How the criminals used women as a weapon¹

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Sujet : How the criminals used women as a weapon¹
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 02. Jun 2024, 11:26:34
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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title: scientist made rats eat an American diet
source: Forward with Andrew Yang

Agreed. The mothers where propagandized that being a mother was
lame. The usual criminal suspects funded the magazines they read and
believed without question. Rather than working for your (hopefully)
loving family, all the fun was to be had by working for greed obsessed
company dictators and the anonymous greedy financiers who help them
into the saddle. This they where of course not told, and did not seem
to comprehend. The ruling class doubled the work force which are their
servants, and broke the family, which is a win-win for them. The woman
where then convinced by propaganda that it was lame that there where
specific industries and jobs for men and for woman (separately), and
this ignorance of economic effects which they where taught, lead them
into direct competition with men, which is a competition they will loose
every time a job requires strength and/or stamina, which (on the other
hand) are jobs which are being replaced by machinery the most, so the
effect isn't as bad as it could have been.

Special woman jobs would protect women incomes. If only woman are allowed
to do cleaning, and cleaning being as essential as it is, they can fetch
an equal wage compared to other industries, without any need for other
regulations. If only men build brick roads (which indeed, only men do,
but okay it is an example), all the men compete with all the men. If
woman where to enter that market (by regulations for example), they just
cannot produce the same amount of road and that has to mean that they
earn proportionally less per hour, even though they put in the same or
even greater proportion of their maximum effort, but their bodies do not
produce the same amount, and that is what a business has to deal with
in the end, and what the payment represents. The woman hence get paid
what they end up being worth to that production, and this would be like
a lazy man worker, in such a muscle intense job as laying brick roads.

Hence the woman have basically ruined their own lives, because they read
womans magazines full of ignorance. The magazines played to their pride,
played to some sense of righteousness, and in the worst cases all the
men where being seen as oppressors of woman, when in fact it is a rather
small amount of evil men who control more and more of the land and the
wealth who are the evil ones who try to enslave everyone.

Example: to bake bread (at least I found out), in an efficient way, you
have to be around the dough for many hours, even if you do nothing with
it. I imagine that making bread is a little bit like raising children:
you may not have to look at them constantly (well...), but you need to be
around them, you need to be there, you need to check up on them every now
and again. The mother at the house is perfect for this. Sure, the father
at the house can do that also, but it is natural for the heavy muscle
jobs to be done by the man (in the field), and the woman gives milk to
the babies and this way gets into the just as tiring and demanding jobs
at the house. Then when the woman was at the house minding all the many
things there, the baking of bread just slips in there naturally. A good
method of bread making involves folding the dough, for example every
hour, and then eventually to bake it when it looks ready (simplified). It
is a small job, but if you leave the house for hours to work outside,
it suddenly becomes difficult. Hence they started buying bread instead.

There is an argument that home appliances made womens jobs easier and
so they could work outside, but the same could be argued for mens jobs
outside the house also becoming easier by technology. The benefit of the
technology however, does only partially go to the population. The main
benefit goes to the land owners (etc). If he doesn't need you because
he has machines, you can go home and die for all he cares. You have no
economic position to benefit from the machines, because you are a tool
yourself. You failed to understand economics sufficiently, and set up
your nation correctly with land for all, and now poverty and death will
be the reward befitting your ignorance.

The woman then had less and less time to make good food, and even if they
had enough time in total, they may not be there to mind the little steps
in the food making process anymore. The advertizers also found out how
to manipulate womans minds², so that the woman would imagine to herself
that she had put love into a bake, just because she added an egg to a
pre-existing mix for a cake.

The men who are not in the evil ruling class, let all this happen without
much of any opposition. The men and woman who see through it are so
few and far between, it makes no impact. Nothing can compete with the
_one eyed monster with the thousand lying tongues,_ the Television,
or the subservient attitude people have toward the rich and greedy,
or those they feel have the power. It is interesting for example, how
the woman did not get angry at their work in the family being degraded
by feminist propagandists, as if this work was less somehow, or not
important, and they also seemed to accept just fine that the men who
where often working themselves to death in the factories to support their
families with what little money the criminals would give them for it,
where now being accused of being oppressors of woman, just because it
was the norm for the man to set the signature on some contract, which
should be a trivial issue in a good marriage.

So we see how the ruling class has tried to create anger in the woman
against their husbands, to then coax them into a life of slavery which
they didn't realize was the real world outside. What we can perhaps loarn
is how valuable the woman in the house is to the health of everyone,
now that it is not entirely lost, but diminished greatly. If you read
correctly the above, this isn't even an argument about how woman _should_
be home. It is an argument to place great value on a woman who is taking
the jobs at home, and for those who work outside the home to have their
own industries so that they can get the value for the work they deserve.

Everything is like upside down. The feminist want equal pay so they claim,
but it is exactly their ideas which ruin this equal pay, because they
look down on specific jobs for woman. Is cleaning to be looked down
upon ? Basically, the feminists seem to hate woman, destroying their
industry, destroying their value at home, and pushing them toward a
life of underpaid service to the rich and greedy and the criminals in
the top. Result: a lot of sadness and disease everywhere. The criminals
in the top love it though, so this will not stop soon.

It is interesting to notice that in a good marriage as it used to be,
the man works for the money, and then gives it to the wife to spend. The
man and the woman exactly earn the same, because they are a unit. In
cases where the man is at home and the woman works outside, it is the
same. The income is to the unit of two people. There is no difference,
there is no fight between them. Conclusion: stop reading anything which
is funded by the rich and greedy, which is everything where you see
company advertizers or other suspect financiers behind it. They serve
their own interests, while pretending to care about you.

P.S. Another big reason for the bad eating of today, is that this
type of food was just not available. It wasn't produced. To the degree
that it was produced, it was very expensive. They just didn't have the
money for it. In that sense, these problems are not due to propaganda
and politics, but simply because it became possible due to the rise in
technology. The people _choose_ to eat unhealthy. I guess it is multiple
factors coming together. 1. It became possible. 2. The propaganda systems
became extremely refined in the last century. 3. Technology made house
work much easier, freeing up a lot of time there. 4. People usually do
not understand economics and therefore accept landlessness as normal
(which is a great sickness of society), which meant work outside the
house did not benefit from technology for most people. This meant woman
could be pulled outside of the house and into the field work, mostly as
lower productivity and hence lower paid lesser workers, because that
is how a market has to work based on productivity. 5. A wicked ruling
class, which existed due to the general immorality in the people, but
who gained their power mainly thanks to the incorrect economics being
deployed. 6. Lots of other things too.

I think all these things are still developing. It has the potential to
become much worse. For certain these developments will cause World War 3,
which has already started. The family will be more and more destroyed,
people will be more and more enslaved. It will continue until they
start to resist and do better. The entire gay madness is also part of
all this. It serves multiple angles. It is a fake victory given to the
left (labor) organizations, to keep them docile. It damages the family,
it damages social relations, friendships, between men and men, woman and
woman, because there is this sudden risk of crazy behavior. It starts
up a group of people who cannot have children and who will mess with
the healthy family mode of living. Some will be creating alternatives
which will likely be damaging to children.

The criminal ruling class will keep pushing and pushing, until they
reached their end goal, which is total and absolute control. They want
the power to kill anyone and in any amount, and to inflict pain in any
amount, so that they can force the people to do anything, even to the
point of suicide. They want the same control over humanity, as humanity
has over chickens. This is their unwavering goal. They will only give
it up, once we have destroyed them entirely.


1. Woman where the topic here, but the criminals also use men to enslave
   everyone, and possibly to a greater degree, through such methods as
   war, Tyranny and all kinds of propagandized delusions. This is not a
   claim that it was the woman who have done it. Nevertheless, there
   seems to be a specific method of control going on, from the top
   criminals, aimed and using woman as a whole as a political weapon
   against themselves and society at large.

2. Perhaps it can work to add after every advertizement, which is
   typically a feel good moment meant to create product association with
   happiness, an equally long truth advertizement about the same topic.
   You then don't damage the freedom of speech, but simply make use of
   that right yourself, as a society. For example you would first see an
   advertizement about how great it is to ride some kind of car, and
   then you see a movie about everything which can be destroyed by the
   same car. What is odd about people is that they are so 100% emotional
   about everything, and 0% rational, as is proven in advertizing. If
   you want to sell global nuclear war, all you have to do is put a few
   skimpily dressed young woman on The Bomb, or how a happy family is
   laughing and having a good time while the nukes are falling. It does
   not seem to register that these advertizements are fraud, like the
   friendly smile on the face of a liar who is defrauding you out of
   your money. The smile and the activity are the opposites. The smile
   is the cover, the theft is the activity.

   This being the case, you could experiment with two modes of truth
   contra advertizements. One is to try to show truth, and have those
   contra advertizements being funded by parties who have an interest in
   diminishing the spread of that product. You then have a happy family
   and attractive people laughing in association with the product, and
   then you get like a science type mini documentary. The other way is
   to hook into the emotions the opposite way: the family is now crying
   in association with the product, and the owners seem to be unattractive
   and unappealing people. You don't even have to say a word, the whole
   thing would be counter emotional, both advertizement and
   contra-advertizement completely without any useful content (perfectly
   in line with the mindlessness of the masses, I am tempted to write
   ... and it is so bad that I did dare write it, because truth is truth.)

   Anti-tabacco advertizements in the Netherlands do seem to have
   worked, the amount of smokers has diminished inmensely. This shows
   how the minds of the masses are under the control of the State. The
   people do not have power over themselves, they lack the character for
   it. There is no backbone there. IT takes time to manipulate them, but
   with enough time and money, the masses can apparently be brought to
   anything you want, including global nuclear war, which is exactly
   what is happening. Including electing a Fascist party as the main
   party in the Netherlands, of all places (PVV). Electing a Fascist
   like Mussolini in the USA is also no problem. Everything is deeply
   affected by frauds and lying in this world. Wherever you look, you
   see great degradation and corruption, even though many things still
   have good in them as well.

   I think many if not most of the ills in society, are rooted in the
   centralization of power into the hands of wicked people. Small shops
   and producers disappear, enormous operations take everything over.
   These enormous operations have their own internal hierarchy, with
   financiers at the top. The force for good in the market now starts to
   compete with something like a manipulative and dictatorial mindset.
   The financiers benefit when wages are low. Company owners benefit
   when wages are low. With land centralized and out of reach of
   ordinary people due to absurd prices and simply it not being on the
   market, enormous economies of scale reaching even deep into other
   Continents where goods are produced under slavery conditions, it is
   not as easy as it used to be to be a free person and do good.

   Example (finding out more about it, it is a bit shocking...):
   My grand father (called "Jo") was a baker and had a bakery in a
   village (Uithuizen). There where apparently 6 bakers in that village
   at that time. The population of the entire Netherlands at that time
   was probably around 7-8 Million
   ( ),
   and is now around 17 Million. It seems likely that the village
   population back then was smaller as well.

   Nowadays there is 1 bakery left in this village (going by area search), but this bakery is part of a small
   chain of bakeries which originated in a village (Loppersum) which is
   10 km away from there. Ironically, this chain also owns the bakeries
   closest to where I live (Groningen city). If you search for bakeries
   in the area, I at least do not see one bakery in every village. There
   are more huge chain grocery stores, than there seem to be bakeries.

   This is an anecdotal example of an enormous shift in economic power,
   away from the average population, away from an amount of economic
   power held into the hands of many small owners, and into a more and
   more centralized company model. Another example: my favorite bike
   shop, which had a huge hall but only had one other location (where
   they specialized in racing bikes), has now been bought up by some
   sort of car dealers company (which means I will boycott them from now
   on). While there are still small bike shops around, and probably also
   small bakeries, the tendency is for the small operations to be either
   taken over by the big operations, or be destroyed by them. This is
   not a small shift, over the course of several generations. From 6
   bakeries in a village, to just one chain covering seemingly a
   significant part of a province with only 5 bakeries and the rest of
   the bread and related products being sold by very large grocery store
   chains, is a major shift in power away from the population and into
   the hands of the few, who often are rich and greedy. The bigger the
   operation, the more likely you will find more and more evil people in
   the top, more and more heartlessness. In the very top of society, a
   heartless attitude is so normal, these people don't even realize
   anymore that they are basically criminals, and besides they are proud
   of being that way, looking down on anyone else whom they think have
   not achieved what they are achieving (which really is, destroying
   their soul and hope for the future by their wicked behavior, but they
   get a lot of money doing it and that's all that matters to them, and
   they tend to think that everyone is like that, or want to think that,
   because that makes it allright in a moral sense).

   The question is: what are you going to do about it ? Most people know
   perfectly well that this is happening, and many people don't agree
   with it. Yet if you tell them how land needs to be a right, at best
   you get a level of vague agreement, but what you don't get is someone
   willing to work at it. I have proposed a comprehensive plan, with
   all the rational reasoning around it as to why it should be this way.
   You can do it now, or wait until you have destroyed the world, and
   then do something like this or exactly this plan, under much harder
   conditions. You can also choose to forever keep living the lie, in
   which case you will sooner or later probably end up with either a
   bloody revolutionary war, or a life of slavery, or both, and all with
   a highly uncertain outcome, and no stability at the end of it either
   until you do something like give everyone their land back, forever.

   The Torah has such laws for land, but Israel stopped caring, and
   therefore is on the path of self destruction, together with the rest
   ofd humanity. You can blame the psychos of power for a lot of bad
   stuff, but unfortunately due to your own ignorance: you brought these
   criminals to power, and they will do as you should have known that
   they would, because they are always the same in what they want. You
   caused it all to yourselves, because you couldn't look at a patch of
   land and say: everyone an equal share, from now until eternity, all
   our children and their children into forever. You couldn't be fair
   with your neighbor on such a simple matter. The land owner didn't
   want to give it to you, and you couldn't get on one line with the
   other victims of the greed of the rich, due to things like rudeness,
   stupidity, even laziness, and that was it. The path to Tyranny was
   chosen, and you are on this "highway to hell".

   I warn you now, when things are seemingly still good in many places.
   Some places have already fallen under the bombs, and they already
   look like a hell to live in. Will it spread ? Just like the control
   of the bakeries spreads, so the war will also spread, because it is
   already one system in the entire world, and this system wants and
   needs war, a big war. They don't need most of us, and they want to
   use the mass traumatization to speed up and finalize their
   centralized control, and probably in no small way also to make their
   Tyranny accepted because war is Tyranny and makes Tyranny acceptable
   to the masses. Afterwards, they will just end up stuck in it, used to
   it, and/or there will be more war to ratify it more, etc. The methods
   of war will then become the methods of Tyranny, which itself will
   become much more powerful as the technology keeps increasing.

   Will it really be this bad ? Probably worse, but perhaps not at all:
   who knows. The point is that the risk is great. Politics and choices
   are based on expected risk. We don't *know* but we can reasonably
   *foresee*. If we build a bad dike, we don't *know* when it will
   break, but we know it will *likely* fail. I also don't know exactly
   or at all what will happen, but we can see the risk as a certainty
   *now*. Based on this risk, we need to enact the necessary policies
   now. That is what a responsible person would do. You don't wait until
   your house burns down, but you assess the risks and minimize them
   where it is reasonably possible. We have seen enough societies go
   down already, to know what the risks are, and how serious the issues
   of Plutocracy, war, Tyranny, and the depletion of nature are.

   But ... there is soccer on TV, there is icecream for sale, so who
   cares about the future ... almost none. I warn you though: the future
   which you are ignoring, will one day be upon you just as inescapable
   and heavy as today is there as a reality in-your-face, and what are
   you going to do about it then.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Jun 24 o How the criminals used women as a weapon¹1Jos Boersema

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