Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)

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Sujet : Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics
Date : 06. Jun 2024, 23:49:40
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Organisation : Modern Human
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Wow.. Sure time for relaxing a bit. Damn.
- Biden pooped on stage while the male monkey (Macron's wife) was watching. "Jill" at least avoided watching it. He is the best president ever to "present" the Americans accurately enough to the world.
"Jill":  "Don't worry Hon. Go on and get it over with."
- Lebanese militia yesterday hit an Iron Dome station's launcher, film it it all too, and elsewhere some military barracks full of Israeli troops, injuring and killing tens in there, guess with what. A loitering drone! They can't even stop them now, or don't care much about them.
The Iron Dome was hit with Almas, an ATGM built by Lebanese militia (I think copying one of Iranians, but it has camera on it also, giving the full story of the nice journey.
Pretty cheap, pretty effective, both. At least these days that Israel doesn't want to run up high bills for Americans. They sure must've received concerns about them; otherwise, none of yesterday objects would reach their targets.
About time an excuse is formed, somehow, to cause Iran launch another relatively large scale attack, this time actually punish the Nazis both financially as well as mortally. Is this Hezbollah's recent escalation of some sort one of such efforts? Still not clear Israelis would fall for it though.
I also give it a bit of chance that the one that hit those two barracks was in response to Israeli government's killing of a top Iranian militia operator in Syria three days go, using flying routes through Jordan, about which authorities in Iran stayed silent, but a militia leader independently messaged Israelis saying they will pay for it. It's not Iran's military's business, so the militia will respond. Was this attack that response? If not, you'll hear about it when it happens.
They deliberately targeted the personnel barracks this time and not any technical/management infra structure around it.
- Ok, the news of it came from horse's own mouth says 2 deaths, 24 injured, 16 of the injured have medium to light injuries, the rest of them are in bad shape or dying. This is from "Middle East Spectator" channel. Nobody and no agency of any sort in that region on earth refers to itself as anything "Middle East". That term has coordinates of your buttholes embedded in. They don't use that coordinate system. So it's one of you Nazis' news outlets talking, not even Israelis refers to their spot as "middle east".
Now let's see how our crème de la crème of "intelligence" institute, this Mossad wonder, did about this. The drone fantastically aimed and reached and destroyed a whole bunch of asses without getting intercepted, and news of it from Israel has it, "They targeted a children's playground."
This is what I'm talking about.
Images and clips of the target are in the media to see, showing it was a couple of those typical semi-cylindrical barracks made of corrugated sheets. I don't know what these structures are called but they always build them for troops. Even Tehran had some of them around it.
This type of regulations no doubt Mossad imposes on news media in Israel baffles me a bit and it isn't clear what they mean by doing that. Does their level of performance, really have this _elementary_grade_ feature to it? Of course not. So they mean something else. But what?
Cause it has a childish way about it, but when done by grown ups it becomes like stuff that gay men say to get your attention that they want to communicate with you on such lines. Are they even aware of this shit?
And it has an uncanny resemblance to anti-Iranian activities of American-backed Iranian women groups whose response to anything done in Iran is, "let's get naked to protest." Doubtless, such crap in Israeli news are thought out by same creatures.
Nevertheless it does speak of weakness. It could be result of cronyism like in here; and now they're just fucked, having nowhere to go from that spot.
Let me do one comparison. SAVAK, also, got fucked up at last, mainly by infiltration of the rich ex-land-owners' men who had major grudges against the Shah. But even its remnants after its destruction following 1979 events, still worked way better than the present Mossad's level of performance. It did great in fact! So great that the new regime didn't want to destroy it, and soon put them into good use. That's how SAVAMA was formed. That's how Iran, in that international war imposed on her from 1980 to 1988, when nobody in the world would help her, and everybody in the world was helping Iran's enemy at the time, managed to get the help she needed via no other country but Israel... This is how good SAVAMA was. You Nazis should know that, right? They grabbed your "Station Chief" first moment they opted so. And _hanged_ him, when you got rude with those six Iranian agents in Lebanon. When you mistook Iranians with your banana republic guys.
Yes you found out what even SAVAMA clusterfuck in those days could do with your asses, forget how things are now, sweeties.
Funny, there were many channels, all ending in Israel, that SAVAMA got busy with, one of the a top Mossad guy. I'm not bullshitting, he says it himself. Before he died (last year) he published some funky memoir about the 20 years or so that he had been assigned to get information from and about SAVAK earlier in Shah's time.
Getting those arms against the whole world's will, THAT'S intelligence work, not forcing your news media to report Hezbollah hit a children's playground.
If one knew past performances of Mossad closely, one could see if this has other scenarios equally viable about it. If they've always been funky like that (and if THAT'S how both SAVAK and SAVAMA used them any time they wanted), then general nature of Jews can by itself explain it. You know, doing super good in one and two dimensions, but suck in the third dimension, in depths, stepping from the obvious and just quantities in this world into the hidden and the qualities! This is always observed in Jews in general.
But if they were once really good, and now just suck, then it must be cronyism as I mentioned, having infested their rank and file for some time. Cause cronyism does wonders. Look at the Americans to see what I mean. It is an amazing filter system to wash a country clean of anything good. It takes the whole nation and country elsewhere, and places it on strange routes to continue. I mean it is like the instrument of doom, unleashed, that even brings down empires, let alone some "Mossad."
- Yemen proudly exhibited today their equivalent of Kheybarshekan-2 missile (most upgraded form). They've named it "Palestine". The earlier versions of them were used by Iran in successfully hitting two Israeli bases with. These newer ones are among the fastest supersonic ballistic missiles that Iran has had (5 Mach) and are only inferior to hypersonic ones which are said to reach 14 Mach.
So Houthis now have a formidable weapon. A proven one. They said they intend to hit Israel with them.
Houthis also said they've used it just once so far. They're not anti-ship missiles but heck, I wonder on whose carrier's ass Houthis used that first one :)
Is that the one which prompted all these embarrassing lies by the American military? Is that carrier even floating? Hahhahhahh :-) Boy, god knows how many times you sailed that thing in and out of Persian Gulf to make gestures. Do that one more time soon enough so we would believe the thing is still floating. Soon enough though! Don't quickly build another one claiming that's the "Eisenhower" and is "safe and sound." The truth behind such lies spread out fast even through you Nazis.
Depict this: Captain of Eisenhower sitting in a life boat, having nothing else from his dear carrier to show but the one old picture of it on his cell phone ... and using that with a message attached, "everything is safe and sound."
You'd do that too, no?
Let me tell you what I think. If that thing is still floating at all, there are zillions of boats and ships around it hurriedly repairing it to bring it to something that at least outwardly resembles "Eisenhower" carrier; with both Russia and China watching the process from above, yet polite and wise enough not to blow your fucked ego further. It would carry bad messages to them both as well. They've also got big businesses based on such ridiculous obsolete ideas. This is what I think!..
This Houthis' version of Kheybarshekan-2, also, has an increased range compared to Iran's version, indicating that they indeed intend to hit Israel with them. They're going to need one with at least 2000 km range. Original Kheybarshekan has a shorter range of one thousand and some hundred kilometers. So in doing that a heck of a lot of modifications and calculations must've been made compared to the Iranian version. This isn't anything near a simple job. It affects everything about missile's features and behaviors, in every stage of the travel. But the missile, from its first designs and up, was deliberately built much lighter than others to increase launch prep speed, so it has room for such modification. If you ask me, Houthis now know something Iranians would be interested to know. But let's first see how it hits Israel. That would be its test. The situation in Israel is god-given for enemies of Nazis in that respect. They can test anything they have with it.
This is what a "kheybarshekan" is, sweeties. Do you remember that maneuver it did right before hit that night in Israel? Arabs happened to record a clip of it and uploaded it right away to media, I got it from telegram and uploaded it to Streamable and gave the link here just minutes after. They've since deleted it. But you saw that. That amazing maneuver at the last moment. It's not something even you with that cute cro-magnon attention-span of yours can forget. That's Kheybarshekan! Note even the name this wonderful thing has if you have the education to understand it.
It is tailor-made for killing rude Nazis, not defenseless children. And it _will_ do its job when various warheads are installed on them. As light as it is, it can have ANY of them mounted :)...
It is designed so well that militia in Iran shows them off to the military :-)))
Israelis, guess why, claim their Arrow system can hit them. Sure, a piece of booger when tossed in the air may cause a butterfly effect eventually hitting one of such missiles. Is that why Mossad have them say that? If troops barracks are "children's playground" to them, then that could be the reason.
The Arrow system was fully operational when these missiles hit the two military bases in Israel! That's how the operation was concluded. God forbid what else would happen if Iran had not wrapped it up at that moment. They'd even ANNOUNCED another wave of them were ready to launch. But the objective was met by then, and by these Kheybarshekans mind you, before the last wave were launched.
Anyway, Houthis will show who's right in this soon enough.
Ok, enough fun now :)

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7 Aug 24       `* Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)2Physfitfreak
8 Aug 24        `- Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)1Physfitfreak

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