Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)

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Sujet : Re: What Made My Day Today? :-)
De : physfitfreak (at) *nospam* (Physfitfreak)
Groupes : sci.physics
Date : 05. Jul 2024, 02:29:57
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It's been a week or so I haven't had anything making my day, mainly for this fucked up elections. What a rude awakening. But let's take a look at general news. Here and there the positive movements always are enough to make my day :) I just haven't searched for them.
- Mossad must be getting desperate :) If they're worried about the elections' outcome, it is good news.
Yesterday Iranian intelligence found obscure elements related to campaign squads of Pezeshkian were about to take large pictures of Jalili and move in several caravans of motorcycle throughout cities and towns attacking and cursing out every girl they'd see who's not meeting the dress code properly.
Other groups cooperating with them would do the same inside metros...
Hehe :) Like that wouldn't smell of Mossad.
These plans were discovered in Esfahan, but similar groups could've been getting ready doing it in other areas in Iran.
They were exposed by main media channels of Iran, and this was prevented.
I think this shows they know something that they're afraid of :)
- A funny matter that came up in the last presidential debate was JCPOA. And the truth of it was told by Jalili, exactly as I had described it right after it was signed 9 years back. The funniest part was that, American government never saw the Persian translation of it to find out what was being reported to Iranians, and Iranians on their side never compared the Persian form with the one in the English language because those in charge didn't know the English language very well; they were given only the Persian form to read. And the Persian and the English versions didn't match at all! So both sides lied to their respective governments about it. Nothing was really agreed upon. The Persian version said something to appeal to Iranians, and the English version said something to appeal to Nazis.
I gave a nice analogy to it a few days back. Go read that :) Read it again! It's worth it. It tells about you Nazis too.
Looking at it yet from another angle, or another depth, it was a Bitch agreement to begin with. Bitch agreement meaning total capitulation. But one that even the Bitch didn't want and never intended to comply with. And both sides of the "negotiators" had agreed to that! And only that.
That was how Zarif handled it, playing Bitch for Kerry, and playing triumphant for Iranians. Same people now are rude enough to  attempt a third time to occupy the President's office.
What were their slogans this time around? I read a few of them for you to see who they are:
- "Jalili" will bring a Taleban form of government."
- "Jalili" will even bundle you women up more than ever before."
- "Jalili" will gradually eliminate women from the scenes."
... and stuff like that. I.e., they were mainly talking to women, because it is the women who are voting for them, plus the homosexuals, and the 5th column Baha'is and Jews and Sonnis and Zartoshtis and you name it.
Another disaster like Rohani style government, and Iran might get rid of voting at the public level altogether. It's just ludicrous.
I have since (since last Friday's vote) been thinking Iran should upgrade voting protocols and make it more advanced than stupid cro-magnons version and practice of it. Present form does not serve Iran or any country which is not a superpower.
It is like a large building and housing corporation، ِinstead of having its board of directors vote for choosing a new CEO, let its entire population of employees, including the manual workers and its janitors and secretaries vote shoulder to shoulder with the board of directors for their choices of the CEO! Hahhahhahh :-) How ludicrous is that? How stupid, moronic is that?..
So guys, if that works for you cro-magnon superpowers only because that's how your billionaires fuck you up and rule, it certainly does not work well enough for Iran or any free non-superpower country.
This is my understanding of this practice, one that hit me for the first time in my life last Friday. They need to modify and upgrade the voting process in Iran.
The dire regional repercussions of this fuck up was already showing earlier in the week by the way. Hamas on seeing Iran's voting results started going around in fear, talking with Turkey and Ghatar and Egypt again for looking for a way to save the Ghazans lives, cause sure as hell if that Bozo Pezeshkian becomes president, he will not lift a finger even if the rest of Ghazans get exterminated by the Nazis.
But!... The guy's wrong (Haniyeh)
Iran is bigger than a government. The government might not help you Ghazans, but Iran will.
Somebody, therefore, needs to comfort Hamas and the Ghazans that even if Pezeshkian becomes president, the militia in Iran will stay on their side. Pezeshkian will not be able to stop the militia if VF agrees with them. And VF, as far as I can remember, has always been in agreement with militia's plans and goals both, exactly as if he is a militia himself.
So rest assured, that Iran will fuck up Ghazans' enemies and killers regardless of who they are, be them stooges or the culprits in the Naziland, traitors or the double-faced lowlives. Iran will fuck them up.
What little these Pezeshkian's admin would be allowed to try to sell off to Nazis in return for nothing, like in those 8 years, will not affect militia's work and plans and goals. Ghazans and Yemenis and Lebanon have the best of Iran and Iranians on their sides. Women and homosexuals and the 5th column in Iran cannot change that. Rest assured!
- Bagheri yesterday responded to Israel's threat against Lebanon by saying, "Lebanon will be a Hell for the Israeli government, one allowing not even a way for them to back out of it."
This has many elements of truth in it. That is why so many different people are saying the same thing, including myself. Everything shows that escalation will only increase. When started, there's no way back down for it until the end of Israel's present government system. Talk and tolerance is over after massacre of the innocent people and acts of genocide took place.
Escalation _will_ happen by the way, and we'll see who dies out quicker as a result.
Iran's militia is in fact looking for an excuse. They will find it! Just a matter of time. Sell your shit and leave Israel like the smart ones who did. You guys fucked it up. You allowed stooges of the Nazis fuck your future in the region. You're not very smart people. The fact that you've fooled yourselves doesn't mean one bit that you can fool others.
I know Israel is waiting to first see who becomes the president in Iran and only then think hard what they want to do with Lebanon or in fact about their own situation. But as I just said, they're fools to think the outcome of election would matter that much. What matters that much is the genocide, not who Iran's president is. Israelis committed genocide, and their funky system is going to go away now. No Nazi thing like that is going to be tolerated in the region. And Iranians aren't your Arabs.
It will "make my day" when Israel goes to war with _anybody_ that Iran supports.
- King of Saudi Arabia himself will visit Iran after new President begins work. He must have stuff to say that he cannot mention inside Saudi Arabia without risking leaks. I don't know if the crown prince will be with him or not, and have no idea what type of relation the two have with each other, other than father and son.
This is a good move forward.
When asked by reporters if there has been any change of direction or quantity and quality of work since Raisi's accident, Bagheri said the setup in Iran is in a way that coming and going a single person doesn't disturb it that much.
- A whole bunch of anti-Iranian Iranian residents of Europe and USA abused the voters in those countries both physically by pushing them around and even beating them up, among them old men and woman, and mentally abused them by cursing them out in public using foul language. These individuals are right now being identified by Iranians. If you think Mossad could threaten future job opportunities of protesting American students and professors, you have no idea what Iran can do to these individuals' lives and any existing parents or relatives inside Iran. There will be consequences for them. More will be recorded of them and collected and studied in the election tomorrow.
I didn't personally see any anti-Iranian activity at the voting station here in Dallas (one of Hyatt hotels), at least not at the one I went. There was another station in Houston I think. I only saw several clips of such incidents in Telegram next day, none indicating where they happened.
And whoever they are who abused Iranian voters last Friday, and wherever they targeted, here in Texas, they should thank god they didn't do it where I voted cause I had my sig sauer p320 on me, and others there may also have been armed. I don't know about the others, but as far as I personally am concerned, not having any idea on the extent and severity of harm they'd inflict on me or others, I swear to god my natural reaction to some MKO punks trying to harm me would give them a taste of Dallas to hold dear for generations.
But clips didn't show anything life threatening about their actions. so the voting tomorrow even if they decide to come and disturb will not be that violent.
I have no beef with the Monarchists that would ever make me harm them. The Iran that I personally experienced was a monarchy every moment that I breathed in there, and I'm an Iranian who matured in that period. But I have issues with members and supporters of the MKO (or PMOI if you will) cause they committed crime and helped Saddam kill Iranians, and caused hundreds of politically active Iranians get executed (two of them my own friends), and now are getting paid by CIA and Mossad to abuse Iranian voters.
The monarchists who abuse Iranian voters in these clips at least have substantial reasons for what they do. MKO has none. They only have themselves to blame and nobody else.
Not a bad idea if CIA or Mossad would tell these little fools which states they're sent to and what the gun laws are in those states. It can save their lives if it means anything to Nazis.
I was hardly there half hour and I was done. Didn't see any old Iranians I knew or didn't recognize them after all these decades, but they were all nice and nobody bothered us. A couple of women observed the full dress code, and the rest didn't even bother. It was a hot day.
I can't believe how old the Iranians here have become. I was I think the youngest there. Or at least the fittest. They haven't been replenished with newer waves of young Iranians for 45 years, and their own children and grandchildren are hardly Iranians. So they were just a bunch of old men and women.
- Iran's government has sanctioned 11 individuals for hurting and beating up of American university students during the height of their anti-genocide protests. The sanctioned individuals are mostly heads of the police inside several universities across USA (including UT), heads of police of a few cities including Washington D.C. and Boston, in addition to a few government officials in Georgia who were particularly abusive to these students.
I'm not aware of the type of sanctions and their consequence for them.
- Yesterday SCO gathering began in Astaneh (that city is in Ghazaghestan by the way). Both Putin and Xi were present. Iran's temporary president (Mokhber) was also present, mainly  because the opportunity is rare and must be used to contact and discuss with other non-superpower nations attending as well as with the observer countries who are plenty in there. Its timing would work for Iran if last Friday's election was final. But it got to second round and the actual president lost this chance. But better Mokhber and Bagheri than nobody. He can't be a bad politician if he was Raisi's vice president. Don't get fooled by his funny looks (he'd need no make up as a family relative to show up in an episode of "The Munsters" tv show).
According to his press secretary, Putin is to have an extensive meeting with Erdogan on the side of the gathering... I bet it is about the coming escalation.
The main theme of the gathering is of course finding ways in countering the Nazis in every vile move they make around the world. SCO is _created_ for countering Nazis. Took a long time of observing its activities for Iran to trust and join it, but it's all done. Belarus just joined. It will grow much larger, but already it is a formidable entity, controlling a large share of trades and resources in the world.
- Iran's leader does not think the 60% who didn't vote are anti-regime. Quite on the contrary, he said it is a mistake to think so.
But the question is which portion gets active this time, and especially which portion of the already active and voting who backed Ghalibaf will vote for which candidate. A few of Ghalibaf's elections squad members have already defected to Pezeshkian's side.
So for me, nothing is certain. I just have to wait till tomorrow night. And I can affect it by only one vote's worth. Then I'll either dump the question of Iran for the coming four years and mind my own business like I did during 8 years of Rohani crap, or, eagerly follow the positive developments as they'll get made by Jalili, like I did during Raisi's term.
Other than that, and in either case, I'll always have a few one pound bags of pinto beans in the fridge to celebrate with, at the right occasions.

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