Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.

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Sujet : Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.
De : not (at) *nospam* (Dexter)
Groupes : alt.christnet.christianlife soc.culture.israel alt.atheism
Suivi-à : alt.christnet.christianlife
Date : 11. Jun 2024, 18:05:48
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In the Name of Jesus wrote:

From: "In the Name of Jesus" <>
Subject: Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 10:55:47 +1000
Message-ID: <v42uik$2u09h$>
Lines: 339
On 9/06/2024 10:15 am, Dexter wrote:
In the Name of Jesus wrote:
On 8/06/2024 1:38 pm, Dexter wrote:
In the Name of Jesus wrote:
On 3/06/2024 8:24 am, Dexter wrote:
In the Name of Jesus wrote:
On 31/05/2024 2:11 pm, Dexter wrote:
In the Name of Jesus wrote:
Do not kid yourself; every sinner keeps on practicing sin.
---| mercy snip |----
[ deleted reply restored ]
I think your magical sky daddy failed in the removal of your log.
The Lord does not fail.
But you can motelessly and loglessly think that if you like, Dexter.
The Lord gives you that free will.
Then punishes me for not adhering to the party line.  No thanks.
You are punishing Him for not adhering to your party line.
Well now.  THAT'S an interesting take.  I'm punishing god?
Never heard that before, even from the most fervently deranged
of god botherers.
Christianity has it that the sky fairy is all powerful yet you
assert I am PUNISHING this magical creature that created
the universe and all that is in it; that I'm even capable of
punishing your omnipowerful being.  That is an absolutely
remarkable claim.  In fact, I think you are unique in that
belief.  I'll bet your pastor, preacher, imam or whatever
you call your spiritual leader would be aghast at hearing
those words.
Now, were I to actually believe that this magical sky dictator
exists then punishing it would be a distinct pleasure given
the evil it has inflicted on countles humans and animals,
including it's most vociferous believers.
But, I don't.  I don't believe that any magical spirits exist,
so I suppose I'll have to forgo that particular pleasure.
You have yourself a lovely day.
The only leader I have is the Lord, and He brought those
aforementioned words out above. Like these ones...
"I merely speak the truth, what is revealed to me, and the
cards fall where God intends."

Yeah, yeah,, I've heard that line before.  Repetition does not
make it true.

How contrary is it to understand that every human being
He created having been fashioned (tenderly) so incredibly
and infinitely complex, diverse, and unique (so, sorry, no
evolution) and that He does not care about each and every
one??? Of course He does

Of course you deny evolution, despite the fact that I never
mentioned it.

Do yourself a favour and look at this bible verse you call
a load of rubbish—it can't hurt you to look...
Mat_23:37  O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the
prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how
often would I have gathered thy children together, even as
a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would
...look deeper. A hen would gather her chicks. Have you seen
the concern and care of a mother hen for her chicks? That is
 what He is like.

I did read it.  It's still a load of bull.  You're comparing your sky
t daddyo a chicken.  Your book is addressed to simpletons.

"You are punishing Him for not adhering to your party line."
He can't adhere to your party line; that would be destruction...
Ukraine, Gaza.

Nope.  Still doesn't make sense.  And what the hell has Ukaine
and Gaza have to do with this?

We create and created the environment we live in through ther
pollution of ou choices.
You certainly are doing a lot of complaining and are very critical
about this fantasy evil "magical sky dictator."

I'm not complaining.  I'm mocking your delusions.  They are
definitely fantasies.

And so, you have your will and your way.

Of course I do.  At least in this you acknowledge reality.

Was it worth it? Did it address your vulnerability and
need for more to life than the fact of death?

What a silly meaningless question.  Frankly I doubt
if you even care.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
31 May 24 * Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.5Dexter
3 Jun 24 `* Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.4Dexter
8 Jun 24  `* Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.3Dexter
9 Jun 24   `* Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.2Dexter
11 Jun 24    `- Re: Ever sinner keeps on sinning.1Dexter

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