 'the rest ot the world'
unwilling to widely condemn Russia for its agression.
(yes, too broad a brush)
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