Hillel the Elder is the original Jesus, destroying the Torah

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Sujet : Hillel the Elder is the original Jesus, destroying the Torah
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 30. May 2024, 12:58:57
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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name:  Christians Struggle With This, and it Matters! –Rabbi Tovia Singer
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8dZzokiFEc
source: Tovia Singer

 Reply ...

  You are yourself a follower of Jesus, under the name of Hillel the
Elder, who was a traitor overthrowing the Torah from the Sanhedrin
with his *prosbul.* You are fighting your own mirror image in these
missionaries. The Jewish people gave up, and they lack the courage and/or
brains (or I don't know what) of people like Abraham and Moshe Rabbeinu,
who had the guts and fortitude to stand against the whole world and those
they knew best, for the sake of truth, justice and peace. This attitude
of the Jewish people, made it so that you have _not_ saved the world,
you have not corrected the world, within the time that it needed to be
corrected, which seems to turn out to have be exactly 6,000 years, which
seems to have now been 4 years ago. You gave up and became part of the
gentiles. You never went fully for the Torah. You have the desire to serve
the rich and powerful, even though these people are largely wicked. Israel
as a Nation takes the bribes (Yeshiva donations from the rich and greedy),
and in return they teach their children the lies which keep the exile
going. You create the exile, all the time, every day again you create
the exile from scratch, by lying about the Torah (prosbul, heter iska),
and by failing to institute the Jubilee on land. People who are even more
confused than the Jewish people, such as Muslems and western idolators,
now lack an example to see and do. There was ample time it turns out,
from Moshe Rabbeinu to the present, to change the whole world to the
good, if you had stayed strong and loyal. Now Israel will go down with
this world, a world of ignorance and selfishness. Such a simple job:
stop the prosbul, stop the heter iska, ask for the Jubilee on land,
and you couldn't even do that. There must be something very powerful in
this _yearning to serve the rich and greedy_ at all cost. You are a lost
people. The punishment will come. As far as I heard about things, you
will be corrected by force, and those who refuse will be destroyed. I am
sorry for you that you have let it come to this. You thought "October" was
bad ? That was nothing. Goodness sakes, don't people have any historical
perspective ? The next round of punishment, 7 times worse than the Nazis,
could well kill *95%* of all Jewish people in the world, and you can
read such warnings plainly in the Torah. One of those parts you ruffled
through quickly, isn't that right ? Just like the parts about where the
rich and greedy need to do their duties. Greed greed greed ... humans are
cursed by it. What a sad sight to see a world with so much going for it,
destroy itself out of absolute stupidity. What a hopeless species. They
all think they are right (including me, I shall admit), but what kind
of effort do they put into their opinions in general ? How about 30
seconds over the span of a lifetime, on average ? Even the scientists
and the scholars, on balance a complete failure at this point. There
is no will to be good, or even to understand what that should mean. A
world full of NPCs (these are artificial characters in computer games),
merely able to act out their programming which was aimed at surviving
the Stone Age. If you are alive and not a drone like that, sheer yourself
away from this madness, including the lying Rabbis, and do a lot better,
or you will go down with the rest.

End. This was probably too long because nobody cares anyway, retrying ...

  You are yourself a follower of Jesus, under the name of *Hillel the
Elder,* who was a traitor overthrowing the Torah from the Sanhedrin
with his *prosbul.* Then you got exiled to stop the madness of Hillel
and his traitor gang I guess, to take out the heart of corruption and
greed, and hope the Torah could still survive as small bits here and
there, isolated and far away from the core of darkness of a centralized
Jewish ruling class. I suppose it slowed the disease down, the disease of
greed and lying and overthrowing the Torah, but the Rabbis still stooped
lower once they adopted Maimonides/Rambam, a traitor who went to live
in Egypt and who issued the _heter iska,_ which is a trick for a Jew to
take interest from another Jew, which is of course forbidden. It also
hides the money away, when it is needed for doing good to people, such as
giving easy loans to the poor, to be cancelled in the 7th year. All of
these treasons are overshadowed by not keeping to the Jubilee on land,
which not keeping has the potential to create great suffering in the
people, and great poverty, as well as great wealth for the greedy rich
and other evil heartless people, who keep buying and assembling all the
land. I don't understand what is so difficult about understanding this,
and rectifying yourselves. Is it your hard neck ? Is it a disdain for any
kind of criticism due to the non stop onslaught of absurdity from the
Jesus idolators ? Is it pride so that you cannot admit a wrong ? Is it
fear for what your peers will say ? Do Rabbis fear to loose their people
if they side with Moshe Rabbeinu rather than the Rothshild *crime* family
? See ... I guess this was what "fear of heaven" was all about. Your fear
should be for the truth about what you do, and the shame you generate for
yourself if you do wrong. This is to be the overwhelming fear, which may
destroy all obstacles to doing good, right ? You fear the disagreement of
HKB'H _more_ than the dislike or even rage of your confused fellow Jews,
Rabbis, even family, and therefore you side with the truth, with Moshe
Rabbeinu, to have courage like Moshe Rabbeinu and Abraham ...

End. This was probably too long because nobody cares anyway, retrying ...

  You are yourself a follower of Jesus, under the name of *Hillel the
Elder,* who was a traitor overthrowing the Torah from the Sanhedrin with
his *prosbul.* Don't you fear being thrown out of the Redemption for
treason like this ? There might be a few Jewish people who eventually
do Teshuvah, overthrow Hillel and Rambam. Don't you want to be part of
the Redemption ? I guess not.

End. Maybe this is short enough for people to read, and for Google not
to delete behind my back, as they usually do (or shadow ban it, who
knows what those maniacs are doing these days).

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Date Sujet#  Auteur
30 May 24 o Hillel the Elder is the original Jesus, destroying the Torah1Jos Boersema

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