400 years in Egypt became 430, final Redemption also ?

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Sujet : 400 years in Egypt became 430, final Redemption also ?
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 15. May 2024, 22:17:26
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v2358m$12t4b$1@dont-email.me>
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When wondering for how long the Rabbis of Israel will manage to delay the
Redemption with their obstinacy in repenting from liars such as Hillel the
Elder and Rambam/Mainomides (guilty over the *prosbul* and *heter iska*)
and all the weak minded people who have followed in their ill adviced way
(breaking with the Torah, breaking with their God the Creator and his
advice to Israel) ... and noticing we are already at least 4 years delayed
(considering it is the year 6,004 already), I was wondering if the Rabbis
will manage to delay the Redemption even by something like 50 years.

It has been claimed by "the autists" that this is the generating of the
final Redemption. However, a life time is still 70, 100, 120 years long
(depending on whom you ask). The currently living generatino could mean
the people who are now in their twenties and thirties, and they could
for example Redeem themselves today (which of course I warmly suggest
you do), or they could continue to follow the treasonous Rabbis of
Israel and basically *forever* refuse to go back to the truth, until the
conditions become so unbearable and impossible, that a few of them see
themselves forced to return, and this could happen many years from now.
They could still enter the REdempution as old men and woman, with only a
few years left to live. Such is the cost of the lies of the Rabbis. It
could cost currently living Israel to experience the Redemption as a big
part of their lives, and instead - thanks to the pride of the Rabbis -
they end up for much or even most of their lives to suffer in the exile,
and an exile which will probably become 7 times worse than the Nazi
Tyranny and extermination campaigns (!).

According to the Torah (curses), and according to what is necessary to get
humanity in good order so that they can deal with their technology
correctly (which means, they are "good people" and not idiots, trolls
and evil people with here and there a bit of good as well), Israel will
have to be punished again, 7 times worse, to try to get them to correct

The other option is a bit simpler: extermination of mankind in general,
or with a long period of hell on Earth war and tyranny, so that they
know they have failed and do not deserve to exist. At some point, if the
worst forms of Tyranny are going to happen, the people might beg daily
for humanity to be annihilated and exterminated. Over the top ? We have
seen a lot of Tyranny in world history, but never with modern toys yet.
These toys are very very hard to make from scratch, which means that if
a Tyranny takes hold and can entrench itself sufficiently, they can
monopolize this power to a degree which was not possible before. "This
power" is everything technology affords. It is basically an all
consuming power at this point, and if not it seems it will soon be.


If the plan I am proposing is supposed to be the Redemption (but if not,
then it will still line up on bigger principles with the Redemption,
because you cannot live in an economic system with land trade like we
have, and with power centralization, one way or the other you have to
deal with these things correctly), then the delay caused by the
obstinacy and pride of the Rabbis is already about since 2008, which is
when I first proposed it to you and discovered the Torah is true and
good. Then shortly after I discovered your lies, in the Shulchan Aruch.
2008 (or even 2007, I don't recall exactly) until now 2024 is about 16
years delay; or take off 6 years due to the usual social chaos and
people being dumb, still 10 years delay. That is quite some time, even
for slow moving things like major reform / Revolutionary movements.

So the question then becomes ... for how long are the Rabbis going to
manage to delay the Redemption in the end ? Will it be the same as in
Egypt, 30 years delay ? I think that is easily possible at this point.
Perhaps there was even a warning within the original 30 years delay,
that this could be happening again.

Within those 30 years, you then get things like 7 holocausts in one
event, which could mean 95% of all Jewish people in the world will be
killed. They will know what it means to be landless and have nothing,
just as the people they denied their Jubilee on land, and then turned
them into slaves because with interest bearing loans such as the heter
iska and loans not being cancelled anymore in the 7th year even when
they cannot be paid back, what option do you have but to become a slave ?
In the sense that an "employee" is also a slave. Compare: man free on
his land, and free from debt.

In case this sounds over the top, and it may be a bit over the top
(Israel does a lot of charity): you have the good times also, your
bagels, your freedom, your health and so on. You have that for a time.
When it comes time to pay for the guilt you have in allowing the prosbul
and the heter iska, everything might turn dark for a while.

I think Israel cannot be Redeemed right now. It does not matter anymore
what they do right now, unless it is extremely inspiring perhaps. The
lies and the obstinacy went on for so long, that it proves that these
people cannot live in a just society. They cannot listen, they cannot
deal with arguments, they lack honesty, etc. Even if they get more or
less dropped into the Redemption, the chance that they will turn it into
a social, economic and other disaster is great, if not overwhelming.

There are also more worrying computations possible, like: 30 years is
what percentage from 400, and then take the same percentage of delay on
the extend of the current exile (roughly 2000 years). If you go by such
measure, Rabbinical obstinacy, combined of course with the obstinacy,
pride and ignorance of Israel in general (yes sorry, it is that bad),
could take much longer still (very roughly, 150 years).

No future for Israel, in the foreseeable future.

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
15 May 24 o 400 years in Egypt became 430, final Redemption also ?1Jos Boersema

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