Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)

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Sujet : Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date : 14. Apr 2024, 07:18:09
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On 4/13/24 22:57, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 22:46, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 22:35, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 22:01, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 20:56, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 20:17, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 19:51, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 19:37, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 19:16, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 19:04, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 19:00, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 18:47, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 18:28, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 18:19, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 17:59, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 17:35, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 17:12, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 17:01, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 16:53, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 16:33, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 16:01, Physfitfreak wrote:
On 4/13/24 14:57, Physfitfreak wrote:
I think fun may have begun :)
Unfortunately, the fly directions of the drones aren't yet clear as what the targets would be. I think attacking Israel itself is not the best course of action.
They may still be going to pound other terrorist bases as before. Also, this might just be the prelude, so more fun might be ahead :)
Clips are flooding news outlets, showing black skies all over Iraq, with sounds of Shahed's dutifully taking their courses to give Satan a little taste of Heaven for a change.
Arabs are already commenting "God sent them, not Iranians." :-)
Russia must be absolutely exhilarated by now. The whole Ukraine is theirs to play with and have, if they want.
This is mainly for testing stuff, as I said before. What needed to be done was already done :)
Look at this wonderful picture Arabs uploaded to telegram just now:
One of the groups of Shaheds flying over their city, like little jewels, each carrying a little message for Satan :-)
Ok, the Shaheds (of all sorts) are above Damascus sky now. Only 15 minutes of fly to enter Israel. A whole bunch of cruise missiles were also just fired from Iran (witnessed by Basrah people), the next slowest devices. The actual ballistic missiles have not been fired yet.
Looks like they're trying to get them all at once to Israeli targets. Also looks like it won't be just one wave. At least two other waves of Shaheds are on the way behind the first ones. So Israel is going to get it in different waves.
Palestinians in Toronto are celebrating in the streets :) Beirut people are celebrating too.
Netanyahu is in hiding (he didn't even attend the war meeting). Last heard of him was that he flew with an airplane serving such missions, away and nobody knows where. I think he's probably in Cyprus with the Brits, safe from bombs as well as Israelis themselves.
Russians are having a ball!
Assad has joined in! He's sending troops to Israeli border.
Eyewitnesses are reporting a large number of American fighter jets above only east of Syria. So looks like Americans are only worried about their own bases, not what happens to Israel (Oh, what a surprise!). Brits are the one actively supporting Israel, mainly from Cyprus, helping with detection of flying bombs of all sorts over Israel.
Even Shaheds have made it to Israel now (many clips from Israelis themselves). If Shaheds can get there, then the eventual damage to a few Israeli government sites (military or not) is certain, later, by better devices arriving.
Ballistic missiles are launched from western Iran! They call them "the first wave", so this thing is not anything close to be over.
Some damage to Israeli military and government centers is certain.
More important than all this, with the taking over of the cargo ship as part of India-Emarat-Jordan-Israel so-called "land corridor", Iran has showed she won't let that route stay in operation. Those bastards need to suck their own dicks now and get ready to ship everything around the tip of Africa, where Yemen is establishing missile attack facilities.
Perhaps Israel will pay airmail rates from now on :-) Shit is real guys. And it will happen. Options to make it worse are plenty too. You just don't go around the world and do anything you want, in the presence of Modern Humans, for too long. Your ass will begin to pay.
Israel for the first time in its history is tasting it:
There's essentially no defense against Kheybarshekan missiles. You don't want to be near where it aims at. This clip, first of them from Israel itself, can give you some idea why.
So that was the military. Now the militia has begun. They're all over Iran, and decide for themselves, and it is next to impossible for any intelligence establishment in the world to have advance notice on what they plan to do. Their cooperation with the military (in leaving the manner of response to Israeli government crimes) was only this far.
They're now back at doing it their way. Just about every major city in Iran is now launching ballistic missiles. Even from Esfahan. Even from Kerman, the farthest from Israel, missiles are being launched. To what targets? Remains to be seen.
At this very moment, militias' missiles are being launched from:
Khomeyn, Robatkarim, Urmiyeh, Eilam, Kermanshah, Mahabad, Ravansar, Shiraz (3 Sejjils already!), Ajabshir, Azarshahr, and areas in Lorestan Province.
Nobody knows where they're going. Not even the military.
Ben Gorion airport targeted:
Look at the speed of those ballistics. "Iron Dome" Biden's ass. They just cannot be defended against.
The Israelis you hear in the clip, don't laugh at them! They haven't seen anything like that in 75 years. You'd shit your pants too.
Looks like Iran had their military's older crap missiles from years back used just as baits to run down really effective Israeli defensive missiles (especially David's Sling) so they leave the real action later to the militia. One of the generals killed had spend most of his life in the militia. He still has a lot of friends.
I don't know if this is bullshit talk or real, but they're now saying Iran said if Israel even responds to these attacks, Iran will send 20,000 missiles to hit Israel...
Probably all old and obsolete ones, but in the weakened state of Iron Dome now, they can get pretty effective.
Americans cannot threat Iranians much, as Russia stated today even slightest effort from the Americans side inside Iran will have Russians enter the war against them. Americans were probably told of this even before Russians disclosed it in the media (RT) and that's probably why they were only protecting their own bases in east Syria (the ones in Iraq have been almost empty for months now).
And a nuclear war picture? I think the balance were made even before Iran lifted this finger. Iran was ready for anything. An outcome that Israeli government or the USA would choose.
Looks like a little taste of Ghaza right in their own midst. Israelis are getting familiar with it, first hand now...
I don't know what beef this guy, Jackson Hinkle, has with Israelis, but he's been twitting anti-Israeli statements for many months now. Here's his message to Israelis right now:
Probably a Mossad agent, though :)
It's not over... Iran is now saying the phase of ballistic missiles is over, and now they are reverting back on drones and cruises. They're taking advantage of weakened state of Iron Dome and now are delivering the same level of damage but much, much cheaper.
I still don't know where the militias' missiles went or hit. Will appear in the news later I guess.
Channel 12 of Israeli TV says Blinken warned Netanyahu "not to commit suicide". I guess the latter was asking if he could use nukes... By all probability, the nuke picture is already balanced, even with H-bombs in it. It _would_ be suicide, wouldn't it. Not only for that Netanyahu's ass, but for many, many others, including you Nazis right here.
You know what. Israeli government is Israelis' worst enemy. To the point that their own TV news discloses stuff like this. They're really going to kick that son of a bitch's ass hard, now after his blunders after blunders. He was used all his life by Nazis to fuck up Israel's future, and Israelis have at last come to that understanding and conclusion.
Even in Hitler's time, similar "Jews" were used to do the Nazis' dirtiest anti-Jewish works. In print, and in concentration camps, both. It is low life pieces of shit for human like Netanyahu who make it easy for Nazis to thrive. Look at that idiot "Goebbels"' face. I bet my fucking boots that he was Jewish himself. Look at his face.
I don't think Netanyahu will even live for too long after all this crap.
This picture was taken minutes back. It is provided by Israeli news sources. Guess who he's speaking with :) Lloyd Austin!
Gallant: "Can I suck your dick if you let me use nukes?"
Austin:  "Bro.. I got fags like you tootsi bo pleny rahheer naw. Ain't no way I'm lettin' you use no nukes, nah"
Israelis sources (news) say the airport from which the fighter jet took off and hit the Iranian consulate is totally destroyed.
Iraqis are having a celebration in front of Iranian embassy in Iraq. Many clips of it are uploaded. But I prefer the one clip from the young man in Ghaza, explaining how he feels... You don't have to know Arabic to understand him. I only understood one short sentence of it: "Tonight Ghaza is creating no martyrs."
The written thing in Arabic says, "No war plane tonight above Ghaza after 190 days of it."
Iran deliberately avoided hitting civilians. I think they didn't even need to hit Israel. They should've hit American bases. The main culprits. Like last time, after Soleymani's assassination. Except this time over, they'd aim at personnel too for a whole lot of good reasons. Like 34000 of those reasons.
You don't know how many of you motherfuckers are good to go.
Several new instruments and warheads were tested (new to Iran that is). Especially the ones who give out a rain of distracting targets for the air defense, so the real deal gets to its target. Several of them were used for the first time.
The percent of hit vs getting hit before reaching target was 50, 50. I don't know if this is a success or failure.
Iranian TV is asking people in the streets not to use horn to celebrate so people in their homes can sleep :) The news says, "Please leave the celebrations for tomorrow" Hahhahahh :-)) Like they can control it.
Another independent news also confirmed the airport from which the F-35 that hit Iran's consulate had flown off was destroyed. It gives pictures and everything.
But so what? Iran better put symbolic acts aside and do something about the main culprits. And she has already done that. Armenia is now mobilizing against Azarbaijan to fuck up American bases in there, and Israeli government's only military supply land route from India is now out of operation. So what is this extra destruction for. I get the feeling Iran is doing that for other Arabs who cannot openly show their desires. I don't want to name names, but there is not a single Arab country in the region who is you Nazis' ally. They'll do anything to hurt you, if it doesn't also hurt them. And these are their opportunities as well.
I don't think Iran lost one penny in all this operation. Your silent enemies likely paid the bills with blank checks, sweeties.
Even Israelis are your enemy. Remember last September. They took Iran's side, and you've been trying to prove that they would be the ones to get the heat of it, not the USA. Well, close! But not that close, suckers.
Iran didn't hit civilians. She hit your military and government structures, you know, what you soon are going to pay AGAIN to build. So don't you low lives think you won in this. No cause for you to celebrate like that Hinkle is doing.
And Iran tested a whole bunch of equipment, in real action!
Now how about a "closer" look:
Iran is saying what hit the Naghab air defense base was kheybar missiles which was unveiled only last year. It belongs to the military (not the militia). They didn't build it to carry conventional weapons :)
And it passed through the Iron Dome. Imagine if...
It's not even a hypersonic missile. No hypersonic missiles have yet used, as far as I know.
But Kheybar's target should not be Israel. It can go more than 2000 km, so it is, if you ask me, made to hit NATO if necessary. Not Israel :-( But at least they tested them. It worked flawlessly even without GPS signals. It's got multi-whatever electronic warfare systems in it.
Hehe :-) We got to see a bunch of good Israeli news during a few hours while its military was either busy or hiding, but now that the Israeli government is again at the control of the media, suddenly the nature of reports have taken a turn toward bullshit. They're giving out ridiculously wrong reports just as they're told by the military. The difference is so obvious to see.
They're saying "only one missile managed to hit something in south Israel." Hahhhahahhahh :-)) Totally military wartime crap report to media.
Another one, "Only 400 million Shekels of damage was caused" (about $100 million)  :-))
I guess that would cover the cost of glasses that were shattered in those buildings, yes.. :-))) Or perhaps it's just a Freudian slip of the cargo's value on the Israeli ship that Iran detained this morning :)
It's just hilarious.
France and Britain are among the foreign powers who helped Israel defend itself. Usual cocksuckers of Americans. But they have personal reasons to do that too. They make a lot of business selling Israelis various arms. They want an Israel there to survive in a continuous state of war. That's the only reason they both backed this "Zionism" bullshit from beginning.
One of the old timers in the militia is saying Israel might learn from this something about stopping the illusion that they can just hit and run and hit and run and hit and run and expect nothing will ever be done about it. He says at the same spot that they fired missiles toward Iran's consulate, they received missiles! This should teach them something.
I think he's right. But Iranians tend to forget who's behind all this. He's retired now and is not in control of anything vital. Those in control know damn well who's behind this and benefits from it.
But he adds, "Those behind all this trouble my want to learn from it also, because as much as they want to support the present form of government of Israel, they may also lose their Israel if they continue doing that."
That one makes great sense. And I think is in store in the future. So either for you Nazis, or for the good of mankind, and even for the good of your dogs running Israel, either way it be, you lose if you keep this shit up.
Ahah!.. Israeli news itself announced Nevatim airbase is totally destroyed. It must be right in front of people's eyes, too embarrassing to deny. And it is not in south Israel either. What they can hide, they hide. The news outlet also said they are ordered not to show pictures or clips of the damages done to various government facilities. They state that they have lots of clips that they cannot show. It could be that Israeli military is still under the impression Iran cannot see everything via its satellites. There are many satellites up there in control of Iranians which can see anything that they're trying to hide.
Remember that same thing happened to the Mossad base in Kord area of Iraq close to Iran's border. As soon as Iran saw neither Iraq nor Kords and any other journalist or agency were to show a picture or film of it, Iran published the high resolution picture of it from above after it was totally flattened. It was not that long ago, just a few months. Time must not be on Iran's enemies' side.
Don't forget, Russia is having a ball :-))) The suckers might even be the ones who told Israel where and when that meeting was to take place in Syria.
A very important development!...
 From what I just saw, I think Americans and UN and just about all supporters of Israeli government have begun trying desperately to prevent "escalation of the war" in the region. This only means one thing. They're scared of possible Arabs decision to openly join in against Israel. If they come in also, your Israeli government_and_ Israelis _and_ Israel whole will become history. Arabs aren't like Iranians. If they move, it is for totally killing Israel off with everything in it. This is while Iran is just about the only country in the region that actually protects the lives of Israelis themselves. Many of them Iranians to begin with.
So there is this new danger. I had not thought about that, and honestly I don't think anybody had. Israel, now, is in a very strange and tough position. It must do something against Iran to scare the Arabs away from doing what Iran did to them, and at the same time, nothing that would cause Iran to retaliate even harder. This is some shitty situation... What is the solution?
No wonder everybody this late is running around to prevent that. But Iranians are smart. I think they'll provide the solution. Something like offering Israelis to hit, very hard, a base or something that in reality works for Israel but on the surface is an Iranian looking establishment of some sort. Mossad has had a few such bogus places inside Iran. This may save the Israelis. I.e., may scare Arabs and make them back off.
There's good reason why hard core Arabs aren't directly involved in dealing with the issue of Israel. Iran doesn't want that, and neither do any sane person in the world. I bet they help in an under the table manner with money, no question there, but nobody benefits if they openly begin to act.
Remember that something equivalent to this situation came up in 1982, when Syria had access to nukes and had decided to nuke Israel after the latter invaded Lebanon and announced that they'd stop only after invading Syria and then Iraq after that. Then Khomeyni jumped in between them and de-escalated the danger by introducing Hezbollah of Lebanon to leave the dealing with the Israelis in their hands. And gradually after that, less and less of Syrian involvement was needed. Back then Soviet Union had some hard core communist leaders. Brezhnev wouldn't hesitate to provide Syria any type of nukes to do the job. Syria was an ally to them. Things have changed since somewhat, but not that much. Russia is still the main ally of Syria.
So heck, it might even be the Iranians recommending Israelis not to show the actual damages and vulnerabilities. It could make the Arab shit to hit the fan, then Israelis _would_ have to use nukes against Arabs and all their oil. Very strange situation.
But Iran will find the solution, if you ask me.
This "escalation" they're right now talking about has got nothing to do with Israeli retaliation against Iran. Your Mama cannot say what they mean by the word. And sometimes even your fucking Mama is correct :(
If Israel acts too hard against Iran, as Iran has repeatedly said, she would hit back at Israelis harder. So Israel won't do that. If Israel introduces nukes into it, Iran will do same. Has been able to to that too for a number of years now. Even H-bombs as recently as late last year. So Israel wouldn't do that. And Americans will not involve themselves against Iran because of what Russia told them just this morning before news of it got out (RT). So this "escalation" has to do with Arabs, as I explained above.
And it would really be a fully fledged escalation.
   Unfortunately some Arabs from a distance seeing and recording how the missiles easily reach their targets, have uploaded their clips into social media and it is too late to conceal such vulnerabilities. This is one:
 If Arabs see too many of such clips, they'll begin to use their money to have even Yemenis building such missiles for them so they constantly, day after day hit Israel with them!... Craziest possible situation. One that WILL lead to using nukes. Remember that Arabs have a few nukes also (purchased from Pakestan) and they will sure retaliate.
 So the danger now is what all these clips have done in the social media. Can you believe this shit?... the weirdest thing I ever expected.
Fuck. Now Arabs are reporting the vulnerabilities...
Neither Iranian sites, nor Russians, nor Europeans and nor Israelis themselves. Only Arabs!... What did I say. I think it may get out of hands. The Almanar (a major Arab news outlet) just said they have recorded evidence that at the least 15 missiles hit Nevatim airbase, rendering it totally useless.
Mostashar (another Arab news outlet) has gathered all the clips and says has counted "so far" 80 of the missiles and suicide drones hitting right at their targets. They have so far counted 40 confirmed dead. They also report the David's Sling system stopped working in the middle of it all, either experiencing technical issues (possible hack) or by direct hits. So Israel had become vulnerable to missiles that go into space and come back down in a manner that there would be no defense against them, from that point on. David's Sling system destroys them in the space before entering into lower atmosphere. So no wonder so many missiles hit their targets.
They're generally interested only in the vulnerabilities! This is the scary thing right now.
Same news outlet says the Ramon military airbase (south Israel) also was repeatedly hit with missiles. Probably the work of Yemenis. They say they have evidence that if Israel retaliates, Iran will easily be able to use double the number of missiles and drones she used today.
That doesn't mean it won't happen. Israelis might just do that to at least show there would be consequences if Arabs do similar acts. The damages done would still be nothing compared to what they did to Ghazans. So that's one of the routes to take.
Mostashar has begun to show many clips showing how the missiles come in and hit the targets. They seem to have a thirst to prove that they work. And all that money is in their hands able to get anything they want for them.
Did Iran over-react?... Nah. These stuff are still absolutely nothing compared to what Israeli government did to Ghazans.
Another vulnerability Mostashar emphasizes on is that when several different flying bombs with vastly different speed all come in for a target, the air defense gets confused and cannot handle the situation well, mainly for the differences between speeds. This is a known weakness that Iranians sure employed. The experience is not theirs of course, it is from Russians operation in Ukraine. They have used that weakness many, many times up there and even copied Shaheds for taking advantage of that.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
5 Apr 24 * Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)181Physfitfreak
5 Apr 24 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)180Physfitfreak
5 Apr 24  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)179Physfitfreak
5 Apr 24   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)178Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)177Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)176Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)175Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)174Physfitfreak
6 Apr 24        `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)173Physfitfreak
8 Apr 24         `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)172Physfitfreak
8 Apr 24          `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)171Physfitfreak
8 Apr 24           `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)170Physfitfreak
10 Apr 24            `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)169Physfitfreak
10 Apr 24             `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)168Physfitfreak
10 Apr 24              `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)167Physfitfreak
11 Apr 24               `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)166Physfitfreak
13 Apr 24                `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)165Physfitfreak
13 Apr 24                 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)164Physfitfreak
13 Apr 24                  +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Sn!pe
13 Apr 24                  i+- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Joel
14 Apr 24                  i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2vallor
14 Apr 24                  i `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1vallor
13 Apr 24                  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)159Physfitfreak
13 Apr 24                   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)158Physfitfreak
13 Apr 24                    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)157Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)156Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)155Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)154Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                        `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)153Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                         `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)152Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                          `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)151Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                           `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)150Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                            `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)149Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                             `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)148Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                              `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)147Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                               `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)146Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)145Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                 +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)20Tamerlane Holopov
14 Apr 24                                 i+* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)11Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24                                 ii`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)10Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24                                 ii `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)9Eddy Protopsaltis
14 Apr 24                                 ii  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)8Mild Shock
14 Apr 24                                 ii   +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)6Volney
14 Apr 24                                 ii   i+- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Yaaqo Méndez Gonzalez
14 Apr 24                                 ii   i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24                                 ii   i +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Physfitfreak
15 Apr 24                                 ii   i i`- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Filiberto Bencivenni
15 Apr 24                                 ii   i `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Chris M. Thomasson
14 Apr 24                                 ii   `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Hefton Dobrotvortsev Balakin
14 Apr 24                                 i`* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)8Chris M. Thomasson
20 Apr 24                                 i +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Chris M. Thomasson
20 Apr 24                                 i i+- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Chris M. Thomasson
20 Apr 24                                 i i+- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Hobart Thian
20 Apr 24                                 i i`- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Micha Paraskevopoulos
20 Apr 24                                 i `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)3Chris M. Thomasson
20 Apr 24                                 i  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2bertietaylor
20 Apr 24                                 i   `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Darren Mozhaiskov
14 Apr 24                                 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)124Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)123Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)122Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)121Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)120Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)119Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)118Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                        `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)117Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                         `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)116Physfitfreak
14 Apr 24                                          +- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Tillman Missiakos
15 Apr 24                                          `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)114Physfitfreak
15 Apr 24                                           +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Jim Pennino
16 Apr 24                                           i`- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1DFS
16 Apr 24                                           `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)111Physfitfreak
16 Apr 24                                            +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Jim Pennino
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16 Apr 24                                            `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)108Physfitfreak
16 Apr 24                                             `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)107Physfitfreak
16 Apr 24                                              `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)106Physfitfreak
16 Apr 24                                               `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)105Physfitfreak
16 Apr 24                                                `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)104Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)103Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)102Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                   `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)101Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                    +* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)4Skeeter
17 Apr 24                                                    i`* Crazy Iranian claims3vallor
17 Apr 24                                                    i `* Re: Crazy Iranian claims2Joel
17 Apr 24                                                    i  `- Re: Crazy Iranian claims1Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                    `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)96Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                     `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)95Physfitfreak
17 Apr 24                                                      `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)94Physfitfreak
18 Apr 24                                                       +- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Joel
18 Apr 24                                                       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)92Physfitfreak
18 Apr 24                                                        `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)91Physfitfreak
18 Apr 24                                                         `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)90Physfitfreak
18 Apr 24                                                          `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)89Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                           `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)88Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                            `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)87Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                             `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)86Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                              `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)85Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                               `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)84Physfitfreak
19 Apr 24                                                                `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)83Physfitfreak
20 Apr 24                                                                 `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)82Physfitfreak
20 Apr 24                                                                  `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)81Physfitfreak

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