Things are not going too well for Israel

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Sujet : Things are not going too well for Israel
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 27. Apr 2024, 18:08:24
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v0j7to$esks$>
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title: When the Heck Does the Jewish Messiah Arrive?
source: Kabbalah Secrets

Someone made a positive comment on a comment undersigned made about why
the prosbul is bad (etc etc, the usual I guess). Replying to that (with
the usual, as usual I guess ...).

@karabean  Hello, thanks for your comment. It seems to me that it has
never been about "when will he come" but rather "when will Israel finally
choose to be 100% with the good, with the laws given by her God". This
idea that it is the _moshiach_ who is tarrying, seems to be a Rabbinical
invention, possibly by Maimonides/Rambam with his "... though _he may
tarry_ I await his coming ...". It is also Jewish tradition, as far
as I understand it, that there is always someone ready to fulfill the
role of _moshiach,_ and that is not when the *moshiach wants to come*
because that is literally *today* but rather when the Jewish people
finally will stop going after the gods and ways of the other Nations,
and return to the truth, to Justice & Peace, to loving their brothers
and sisters as themselves (etc).

Also, by the way, only a remnant will return, as per what Isaiah
said. This seems to mean that most supposedly Jewish people will be
ejected from the Nation of Israel, or by some other method be lost, very
possibly they are going to die instead. This is not exactly something
to look forward to, for the vast majority of the Jewish people, who
apparently are not going to make it, will never give up on rebelling
the Torah.

There where good arguments made, about why we are now already in the year
6004, because of the erroneous solution (apparently) regarding the 430
year stay in Egypt. The Rabbis have shortened this a lot, resulting in
the year count used in modern times. It is a whole topic, and I'm not an
expert on it, but it seemed to make sense. Just another facet I guess,
which points to the present day as being the time of the Redemption,
or the generation of the Redemption.

If I where you: don't wait on someone else to stop with the prosbul. They
are not going to do it. It is _heter iska_ Rambam and Hillel to the bitter
end for them. It seems they will never give up, until the situation
overwhelmes them and they are faced with a Redeemed Israel, possibly
looking at it from the outside as they made their choices _against_
the Torah. You are on your own with this. Make a loan to a deserving
brother or sister (a Jew that is) and reject the Rabbinical lies with
their fake money making schemes. Then in the 7th year, cancel it. No
Rabbi needed. Their courts are fake. Hillel destroyed the Rabbinical
court. There are no Jewish courts it seems (Kairites ? I don't know,
maybe), unless you set one up anew. You will have to do it on your own,
and hope heaven smiles on you and make you live. Perhaps that will be the
Redemption in the end, and you will stand if you do the Torah that is,
and want to be good and true and nothing else, forever.

Possibly the next round of punishment, which may be 7 holocausts
in one event killing perhaps 95% of all Jewish people, will be the
shock preceding the Redemption. The Zionists are playing some insanely
dangerous game now. They have the notoriously treacherous Americans as
their allies, or so they think, and are now basically at war with the
entire Middle East. Iran alone is 80 Million persons, Turkey another 80
Million. How will they win this, with almost nothing to show for it in
terms of Torah, literally being _against_ the Torah ? Still, it seems
their God will fight for them, because they are Jewish and there is an
amount of Torah in them, but I don't think they will win ti in the end,
but quite to the contrary. Somewhere in the prophets it seems to say,
that HKB'H will fight for Israel. Perhaps it will be one of those wars,
where Israel will be defeated, but the damage done to their enemies will
be shocking and unexpected.

I don't know what will happen, but it seems to develop along these
lines. The Zionists, and everyone who supports them which at this point
seems to be almost everyone (!), are for certain not going to return
to the Torah. They will take Israel down and never stop, turn Israel
completely into a gentile Nation, with nothing special to offer the
world. They are on the way to entirely ruin the Torah, because they can
use the power of the State to do it. This power has already demonstrated
itself to be capable of overturning Rabbinical opinion against Zionism. So
we see how Rabbinical Judaism continues to corrupt itself, step by step
it gets worse and worse. In coming centuries, it could end up as bad as
the idol religion of west (Roman Empire). It is on the road to nothing.

However, humanity has to adapt to being humans and be at peace with each
other, because we are not monkeys or other animals. We have technology,
and this keeps getting more powerful. It is not possible to survive on
Earth with war and tyranny, and this level of technology. It becomes
a choice between justice and peace for all and forever, versus war and
hell (hell on Earth) and/or possible extinction. Humanity seems to have
absolutely no clue about what is going on, completely blind they go on
with their ignorance, to the bitter end, it seems almost all if not all
Rabbis included, with almost the entire Nation of Israel behind them,
or even a complete 100%. A total rebellion of Israel, right at the time
when the result should have been achieved. This is the historical cost
of not listening to Moshe Rabbeinu. The damage will be great.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
27 Apr 24 o Things are not going too well for Israel1Jos Boersema

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