Why do treasonous Jews want the Redemption ? They will likely die.

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Sujet : Why do treasonous Jews want the Redemption ? They will likely die.
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 10. Jun 2024, 15:41:00
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
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title: The Countdown has begun - for Mashiach (Messiah)
source: 7200beverly
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wndUblT4Vfs

  Someone wrote how Rambam is concideren a second Mozes.

Reply ...

This is treason, Rambam isn't anything like Moshe Rabbeinu. You cannot be
redeemed with this kind of treason going on. Unbelievable, to put Rambam,
a traitor, above everyone who came after Moshe Rabbeinu, possibly even
below the hero Abraham. Rambam is guilty over creating the _heter iska,_
and probably also guilty over not opposing Hillel the Elder and his
treasonous and cursed _prosbul._ You don't want to be Redeemed, you want
to be slaves to the rich, because you think that will make you rich maybe,
and you lack the care and courage of Abraham and Moshe Rabbeinu, who gave
up everything for the truth. How can you live with yourselves, in this
state of affairs ? Are you guys completely mindless ? You are idolators
and mindless, I don't see another answer to the treason. Idolatrous to
your fake Sages, and too mindless to see the lies, and too uncaring to
work up the effort to do see it, and too cowardly to stand up against your
peers and the fraudulent Rabbis. If it wasn't for heaven forcing the issue
in the end by the worst of the worst happening, you will stay in the exile
forever, and eventually go down with the rest of humanity into failure.

I was thinking about this slogan ... they want a 'moshiach' who tells
them all the good they have done and how good they are, they do not
want a 'moshiach' who tells them all the wrongs they did and how to fix
it. Also the Redemption from Egypt was after repression and suffering,
and the reason is probably exactly the same as to why Israel is blocking
the Redemption right now. It should already have happened, but you are
blocking it. For this you will suffer probably 7 times worse than the Nazi
holocaust, and not many of all of you, all of Israel, is probably going to
survive. I think 95% of you will die violently or through deprivations,
probably within 10 years (but who knows ! it is very much a guessing
game, and this kind of condition in the world is known to drag on for
much longer than anyone could have imagined it could have).

You have been shown some of your problems, and how to fix them. If you
want to bring the Redemption closer at least, you start acting right now
today. If you don't do anything, you know you belong to the people who
at least in their current state, oppose the Torah and are working against
the Redemption. Don't worry, you will realize later the horrors that you
all have caused for yourselves, and indirectly even the world, although
"the world" certainly is guilty of its own suffering (in spades). You
could have saved so much though, if you had listened to Moshe Rabbeinu,
but no they thought they knew better ... _if only you actually did._
Oh the lies, the idolatry, the shmugness of it all .... how can you live
this day, how can you sleep.

You guys think this 'moshiach' will save you ! Save you while you remain
in a state of selfish and ignorant treason ! How silly is that ?! You read
the story about how Israel was Redeemed from Egypt, read it at least once
? Basically anyone who is out of line, who doesn't support the good, the
truth, justice and the peace ... _they die._ Get it ? You die. What are
you hence all hoping for, given your attachment to treason, and _still_
no Jubilee on land in Israel. What are you hoping for, a speedy death
without much suffering ? You think you will make it into this "remnant"
which Isaiah talked about, going the way you are going ?! Just like the
Jesus idolators, who all think they are going to be gods and "reign with
their Jeebus for a thousand years" - but for what ?! Oy oy oy ... this
is what is left of Israel these days.

Still, there is nothing like Israel in the world. You _have_ to stop
messing with the Torah. Nobody else will be taking your job. If there
is to be a future for humanity, you have to give the example, or go down
with the whole mess and it is all over with this good life.

[Going on on Usenet. This comment was immediately removed by dictators
 and haters of civilization, truth, Justice and peace at Google, by
 algorithm of course.]

You Israel, love money above all else, and what is probably to come,
death and suffering, is there to show you what this love is really
worth. You will get what you wanted: the reign and terror of the greedy
rich and other criminals. Try to learn something from it, so it is at
least not for nothing. For nothing, like all the suffering I went
through, also to be as fast with everything as possible. But no, then
you hit a wall: lame & deaf Israel, too dishonest to even reply, let
alone think about anything which might hint of being critical and
truthful about the Torah. You brought your own enemies to power, despite
all the advice against it.

I always had these two rules for life:
- Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
- Do not underestimate the cruelty of the ruling class.

Perhaps you should also take heed to these. Good people tend to project
their own goodness into others, and find it harder to understand the
extreme stupidity and evil which has so much power on Earth. The
holocaust was bad, but what is to come should be 7 times worse (says the
Torah, curses section). You never thought the Germans would do this to
you, especially not there, "home away from home", remember ? Remember
you believed that. Indeed, who could have believed it ? However:

- Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
- Do not underestimate the cruelty of the ruling class.

Did anything really change on Earth ? No, the people are basically the
same. The same stupidity, the same evil, the same not caring, in which
you also share. It can therefore happen again, and it can also happen 7
times worse.

- Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses.
- Do not underestimate the cruelty of the ruling class.

Return to your Torah, so that your God returns to you, and lays down the
world in front of you, so that you may be a blessing to it, and correct
this whole mess in the end, this failing crazy species "humanity". You
will do it, with however few it will be. You will find the courage and
the care, like Abraham and Moshe Rabbeinu. If not, then humanity
probably needs to be put back in the Stone Age for many tens of
thousandsd of years or even forever, or worse. This mess cannot deal
with technology, due to their ignorance, carelessness and evil. You have
to make up the difference, or suffer going down with it, we all have to.

The same is true for me, and therefore I keep trying. I do not want to
go down with this mess, and neither do I want to go down with you if you
also end up failing. I have already been very extremely heavily
"punished" (to put it that way), I hope you will never know such
suffering can exist, although there may be a Jew here or there who does
know. You can only know from experience, it is not possible to
communicate it with words. I came out of it, with at least some nuggets
of truth, I suppose. You should have adopted at least some of that, for
the sake of it being true and good, but you did not. You had that
chance, but you refused.

You will likely be next in line to be "punished", very heavily. Death is
much better than this suffering I talk about. Death means nothing
compared to this. If you die, that's a lucky escape for you, be glad
that you got out so easy. I tried to save you from a lot, but you don't
want to be helped. You "know better", your phony Sages idols "know
better", and your Rebbes "know better". You are seeing what they are
worth: exile, and now the Third World War, probably going to be nuclear,
is happening around it, and Israel is right there in the cross hairs. By
accident ? Of course not.

You have been warned, and shown a way out. A doable realistic way out,
but it takes time to do it, as with anything. You chose to waste this
time, like a snot nosed boy standing on a raft he is so proud off,
looking down on his mother screaming something inaudible in the
distance, because when did his mother ever build a raft like this ?! The
mother is screaming: get here now, you are drifting off the water fall
and will probably die. A snot nosed boy, that's what you became, Israel.
A liar, deceiving your children with your fake Shulchan Aruch, your
prosbul and your heter iska, sacrificed it all for the rich who had the
money to spread the lying propaganda to you. You didn't resist, because
they spoke your language and dressed like you, so you trusted them ?

The loan is not cancelled, because it is now a court verdict ¿?! You are
NUTS. This is literally NUTS, mistaking the shell for the nut. The court
is there to punish the person proposing something as hidious as a
"prosbul". Then you build expensive Yeshivas around these lies, and
while the centuries tick by, no sign of Redemption, the exile grinds on.
You never wonder why ? You never bother to go look where the error might
be ?

Now your guilt became even worse, because I showed you the lie you are
furthering, and instead of saying "wow I never knew", or "right, I finally
understand", and you did something against it, you did this:

  <--  Nothing, cold shoulder to the one who tries to help you, silence.
  The silence of a criminal who knows they ahve been caught, and any
  talking is just going to make it worse, save for an excuse you lack
  the character for to utter it ?

Once you become a liar, you become like a nothingness. You have no
power, nothing you do impressses me anymore. You understand ? Stop
lying, and you will be the princes of humanity, honored by all including
me. This is your Torah, and this is your mess. You will have to clean it
up, or die trying. Don't feel like it ? Fine, then we will see how many
rounds of punishment you can bear, and if you can bear them all, then
you can also still go nearly extinct and only the few who do care will
live. You want that ? You make it so.

Your own God curses you, for your disloyalty (it is right in the Torah,
and you know it, that language is even stronger than anything I probably
ever wrote; or did you muffle and huffle through it quickly, just as you
did with the law of debt nullification in the 7th year ?).

You only care about "who is boss", and that is pitiful. You should care
about "what is the truth", and with that I don't mean "about who is the
flipping boss", I mean about law and how to live (etc). Your God already
took away the position of boss from your Nation, and took it for
himself, so you can be free from this cursed need for domination and
slavery. He is your King, but you didn't want a King of Justice, truth
and peace, and now you got what you got. Happy ? You will not be.

Don't be afraid of me, but be afraid of heaven. I merely rant and rave
here (a bit a bad mood today it seems, perhaps it is the weather), in a
last ditch effort to make you return and live, without getting hurt.
You should also be afraid of yourselves, because of your own
carelessness, mindlessness, foolishness and evil, which has caused the
exile and now humanity has *nothing* to take advice from, to save
ourselves in this moment of extreme technological crisis (it is a
crisis, but if you don't ese it yet, you will).

Will there be even a mere 10 000 Jewish persons, making it to the
Redemption ? I guess we will find out. Perhaps we should be overjoyed
with at least 10 000 making it, since it looked already to be worse
than that. 10 000 it at least something. If that's what it will be, it
will have to do. The rest of the world will probably have to be
proportionally decimated, and afterwards there will then need to be a
very much longer time before the rest of the world can still be
corrected, and so that the gentiles don't overwhelm Israel, or such
extreme miracles are necessary to save Israel that reality as such
starts to change into something it perhaps shouldn't be (but now I am
truly raving and ranting, lol). Jewish woman are capable of birthing a
lot of children though, hence the amount doesn't matter. The quality is
what matters, and the later loyalty to that quality.

Perhaps the suffering and death which is coming, is just an absolutely
necessary cleansing procedure, after which the current state of
shmugness, of not caring, not listening, not even arguing, this cold
shoulder for the truth, will be associated with an extraordinary drama
and trauma for Israel, a trauma which will thunder down the centuries as
if it had occured just a day ago. As if there is a great dragon just
behind them, just waiting for Israel to return to its current state of
betrayal, and then able to cause such suffering again, through which
fear they will refrain from repeating their old mistakes.

I guess the stage is set then, it cannot be helped. Israel gave itself
over to its obstinacy and its lust for money and serving the rich. For
this to be ripped out of her so she will never do it again, the
suffering has to occur, and there may already not be a way around it
anymore. There is always a way around it, but it requires Teshuvah of
course, which they are either unwilling or unable to perform, or they
just tell them that to make their day easier and to fit in. All these
things, they will then learn to regret to the bitterest of extends, so
that they will remember not falling into this trap again, forever. This
seems to be how things are shaping up, and how they have been written
down in the Tanach, which gives hope that at least a remnant of Israel
will in the end break with the lies and return.

The whole thing is already established now. What had to be said has been
said. What crimes Israel was to commit against hearing the truth has
happened. When the suffering starts they can find it all and help
themselves to return to the truth. The evil ones also did their parts
already, and from here on it is all routine: the conquest of the world
treasuries by the criminal banks, preparing the USA Tyranny (9/11, etc),
and global Tyranny through the U.N., and war with Russia, and all the
other smaller operations which are going on. Fascism was accepted again,
war was accepted again, lying to the extreme was accepted, theft to a
level perhaps never seen on Earth was accepted, Empire and destruction
of democracy was accepted, the homosexual agenda as a distraction was
accepted ... for all sides from here on out, it seems to be fairly
routine, although launching the nukes will probably not be routine, but
it can already not be realisticly stopped anymore by wellwilling people,
and that is the point.

To the degree things are not routine, they already effectively became
unstoppable, due to the extreme stupidity of the masses, and the cruelty
of the ruling class. They can be stopped.  Some fools live in the illusion
that at the last minute they can still stop what they didn't see coming
decades earlier when they might hav ebeen able to do something, and so
they march a few times for their own conscience, and then that's that. At
least they tried, while in the many years prior they helped build up to
this moment, and absorbed all the lies and propaganda which had lead to
it, barely lifting a finger.  Perhaps they didn't get the memo about the
ruling class being cruel.  There are people in the world, who think the
ruling class is basically normal fairly decent people. This is not the
case. They think the politicians have the power, but this is not really
the case, and to the degree it is the case, we don't know them anyway. We
know their image. I see their evil wars, and draw my conclusions.

There where a few big hurdles for the ruling class to cross in the last
decade, but they have all crossed them flawlessly. Things like 9/11,
Obama's Nazis in Kiev and war with Russia, and the conquest of the
treasuries and currency by the big banks to start printing money for
themselves. Those are some pretty evil and insane proposals, yet there
was not enough opposition and they passed with flying colors.

The side of the good also had proposals, although I can only speak for
my own. Not much of these was accepted. It was mostly ultimately ignored.
No improved democracy, no democracy in (bigger) businesses, no
downgrading of the parasitic financial system, and no land distribution
for all (which already probably means "all is lost"). What was accepted
partially, is more care for nature, and there is some effort to further
fair trade. I think on balance, the care for nature does not offset the
increased rape and plunder by humans with ever greater technologies at
their finger tips, and fair trade also does not offset the loss of
rights and increased poverty overall. Nevertheless, at least a few
things still go a little bit in the right direction, even though overall
the struggle is loosing. A few people do hang on to be good, and that is
great. Not enough, but at least some people try.

This is where we are now. The stage is set it seems. All the rest is
like a routine running of a film which has already passed all the
changes to the script. The movie can begin, it has already begun. The
short ofd it is: humanity has, on balance, chosen evil, over the last 20
years or so.

The 'mayans' (IIRC) said it was a change moment in history, like a
space between two ages, in which humanity would choose what would happen
in the coming age. Humanity mostly chose evil and stupidity, but it
wasn't all bad. They thought they made the right choices of course, but
that is because they lacked the care and courage to find and stand for
the truth, and so they approved evil thinking it was good. Perhaps there
is a little hope in this, that if they suffer the consequences of their
ill adviced choices which they thought where good or at least not too
bad, that they will also learn and want a correction.

This is at least my hope: after the war and great suffering, there may
be enough people who are tired of evil and stupidity, and maybe they wil
want to live with justice and in peace. If they cannot figure something
out, they could use my book (free) for a bit of inspiration perhaps,
which after all was itself inspired about what seems to be good in the
world, while trying to remedy what is bad. It is not that far fetched a
proposal. It is quite similar to what is the world now, while at the
same time still representing quite a fundamental shift, toward a world
which is more about ... you, it is more about the personal. It is more
about the small adventures in life. You would be free. See how this world
is always talking about how free they are ? Perhaps they do that,
because it is not a free world, it is a slave world. It could be worse
though, and this difference they call freedom, but it is not real
freedom. Things will be more alive, while many things will generally be
quite similar.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
10 Jun 24 o Why do treasonous Jews want the Redemption ? They will likely die.1Jos Boersema

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