Nation of liars/fools will have no justice, peace, or high technology

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Sujet : Nation of liars/fools will have no justice, peace, or high technology
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 04. Jun 2024, 17:27:29
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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A Nation of liars/fools will have no justice, peace, or high technology.

You don't listen to each other, and if one says the truth (such as I
have on the issue of the prosbul, which is blisteringly obvious), you
don't care. Therefore the plight of the abused will not be heard, if an
injustice has been done to him (her). You cannot have justice. You are
justice destroyers.

If you destroy the truth, which you do, you cannot have the peace which
justice brings. Perhaps in a theoretical sense you can have the peace of
a dictatorship, a peace of the graveyard, a peace of fear, but this is
not real peace (perhaps a gravyard can still be peaceful).

You cannot have high technology for long either, because by your
injustice and the wars they cause, you will likely destroy yourselves in
the end.

Does this sound theoretical ?

The way I see it: a peace comes about when people listen to each other,
and resolve common problems together, based on what is right, based on
justice, what is fair, and things like this. Although this may not be
easy, what to do in each case, with enough care you can get close enough
to have a lot of peace. This means you will have people coming together,
talking and listening, perhaps going somewhere to investigate. These are
real events.

How does this work out, when you are so illogical, so cowardly when it
comes to the truth, so unreasonable and so emotional, so shallow that
you don't want to find out the details, as you have been on the issue of
the prosbul and now there is also no Jubilee on land in Eretz Yisroel ?
I see someone needing help, a wrong needs to be set right. He goes to
his neighbors: they don't care. He goes to his parents: they live in
fear of what the neighbors say, and therefore ignore the problem. He
goes to other people he knows, asking them at a party where they stand
in a circle. Heated arguments in all directions result, and nothing
further happens, because everyone has their own opinion usually based on
little or nothing at all. They don't converge on the truth, because they
do not put in the effort, they lack the courage to stand for the truth.

This happens on a personal scale, but it replicates itself on a National
scale. Finger pointing and false accusations toward someone in the
street, is the same as finger pointing and false accusations towards a
nearby Nation. Neither Nation can resolve the problem, because it is of
course all the fault of the others. Self serving emotions before logic
and truth. War may be the result.


The prosbul is a symptom of this lying by the Jewish people and their
Rabbis, this shallowness and foolishness. It is a sign that you cannot
live in peace, justice, or hang on to high technology for long (I am
talking in terms of centuries). You are yourselves the problem.

For a long time there may have been time to wait, but now the world is
full of nukes and all kinds of mad weapons are developed. The
consequences will hence probably not be exactly like how they used to
be. The consequences will be altered by the technology. The same things
will happen, but now with different and much more powerful technologies.
The question is how humanity can even survive all that, and what animals
can in the end survive it: a species whose habbit of evil and war has
now escalated into throwing nuclear bombs at each other.

By the way, in a moral sense: if you choose lies to be your guide, as
Israel has done with the prosbul, then you play the game of lies in your
life (so to speak). The masters of lies are the criminals. You play
their game, and guess who will win it: they will. "Amalek" will win
that, they have a lot of experience with warfare, evil and violence.
Deception, lies, fraud, greed, domination through all kinds of methods,
these belong to the skills of war, next to sheer power and direct
destruction. It has many levels. You have entered this game, and hence
you will serve them, because they beat you at it.

When is Israel feared ? What do criminals fear ? Righteous people, who
mean it, who care for the truth no matter what, even against themselves.
This is the great fear of the criminals, because they know where they
belong in a world like that: either in prison, or dead already. They
have no place, and all the rage will be upon them. If Israel can and
will choose Justice, the evil ones will gain great fear, because they
know it is real, and they know what they have done and how it stacks up
in a system of Justice.

Advanced criminals don't really have so much to fear from other
criminals, especially not in this world, because they use lesser
criminals as their pawns, as they together are parasites upon productive
people. If the productive people lack morality, it makes them weak and
they cannot easily resist the criminals by banding together. It isn't
the criminals which are feared by the criminals, but the righteous ones
who are feared. The righteous ones play a different game, called Justice
and peace, the good for all, everyone happy (etc). Stability, harmony,
the extacy of being alive, of being good, growing in so many ways,
enjoying the adventure of existance, enjoying all the good that is made.
The criminals fail horribly at this game, they become the bottom, or
even get annihilated entirely and do no longer exist at all. The
criminals are literally minus who-knows-how-much on the skills ladder of
the good, they invest in becoming worse at justice and peace, rather
than better (exceptions noted).

You chose to play the game of the evil ones, with your prosbul and now
with not doing the Jubilee on land also, and who knows in how many more
ways. This is a game you loose, and you should want to loose it (except
if you are in a direct war with someone or some Nation, if the war is
just). You should have chose the game of peace and Justice, and it is
the only one you can live by the way. You should be too advanced to go
back to evil. It will never satisfy you.

The way it is, you chose to play their game, and to neglect the truth.
Therefore you cannot be Redeemed, you cannot find peace. You will not be
Redeemed, the way you are now. If you happen to be Redeemed anyway, it
seems very likely that you will destroy it all from the inside out, and
then the catastrophy might be worse than it is now, due to the
demoralization and also it goes against the Prophets, and therefore that
entire system might die as a cultural influence, because it was proven
to be historically wrong.

You will not be Redeemed in your current state, but rather - judging by
the Torah - you will be destroyed, almost entirely (curses section).
The last punishment was the Nazis. The next round will have to be 7
times worse. I speculate: 95% of you will be dead. Given the state of
the world, this will probably play out in the coming years / few

I hope you realize what this means. It means things like: Tel Aviv and
many cities in Israel are heavily bombed and turned to general rubble,
the survivors are assaulted by well equiped forced who exterminate
everyone they can find, which may be almost all of you. Many people
might die simply by swimming into the sea with no way back, who knows.
Do you realize the severity of what is coming for you, assuming the
Torah is true (which it seems to be), and combined with the entire
situation around you ?

What if the Zionist Rebels in Eretz Israel, the ruling class there, can
be bribed or just made to cause tremendous harms which angers the people
of the world, or not even anything is happening but they just lie about
it in the rest of the world, and you are injust enough to make it
believable ? What if the world turns against against all Jewish people,
including in the USA ? What if US Special forces commit attrocities in
the USA, and manage to make it seem like it was done by Jewish people ?
By Orthodox Jewish people ? Could you be put in camps, as a safety
precaution ? Could you be mass murdered there ? Is this a planet full of
crazy people, with very little care about the truth, and it is always
someone else to blame (I know, that you could say about me as well) ?
Has it happened before ?

You have been warned, again, and shown a way out. Return to your God,
return to your Torah, and live.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
4 Jun 24 o Nation of liars/fools will have no justice, peace, or high technology1Jos Boersema

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