Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic frames of reference.

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Sujet : Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic frames of reference.
De : poop (at) *nospam* (Bosephis Provenza Sciacca)
Groupes : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Suivi-à : sci.physics.relativity sci.physics sci.math
Date : 14. Mar 2024, 17:56:52
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Richard Hachel wrote:

Le 14/03/2024 à 15:02, "Paul B. Andersen" a écrit :
Your opinion of SR is irrelevant.
SR is a consistent theory, and the issue is: "Does SR predict that
accelerated objects will behave as   you claim they do?"
No, YOU are saying that my concepts are irrelevant.
As for accelerated frames of reference, I said that things are poorly
explained by physicists and that certain equations are false.
Some are correct, like To=(x/c).sqrt(1+2c²/ax) Or
x=(c²/a)[sqrt(1+a²To²/c²)-1] But many others are incorrect.

I beg you to reconsider

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
14 Mar 24 o Re: [SR] Usefulness of real velocities in accelerated relativistic frames of reference.1Bosephis Provenza Sciacca

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