Rambam/Maimonides, traitor to the Torah, deceiver of Israel.

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Sujet : Rambam/Maimonides, traitor to the Torah, deceiver of Israel.
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 02. Jun 2024, 20:03:09
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v3ic4t$3f9ia$1@dont-email.me>
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title: Maimonides: The Revered & Controversial Sephardic Rabbi | The Jewish Story | Unpacked
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QDLe_PK7to
source: Unpacked

Someone (first comment) wrote:
2 years ago

  You wouldn't understand it unless you walk with God.  Rambam seems to
  have replaced God in the orthodox eyes?

End quote. Reply ...

Rambam/Maimonides is guilty over issuing the _heter iska,_ which is
arguably not as bad as the traitor Hillel the Elder has done with
his _prosbul,_ but of a similar vein and similar destruction of the
Torah. There are no Orthodox Jews in the world. They are _all_ reformers,
who thought they knew better. If only they at least understood as much as
the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu, perhaps they would have done some good. But
sadly, they do not. I don't need to explain why the prosbul or heter iska
are bad. Read them, read the Torah, and it is self explanatory. Rambam
is Jewish corruption. They replaced God as the lawmaker, with lawmakers
of their own choosing, who serve the rich and greedy, not justice and
peace. The result is their never ending exile. I think the exile will not
end, until Hillel and Rambam fall, although even that will probably not
be enough (the Jubilee on land, or something other of similar severity,
needs to be enacted and dutifully followed).

It is interesting that on his tomb stone, they make this Rambam close to
equal to Moshe Rabbeinu, and they also devalue everyone who came after
Moshe Rabbeinu, which includes all the prophets and true loyalists like
King David who wrote the Psalms (in which it is said, the righteous do
not take interest, iirc). Rambam wasn't even an authenticated prophet,
and his innovation over the Torah is fraud (which also means, he can
not even become a prophet, under the law of prophets, FWIK). Why do they
put this man over all these good people ? Because they serve the rich and
greedy, who want to scheme around to increase their money at all cost, and
Rambam helps them do it, as did Hillel the Elder, the traitor. The world
is lost. The consequences will become extreme. Per curses section in the
Torah, the next round will be 7 times worse. The last punishment was the
Nazis. Time is up also, the humans have gone insane with their nukes and
war lust, their shallowness and their inability to create stability. GAME
OVER. How awful, a world of fools with nukes. It cannot be, and it will
not be for long. It is extremely unstable and self destructive.

P.S. [Usenet]

Briefly about why these treasons are bad...

The prosbul is so reprehensible, I rather not think about it today,
thanks. If you don't see it, you are joking.

Heter iska, it is a deceptive method of putting your money into a
business, have others work the work, and then you gain riches in return.
It is supposedly limited in how much you can get, and this supposedly
makes it right, but it doesn't hold up to the Torah standard (Tanach)
which says interest on loans is *forbidden*.

If you have money with which you can play because you can lend it out,
you could have given it in charity, or in easily nullified loans to the
poor, thus strengthening the bonds between the people, and also
degrading your own excessive wealth, because you may have become greedy
and obsessed with wealth over morality. You put the money away in a
loan, thus diverting it from its purposes (under the Torah system, which
is helping people and of course also helping yourself, but not to become
an exploiter of other people).

If there had been no standard and all interest on loans was allowed,
then you could argue that the heter iska system is a slight improvement,
since it limits the profit. However this was not the situation. The
starting point is the Torah: no interest at all allowed, between Jewish
people. It degrades this standard, and thus it is treason.

There are also dangerous mechanisms at play, when you invest in a
business for profit. I never saw anyone write about it, but this is my
thinking: the investor wants to suck out money, without working in that
business. The more the workers are exploited, abused, not given their
wages, and the more the costumers are scammed out of their money, the
more money the business owner gains, and the more he can share with his
parasite: the financier in the back. There is hence a financial self
serving interest, to invest in abusive companies. You think this is
fantasy ? Because you didn't spend 10 seconds on the problem ?

Where does your investment of say 10 000 pieces of gold likely make the
best profit, assuming both business types are possible.
1. A nice business, who treats everyone fairly and gives the workers
   their share of good income. Being nice, the owner is thus fairly
   humble, and doesn't go home with huge amounts of profit for himself,
   while the workers have little.
2. Some sort of wicked individual, willing to exploit the workers to the
   maximum. Every day another trick to not pay them, underpay them, and
   get rid of people who got sick without paying for them. This owner,
   if he does his scams and evil well, gets away with a lot of loot from
   his own company.

You could argue: the nice business owner will also nicely share with the
financier, while the greedy business owner will also try to scam the
financier. While this seems to be a true argument, I don't think it
generally works out this way. The financier, especially if investing a
lot of money, is the boss behind the boss. Things are a bit merky and
individuals may deviate from the norm at times, however if you look at
return on investment, then a business which can repress its workforce
succesfully the most, is likely the business which is the strongest and
most profitable to invest in. The loss of the workers, is the gains of
the owners and the financiers. We have seen a lot of suffering in the
world in history, thanks to underpaid labor. It might even be the single
most important cause of human suffering on Earth (poverty caused by the
ownership class). Financiers can get extremely rich on the other hand,
which we also see all the time happening in history. The rise of the
poor and the rise of the Plutocracy, and all kinds of investment
schemes. I think it is not an accident. The investments are profitable
where labor gets squeezed, and labor in turn can be squeezed where
landlessness is the norm, and thus this financier caste also has an
interest in denying people their right to land. With land, labor would
have options, they would be free to choose, even begin their own trades.
Without land, they can be subjected, there is nowhere else to go. This
is yet another nefarious problem, arising from rent seeking on loans.

The financier thinks like so ... (or those that do might become the most
powerful among them) ... "We need to loot the pockets of the people
working for the businesses we invest in, but if we go too far they just
retreat to their own land and start on their own. This escape rout costs
us a lot, while on the other hand we should own all that land for
ourselves, and farm other people like they are our cattle. We are the
bosses, and they are the slaves, that is how it should be. They are
our cattle, we are their gods. We need to get their land away from
them, and then push them into despair, while we give them a pittance at
some kind of job, which they will accept because the alternative is to
become roaming bandits - whom we will hunt and kill - or just die from
hunger and misery - which is fine with us."

It is certainly possible that an investment has a good effect in an
individual case, and even many individual cases can so be named. The
question however is: what does it do over the whole of society, and over
long stretches of time, such as centuries, thousands of years. Apples
fall down from trees usually, and even if you throw up a few to proof
the opposite, it isn't in the main what happens. Things generally fall
down to the low point on Earth (since they are heavier than air, and
that is just how it works).

The heter iska is less easy to see why it is bad, but the prosbul is
blisteringly obvious. Everyone knows it is a fraud, yet they go on with
it, which makes it an open rebellion. The Rabbis are in open rebellion
against the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu, causing the exile, and seemingly
not even caring about it. I guess they got paid by someone, or are too
cowardly to go against the majority and their peers.

If you are a good person, you want to help others. You can make an
investment into a business, and do it without interest, without profit
games (without heter iska). Then you have the benefit of the investment,
the business can start up quicker etc, and avoid the downsides of a
mechanism of parasitic money making. You then only have chances of
loosing money as an investor, and that is not appealing for the greed
motive, and thus those obsessed with money and greed will simply avoid
investment entirely. Their money is bigger when they do not invest under
rules of no interest on loans. They might hide the money, or buy things
for themselves from it even if they need nothing, etc. At least they
won't invest it in abusive companies.

I think we see in the world, that there can be successes of moral
businesses, but on the whole it is the evil ones who in the end seem to
centralize more and more companies and land under their power. The Torah
has laws against it, and this may be for good reason, even if we don't
entirely understand it. Even if we don't understand, under the rules of
the Torah, it is still law anyway.

This makes Rambam a traitor with his heter iska, and also Hillel the
Elder is a traitor with his prosbul. Hillel the Elder has overthrown
HKB'H as the law maker, and the Rabbis have never wanted to correct
this. Hence the exile has to go on, until the Rabbis clean up their own
behavior, or are themselves overthrown (as Isaiah seems perhaps to say
will happen, when the teachers will be cut away and may no longer teach

It may seem like details, or a boring and speculative topic, but entire
civilizations get born and die because of these effects. These are not
side issues, especially not land ownership. We see today how the world
drowns in crazy debt schemes (National debt pyramid scam, paying debt
with debt), which will likely cause a currency destabilization because
the insane politicians and their evil ruling class decided to start
printing money to pay the impossible debt, which should normally lead to
hyper inflation. Hyper inflation itself is a severe shock to everyone,
and then to cap that off for themselves and maintain control, the ruling
class will grab its trusted old weapon: war. In this case: global
nuclear war, and probably an attempt at high technological Tyranny. Such
is their way, being criminals and liars.

Hence, a seemingly trivial topic like debt, is (in this view) a major if
not *the* major cause for global nuclear war. Millions of people will
die in such a war, and billions will probably suffer while all will be
severely shocked no doubt, and all that because of a boring topic like
the laws and policies around debt.

While it was possible that wars would be waged anyway, the debt crisis
does seem to add a lot to the explosiveness (heh) of the situation. We
saw at least something similar in the Weimar Republic, which suffered
economic shocks from the Weimar debt and hyper inflation, as well as
debt games and money shocks (1924 currency crisis, 1929 Great
Depression, all forms of games for profit with money), leading to the
war which is has been discussed for generations now. It has been the
foremost event in the world for generations, and perhaps even still now.
All because of debt laws and policies. It may seem boring and trivial,
but it seems to be a topic which is extremely important, and even one of
the most important topics in the world.

Money touches everything, land also touches everything. We have
criminals in control over the entire currency as a whole, over areas so
large as continents and basically the entire world. If a city like Paris
will live or die, let's say that there was a bomb threat on Paris and it
would be entirely wiped out or not in the next month, does that sound
like an important topic ? Most people will be all about that every day,
it seems to important. Paris as a whole is very small compared to the
entire world, all of which is affected by the money, debt and land laws
and policies. Indeed, it will all likely be severely affected by this
likely coming global nuclear war. Yet the people do not think it
matters, ... not until it is too late. The historians can then write
their laments again, search for the cause, but on the moment that we
should have acted, which is now ...

v Watch how many replies, see how many people care. Probably zero.

Yet we have all these cool looking people, they are so important with
their cars racing through the lands, neatly dressed in their suits. So
important. What they do seems to be so important. Their lives seem to
matter so much. When the bombs have fallen, how will they answer the
question: what did you do, when it mattered, when all this could have
been avoided, curbed, mellowed down or alltogether avoided ? Where you
there to hold the line, did you throw your weight into the fight against
the National debt, against the unnecessary loan paraticism, the
centralization of control in the economy, or at least the rising war
when it started, did you speak out against the Nazis of Obama in Kiev,
the bombing of the middle east and the fraud of 9/11 ?

Some people cared, some can say "yes and more!" to this, or accuse
undersigned by saying "but where where you when we needed you?!", but
how many ? 1% ? 1‰ ? Next to nobody cares, now that it matters most.

Look, soccer on TV !
Wait, check out this new car !
Oh wow, is this the fashion color this spring ?
My wage has gone up/down.

Etc etc. Anyone cares for the common good, how it is all supposed to
work together ? A few do, but so few ... so very few ... ... when the
cost of failing is so great, and all these people who ignore the common
good now by focussing on their own lives (which do need attention, I'm
not saying it doesn't), many or even most will have those precious
personal lives be overthrown entirely by what they have allowed to
happen in terms of economics laws and policies, and also the policies of
war and more clear forms of evil by the world its ruling classes. You
cannot ignore the common good, and expect someone else to take care of
it. You thought you paid politicians to do it, or priests ? Well, you
thought wrong. You didn't pay enough attention to whom you where putting
into those positions, and what they where saying, or at times you just
ignored their warnings and suggestions. However way it went, the result
is going to be serious. Another world war. Why ? Because "who cares",
and "someone else will take care of it", and "I don't know" and so on.

But oh goodness, then there is the foolishness of some people in the
resistance, such as the Anarchists. So much effort, wasted on
foolishness. Communists, Socialists, Democrats, an endless list of
ideologies, and basically none can get a program together which is even
close to the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu. Thousands years later, and they
... fail so miserably. Hai hai hia ... just what a total lack of
interest. How can there not come a punishment for all this ?!

In the middle ages the people suffered, asking for time, for life. You
could barely blame them for their foolish minds and idolatry. What
energy did they have left, after being exploited to near death by the
so-called nobility, while suffering their wars and pride ? Nowadays, we
have everything. Many people could sit like me behind a keyboard, and
literally write all day (ranting I should say ;-), and still survive
life in comfort. We have everything. There are no excuses anymore, not
to get this planet in good order, or at least your own Nation.

Having the Kings Guards ransack your house at the end of the week if you
cannot pay your 10 pieces of silver, while having next to nothing to
sell, is good enough reason to not invest hours and hours of time into
the finer points of economics, debt law or soil ownership.

A soccer match on TV on the other hand, is no excuse to not care about
the common good, about the insane and evil policies happening in your
Nation, etc. Investigating the latest fashion is no excuse. While there
are people who are badly overworked, and they may have an excuse, on the
population level there are more than enough people with all the time and
money and luxury to care. They simply do not, and hence what is coming
is well deserved. Humanity deserves the destabilization and the wars
which are coming. The censorship is already on in a big way, but it
doesn't really matter because when there was still effective freedom of
speech, nothing was achieved either.

- No excuses, like never before humanity has no excuses.
- Worse weapons, probably the worst which have ever been created.
- Extremely powerful technology, everywhere.
- Sorely skill lacking population, unable like never before to do basic
  tasks such as growing crops. Never before was there probably a
  population which lacked so many basic skills, was so incompetent in
- Extremely large population, the pressure on nature was globally
  probably never this high.
Potential for a catastrophy -like never before humans could cause- is high.

(I write "humans could cause", because nature could probably still do
 much worse at any time in human existance.)

This is the moment, to hold the line and get together, to show we are
good people who care. Most people have no excuse anymore to follow a
traitor like Rambam or Hillel. There is no excuse to allow the National
debt to exist, to allow businesses to become far too large, or to not
understand economics and allow landlessness in the population, and all
the ills and likely stupidity this causes the population because they
are not decently being challenged in their creativity and life (etc).

[Is this the point where friends should show up and drag me away from
 the keyboard, for my own good, and the sore eyes of the readers if any
 are remaining (yes I know, nobody reads probably) ? I think so ;-)]


Your death are on you. I showed you what's wrong and what you can do,
and argued it logically so that you can understand the value of it
yourself. Don't do it because I say it, but because you agree. Maybe you
have better plans ...

(See ? I need to be dragged from the keyboard at this point ... sigh.
Everyone needs a hobby I guess. Too bad I am all alone with my hobby
about peace & justice. I will never join the liars, I guess that's why.
You don't realize that *you guys* are the odd ones out, you are the ones
in a tiny tiny minority, blearing out lies thinking it impresses anyone.
The vastness of reality knows that you are lying, even when you have all
the humans on your side, it still means nothing. You merely hurt and
degrade yourselves, and that is all you will get out of it in the end.)

Shame, shame upon this culture, its bosses, its followers, and its
profiteers. How dare you not think about serious topics, how dare you
ignore what could and is now happening. How dare you be so
irresponsible, for your family their future, for humanity and even for
your own future. How dare you only think of yourself, and think this
will work out eventually. If you only think of yourself, you belong in a
world of people who only think of themselves, and what do you think will
happen there ? The same effort you put into installing people into power
whom you supposedly think will take care of things correctly, with the
same effort those people take your money and work for the common good.
The pittance of effort you gave, is thus repaid you, and some things are
indeed working, some things are even working well for a time. Then, it
all blows up in your face, and you wonder why.

Stop landlessness NOW. Stop debt games NOW. Curtail company sizes.
Curtail the sizes of Empires and Nations.

Too much to ask ? It is barely an absolute minimum. You should already
have made up your minds, and learned from history, the fall of Nations,
the collapse of civilization.

There is so much wrong in so many places in the world, so many facets of
this society, it is virtually impossible to debate it all for one person.
(Hehe, I started this rant with "briefly", sorry about that. I could and
should have been brief. If people cared it would have been simple.)

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
2 Jun 24 o Rambam/Maimonides, traitor to the Torah, deceiver of Israel.1Jos Boersema

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