Talking to the lame and the deaf, who pretend to not exist.

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Sujet : Talking to the lame and the deaf, who pretend to not exist.
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 06. Jun 2024, 20:00:06
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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   Talking to the lame and the deaf, who pretend to not exist.

title: Anti-Zionist Vehicle Protest by Naturei Karta in NYC
source: Neturei Karta

You cannot have your own State, because you have overthrown the law of
the Torah and went after the innovations of Hillel the Elder with his
_prosbul._ Later it became worse thanks to Rambam (heter iska). Previously
it seems you have already overthrown the Jubilee on land as well. With
this amount of lawlessness as the norm for the most caring Jewish people,
who care the most about the Torah, the kind of State you will likely
have is the one as corrupt / lawless as Hillel the Elder and Rambam
are. The State will become a weapon against the Torah, in the hands of
the rich and greedy. It is also a matter of the sheer dishonesty of the
Jewish people, including the so-called (Ultra)Orthodox, that they have
accepted the _prosbul,_ despite it clearly being a lie. If you are a
Nation of deceiving and confusion, perhaps not even close to as bad as
the gentiles but still you do not run a clean system ... what you may
end up with is something like the Zionist Rebel State, or a State as
under one of the many corrupt Kings as listed in the Tanach. Before you
have your own State, you need to come back to the Torah, and overthrow
Hillel and now even also Rambam.

If you refuse to do that, eventually the curses section will come into
effect. Every punishment is 7 times worse. You have been warned. You,
the so-called Ultra-Orthodox, who are not Orthodox but innovators who
overthrew the law, you should don sackcloth and ashes, and cry for
the millenia of fraud you have followed for no apparent reason. A few
coins from the rich to fund a fraudulent Yeshiva is not worth living in
the exile. Stop following the gentiles and their ignorance. Hillel and
Rambam deceive you, to follow the gentiles. The Torah is clear. You do
not need to go over the sea (etc etc). I do not have to argue the details
of the prosbul, but if you want me to I will, however it is blatently
obvious that the prosbul is fraud. I do not understand how you dare to
go on with it. You must have lost all fear of Hashem. While some may
overlook the fraud, it cannot be that you all overlook it. If one finds
it, he alerts the others (which I guess I am doing for you right now).

Not doing Teshuvah after this comment, if you think you care about the
Torah, is not acceptable. Why doesn't your supposed Rebbe or chief Rabbi
don some old clothes and then put sackcloth and ashes over them, bow his
head humbly to Hashem, plead guilty and accept punishment from heaven
for the deception and all the pain caused by Rabbinical Judaism over the
centuries. Your God promised you, he would return to you, if you return
to him. I dare hope he will restore you to glory, over all the world,
but if you fail - or so I read the Torah - to humble yourselves, you
may be stomped into the ground with your pretty clothes and everything,
and if you still don't learn, perhaps you will _never_ see the Redemption
by living in it yourselves. Why are you this obstinate ? You think you
can win this ? You think you can keep hammering on the idea like 1 + 1 =
5, and the more you go on with it, the closer you are to making it true
?! It will *never become true* and will always be a lie (the prosbul etc).

Anyway, this and perhaps other things, is why indeed you cannot have your
own State, because that State which you will form will be in the hands
of the rich and greedy who are likely also behind the prosbul. They
will destroy the Torah from the inside out, and after that is done,
where will this mess on Earth end, with these foolish people and their
fake / shallow "science", and their problems with crime they never want
to solve apparently ? If you give up, then who takes over your job ?

You know why I dare write like this ? I have zero fear for you guys,
because you side with the lie. This siding with the lie (Hillel,
Rambam, prosbul, heter iska), is so disempowering and so disgraceful
for you, what do I have to fear from you ? You disempowered yourselves,
you gutted your own culture. I am not bothered by the risk of being
shamed for writing long or writing the truth, no just the opposite:
if I didn't write it, I would be shamed for hiding the truth and not
doing the obvious job. Stop lying. You cannot ? I think it is the end,
and you will be destroyed largely.

A "remnant" will then return, but perhaps not many. When the bombs fall,
when hell breaks out, it is richly too late to have a Redemption with
ease. You do Teshuvah *now* because you care for the truth, even when
it will possibly damage you socially, financially, etc. This is showing
heart, that shows where you belong. How did Moshe Rabbeinu break with
Egypt ? You know the story. He had everything to loose by murdering those
guards, and he did loose everything. Was he lost though, for choosing
the truth ? He is the one who is honored in history and will likely
be honored even much more in the future. The silly Pharaos ? They are
regarded as fools, tyrants and evil, most people care nothing about
what any Pharao has ever said. They are mostly famous, to the degree
they figure in the story about Moshe Rabbeinu !

This is where you seem to fail. You want to fit in, you want to belong
with your group, your people, your family and friends, your Rebbe,
whatever, your "tradition", and in this, you are just like the gentiles,
just like the Egyptians. You lack the courage of people like Abraham
and Moshe Rabbeinu. Abraham also, he left his family for the truth,
being against the fraud of idolatry. Did he do badly after that ? Not at
all. He took the risk, unlike you have done so far. As far as I know,
not one of you have shown the courage to stand against the frauds of
Hillel or Rambam ! No State and no Redemption for you, so long as you
keep lying, for obvious reasons. It is so bad, there is no reason to even
write this. It is that abvious, it is that shameful. You should thank
your God for having the mercy to allow you to even exist at all after
this. He does not need to talk to you, because Moshe Rabbeinu already
did enough talking, and it is clear enough. You don't want to do, and you
don't want to listen. There is no future until you stand for the truth.

I wonder if you now read this with anger and idolatry in your mind, like
"who is this who dares to write angry words to us, he must be something
bad" (whatever), and later when you have died in such high numbers
and the survivors read this, they are crying ... not understanding why
Israel and the Rabbis where so obstinate and mindless in a time where
everything was so easy and risk free, and the tremendous catastrophe they
have caused with it for Israel and indirectly also the world at large
(by not correcting it in time).

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
6 Jun 24 o Talking to the lame and the deaf, who pretend to not exist.1Jos Boersema

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