Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)

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Sujet : Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics
Date : 04. Jun 2024, 08:15:19
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Organisation : Modern Human
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Ok, time to relax a bit. Let's take a look at the fucking world.
- First off and most important, Dollar is farther diving in Iran. It was close to 70 k just four months back. Then it got down to about 55 k as June (beginning of Iran's and Saudi's BRICS activity) got near, and now has come down to 45 k. One more dive like this and it becomes half the worth it had just four months ago in Iran. Iran is now officially active in BRICS.
One of the presidential candidates is saying the first thing he'll be concentrating on in July is to cause for dollar to come down to 24 k. Discussions of that have been made elsewhere also independent of anything about Presidency in Iran. For some reason they don't want to see anything above that target for dollar to get traded at in Iran. So now, for the first time in decades, a reverse trade wave has formed if you can believe your eyes. People with dollars are buying Iranian currency with them to later buy dollars at half the price of today's. I'm not into Forex (yet), otherwise I'd take advantage of this.
This is happening to euro also. The price has dived and it is only 49 k today.
The official rates that only government deals with is still kept at only 4.2 k. It is for special expense purposes (Iranian diplomats and students in foreign countries, startup businesses, etc) and is just a form of government assistance to those who need dollars bad for some reason. The day the two rates become one and the same is certainly not today. But getting down from 70 k to 24 k is impressive if it happens. And they think they can make it happen by the end of this summer. Hmm..
We'll see what else will take place as a result of BRICS activities. Saudi's role is major in this, and their traditional secrecy in matters involving friends and foes doesn't expose much about them. Their secrecy has reasons other than the famous trait in the stupid defective Brits' nature. It has to do with being polite, not like Brits who're just doing that because they're smart aleck individuals with warped brain wires, always harboring an inner fear of Modern Humans in them. They're the worst of the cro-magnons that exist. Even the gene input from relatively better Romans and later the French into their backward pool didn't change them that much. Disgusting things, they are. They just don't know it. Nobody has been nice enough to mention that to them.
- This "Peace Conference of Ukraine" that's about to hold in Switzerland is more and more turning into a "conference with your own dicks" :)
Hahhhahahh :-)))
Neither Russia is there (they weren't invited! - can you believe these Bitch countries stupidity?...), nor China (saying no point if Russia is not there). Guys, even Saudis have refused to attend, pointing to the absence of Russia. Pakestan has refused aslo, and when asked by Europeans "why," has answered, "Because we want to maintain neutrality, and your conference is another purely one-sided activity among yours."
What delusional idiots could Europeans be in these day and times. Hehe :) 100% Bitch nature exposed to the world to see. They've lost the ability to see and to think.
Be objective for a moment. You're either a Nazi, or a Bitch of Nazis. That's you "Europeans".
I think Brazil also refused to attend. I don't know what India's decision has been. It has not been a straight "No" though. Indian telegram news says it won't even be their foreign minister. Probably will send a low level functionary of their foreign ministry, if they actually send someone. South Africa refused also. Major countries who have all sorts of trades with Europeans aren't going to be there.
Australian weather and flora and fauna must've helped Australian cro-magnons to some extent compared with the ones in Europe. They thought about this "conference" to see what the hell it is that they could discuss in there at all, and decided to send their _disability_insurance_ minister (Bill Shorten) to the conference in Switzerland... Hahhahhahahhh :-)) Swear to God! Look it up!
God mighty God :-)))))) I'm telling you, even Australians are making fun of you and your "Ukraine Conference."
And Biden will not be there. He said so. Therefore, back to the subject, to you who are attending that "conference", are you going to be there together with your dicks then?... :)
"Confer" then. Hahhahhahhahh :-) ... God..
Who knows. Bitches' own dicks could teach Bitches _SOMETHING_ I guess.
- A lower number than yesterday registered today to run for presidency. I think less than 30. The hot woman at the desk yesterday was not there today, so that may explain perhaps part of the reason. Hehe :) I'm not kidding. A few short minutes of looking at that face working and making super intelligent glances at you would get a lot of men there in Tehran.
A man and another woman took care of registering the candidates. Today's woman was cute too but nothing like the one yesterday, who was among the best that Iranian women can offer. A full league above the best of cro-magnon women looks.
A heavyweight, Ghalibaf, also registered today to run. Politically, he has always been just in the middle. Not one centimeter to one side and not one centimeter to the other side. Very confident and hardworking man with lots of experience in the energy sector and years of service as head of parliament. But that does not mean much. People don't like him very much. He's been at times abusing his power before, and is more of a businessman than a politician like Raisi. But in the absence of better choices, he may get people's votes if he ends up being the lesser of two evils. I think that's why he's running too.
Some call him, "Putin of Iran." Makes some sense.
In a few hours the deadline for registration to run arrives. So what happens for the rest of today will be it. There will be no more candidates. I can see about five of them to be heavyweights. But a couple may get eliminated by GC. I think overall, the potentials among them are plenty and reassuring.
Then GC in abut 8 or 10 days will announce and publish the results of their internal votes, then the race begins.
Many of the female members of the parliament have registered too. I think they're building their future political resume's more than having any hope of getting to run. GC might this time let one woman to proceed to run.
As I mentioned, the ridiculous excuse some clerics were bringing in the past in blocking women from running, isn't even coming up or being mentioned anymore. The suckers were deliberately using the meaning that an Arabic word has among Arabs only, not among Iranians, just so they could claim the word in Constitution only points to men, so didn't allow women to run. And they insisted on that foreign usage for a good while... like Iranian people were the Sheep that silently graze inside the USA. They were trying to apply that foreign meaning to the Iran's Constitution! What bastards.
People have come a long way in putting such jokes of spoiled men back in their places.
Each candidate is getting a time slot for a live nationally broadcast speech if he or she asks for it. Many of these speeches are available to see via telegram. All of then are promptly recorded of course because they always create a treasure bag of ideas and people's desires and needs. I listened to several of them in the past few days. They offer amazing ideas, and each according to their individual understanding of what Iran needs, have come up with an answer or at least a clear plan of attack. I mentioned a few of them already, but more and more of them keep offering ingenuous ways :)
I can only imagine American and European idiots whose cronies placed them at those sensitive positions are pouring over them these days, because their own sterile barren brains cannot come up with comparable ideas.
What did you cro-magnons ever achieve without first being educated by Modern Humans?... Find me one.
The speeches aren't compulsory of course (many just register for fun mostly) but if they ask for it, they'll get the time slot in national media right away. The duration is equal for everybody, known likely winners as well as totally unknown candidates.
And the interesting ideas have not been limited to come from the most known and experienced candidates at all! This is what gets me. This is what's at the heart of the difference between individualistic Modern Humans and the group-thinking slave-type cro-magnon earlier form of human.
You don't grow into a "Nazi" for no reasons! It's your species, sweetie.
The GC spokesman today said they don't evaluate candidates by comparison, but independently by what's needed and what the individual candidate can do, and GC's final decision for the candidate is found by voting among GC members, and that if they eliminate a candidate it would not mean there's been anything wrong with him or her. It would only mean the match between the job and the candidate could not be established.
I buy that. They'll eliminate Ahmadinezhad for instance. I'm sure, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with the guy. He just doesn't match that particular position. He knows it too, and assumes much smaller roles for himself, tweeting this and that in support of Ukraine or criticizing Putin and that sort of gestures that are needed in any political system. He is like the has-beens of Israel who speak against war and Natzis and similar meaningless crap, just because Israel should show that side too, be it 100% fake and 100% ineffective as well.
The activities of the GC and the very existence of it used to be one of the hottest areas of debate between Iranians of all sorts, not just the politicians; because they used to associate GC with the hardliners and it had a good dose of truth behind it as well. These are all obsolete issues now, as such association cannot be made today. Plus the need for having GC is now understood better than any time before. Confusions are gone.
Reality began to show for everybody! I saw that clearly by end of 1980s ahead of many Iranians who were still confused about it.
And reality is different for Iran and some funky Bitch nation in Europe, as you can either be a Bitch people, or in need of having a GC in your system and a militia force guarding your Constitution. Thanks to Superpowers' rude existence and behavior.
I'm jotting down much more about this election than any of the previous ones because it is a more sensitive one, even compared to the one in 2021. Back then things were simpler and easier to figure out. Even Raisi, an essentially simple man, figured them out correctly. But now there are new venues of finding newer solutions to Iran's (and regional) troubles. There is BRICS as of just three days back. There is SCO, as of last year. Regional nations have smelled the coffee about Europeans and Americans for the first time in history. Now they know what Nazi savages they are. And so do the rest of the nations around the world. And China is willing to work with the region as a whole toward establishing ever more economic and trade relations, plus military and security relations via SCO. Opportunities to gain are much higher in number than what it was in the last election. Also possibilities for losing them if the wrong person gets to that office.
And everything above also applies to the position of VF. He is in his mid 80s, and may die sometime into the coming presidential term. Is whom you choose for President, eligible for that position also?... You know, the Constitution will place the President in that position until AE decides on the best one which who knows how long it takes. I certainly don't want to see a "Progressive" type placed in that position. He'll reduce Iran - if he survives assassination attempts - into another Bitch country in no time. So this is also a major complicating factor in this election.
And I think another danger is Iranian voters themselves. They haven't changed, and still want the same thing, only more so, but they do not show up no matter how good their options are, if their options are too narrow. At Raisi's election more than half of past voters didn't show up. Gone were those 80% participation of people in the election. So how GC is going to solve it this time? It has to create options for people in such a way that everybody would sense the need to vote, and if that happens, then the right candidate better be as good as Raisi to convince them!... Heh :) I'd say fat chance. People may make a big blunder like they made several times in the past elections. Choosing Rohani was one. Two times! People are still spitting on him for how he tried to sell Iran's security to Nazis. Same people who had voted him into office two times, are now spitting on him.
It is just very sensitive this time and I can't help myself taking at least occasional looks at what is happening. Hence all this blabber.
And somebody brought up turning part of the government into regional one and not that of just Iran's... These are huge matters to deal with. Is the caliber there for it? Who can do that? Larijani, the most experienced one running, says he can. But a lot of Iranian people don't want that and this reflects even on GC's decision before even votes begin. He may well get eliminated there.
My two cents on this particular matter: You should start light. There's no question there. Turn only one ministry into a regional one first, and practice with that for a few years. Get fully familiar with new difficulties as well as new opportunities that it introduces. If proved overall successful, and people can see and understand that (both Iranian and regional people) then go for adding one or two more. And so on. This is the most logical way, I think, to take.
Plus the experience of Egyptians is there also to study. Egypt tried that for a few Arab countries around Israel decades back. Study how that failed (if you haven't yet) before making even the first ministry regional. See if this time around you can deal with the same difficulties brought to them back then, both internally and externally from other countries, especially the superpowers. If you can handle them today, proceed to make one regional ministry.
Things might suddenly slow down under the new weight, or suddenly speed up by new help arriving. I have no idea.
And above all, can you sell this to Iranians? Hehe :) I don't really think so. They'll vote whoever that promotes it, out even if GC let him run. In fact as I mentioned it before here, opponents of such measures may have been behind getting rid of Raisi, when he let the China oil deal go to Saudis. That was a correct regional measure at this point, and see the result for yourselves. So people themselves should also have the caliber. It isn't just the President.
Iranians right now don't have that caliber, and that's it. That's my two cents. They're too hungry. Feed them first with absolutely zero relations with the Nazis. Provide nice jobs for them first with absolutely zero relations with the Nazis. Stop the brain-drain. Then jump yourselves on such wagons.
- Temperatures in southern Iran at some spots have reached 122 degrees in the shade, indicating a horribly hot summer is ahead of us this yeaar in Texas. There's always been a good degree of correlation between the weather in South Iran and Texas in summers, and the Tehran areas and Texas in Winters. I don't know why. It cannot be random.
The power companies in Iran are running around trying to prepare for it. They're now powerful authorities in Iran, able to even legally forcing some measures on the power consumers. They're not just a bunch of businesses. If you don't follow their guidance and insist on it, they come to your address with a military Jeep and two soldiers sitting in it, ready to take you to jail! Police doesn't handle that for some reason. I guess they're overwhelmed with their own endless chores.
These power companies even dictate power-usage guidance on government buildings (most waste is always made by them). This year they've forced them to use an intelligent electronic system that handle power usage. If the building doesn't install them, they'll get sued and get taken to court.
Also, to encourage people to abide by their rules, they award those who manage to consume below certain levels by giving them free automobiles. Several hundreds of them are offered this year for those who qualify and win in the related lottery.
Anyway, this level of control by power companies was first created years back when irresponsible power usage by bitcoin miners in Iran reached dramatic levels, affecting the bulk of Iranian people's access to power! So the parliament gave the job to the military force to do anything that the power companies were telling them, one being the uprooting and kicking asses of those sucker miners :)
The miners went away or totally stopped, but that level of control by power companies lived on! Government knew they were needed under other circumstances as well. No business entity، or rich man, or even government entity in Iran is exempt in this; because it is the military that comes to their doors! :)
I experienced such measures when I participated in the comprehensive Census of 1976 in Iran. It worked! Rich people who didn't want such scrutiny into their private lives often resisted it, and if nothing would work after third try, then the Census station's supervisor would get there with one of those Jeeps and three armed soldiers sitting inside it waiting for his signal. Then the supervisor invariably would be invited inside and given all the answers to that unusually comprehensive Census questionnaire. You won't believe what stuff got discovered about them.
But it always worked. Nobody ever went to jail as far as the area covered by our station was concerned (a good chunk of the area around the Niyavaran Palace, with all sorts of people and classes inside it).
Again, it works! :-)
- The controversial bill in Gorjestan passed and turned into law at last. They're going to crack down on foreign influence in their country, nationwide! Poor all that effort by the CIA men in there :) How much did Americans spend there, I wonder. And to no avail. Even in a Christian little nation, they're going to lose their grip.
One by one, and little by little, these Iranian people in their own little countries are freeing themselves from Nazis' menace. It is quite comforting to see that process taking its pace, and the results unfurling. I hope they acquired at least part of their incentives by watching how Iran proper did the job. There must've been good lessons there to learn. Even Bahrain, a part of Iran as lately as in my own teen age years, is now revisiting the facts. I think they've all learned a great deal from Iran.
Nobody listened back in 1980s when the present leader was President of Iran and was shouting in a UN speech addressing little nations around the world that, "You can free yourselves from USA! It can be done!" But 35 years later, which is now, it seems that these countries have begun believing those words.
Even Ghazaghestan, a nation traditionally gentle with Americans, has kicked out U.S. imposed measures on them and removed the Taleban from their terrorist list and have opened numerous forms of long-term trade with Afghanestan. Something that CIA thought could prevent and since early in 1990s, began spending billions of dollars each year to keep those ex-soviet central Asian nations under their own spell, and are one by one losing them now.
The days anybody gave a damn about you Nazis are over. You need to "put your megaphone aside" and recede to that Nazi land that you don't even belong.
- So, any news about that "Eisenhower" thing sailing where it has no business to be? Today Chinese guys indirectly proved it has suffered damages :-) The lying Admiral, Captain of the carrier, has uploaded an image of it to show how it is safe and sound, and the Chinese people found the exact same image from the month of March of this year and placed it right there side by side with it.... Oh boy.
So the tycoon of your fucking luminaries, your number one pride, "The Navy!", lies to you just like teenagers, no?
Did you see that picture? Here is the link if they don't remove it before you see it:
Hahhahhahhahhahh :-)))
Houthis don't bullshit, babies. If they wanted to bullshit they'd be the Kingdom of fucking Jordan, not the Houthis. When they say they hit it, they hit that thing! And hit it so bad your entire military force has had to lie about it.
Why don't you send more of those cookies there to sail. It won't cost much for Iran, certainly almost nothing for Saudis, to have Houthis fuck them up for you :) More business for your military industrial complex, less money in your Nazi pockets! "Iss aaal goo!" as MC Hammer puts it nicely.
- How about a look at Israel now :) Nothing new except as I said in the last blog entry Lebanon's militia has intensified its pressure on Israel for obvious reasons. Doesn't even need any explanation to the Sheep and Nazis both. Now they're using Borkans to destroy, and their inaccurate otherwise useless Grad multi-missile systems to create at least fire storms in woods around towns of north Israel, thus taking advantage of the relatively dry weather there while it lasts.
Nice looking clips of fire covering large areas surrounding towns are being uploaded, showing similarities to Hell, as it should.
I hope it will lead the Nazi clowns who rule over Israelis to get more engaged with Lebanon. It is obviously the militia's plan, and I've gotten tired of not knowing what else the militia there has for Israel. You'd know it when Israel gets engaged fully, and then we'll see what can happen :) You may love it, so ... wait for it.
Last time it happened none other than Khomeyni saved Israelis from getting nuked by Syria. In 1982.
Unfortunately even those clowns in Israeli government are not that stupid. So they may not fall into this trap. Still, I stay hopeful.
- One telegram news outlet said Assad's wife passed away (cancer) today. But I don't see similar reactions elsewhere in other channels. Strange.
She is a unique woman. She stayed with her husband inside Syria during worse times and most dangerous period in the history of the country before Russia began actively helping them. Today it is known that most of Syria's enemies were being backed by Americans. The wife and husband got very close to lose everything, yet both stayed in the country and resisted several types of enemies.
For the past couple of years, a push and pull began to form between families on Assad's side, and the families on his wife's side over how to manage all those incredibly large number of rebuilding projects. It got so bad that the news of it got to Iran as well (my sister told me about it - she is architect familiar with such projects). But despite that fact also, the wonderful wife has stayed side by side with her husband, paying no attention to the enormous pressure her family is exerting on her.
I hope today's news proves false.
Ok, wow, past midnight.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 May 24 * Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)18Physfitfreak
7 May 24 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)17Physfitfreak
7 May 24  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)16Physfitfreak
13 May 24   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)15Physfitfreak
14 May 24    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)14Physfitfreak
17 May 24     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)13Physfitfreak
17 May 24      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)12Physfitfreak
21 May 24       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)11Physfitfreak
27 May 24        `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)10Physfitfreak
28 May 24         `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)9Physfitfreak
29 May 24          +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2bertietaylor
29 May 24          i`- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1bertietaylor
30 May 24          `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)6Physfitfreak
1 Jun 24           `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)5Physfitfreak
2 Jun 24            `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Physfitfreak
3 Jun 24             `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Physfitfreak
4 Jun 24              `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Physfitfreak
5 Jun 24               `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Physfitfreak

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