Being (appearing) nice to everyone is not the ultimate solution.

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Sujet : Being (appearing) nice to everyone is not the ultimate solution.
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 11. Jun 2024, 19:19:51
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4a0vn$157kn$>
User-Agent : slrn/1.0.3 (Linux)
title: The Countdown has begun - for Mashiach (Messiah)
source: 7200beverly

Amen (agreed). While it is a good idea to be nice to everyone of course,
you have to watch out for the trap of condoning evil that way.

If you don't have a base behavior and will to be nice to people and
good, I guess you are already lost and basically an animal, perhaps a
criminal. Within the sphere of good people however: was Moshe Rabbeinu
nice to the guards who hurt his people ? No, he killed them. Would the
advice of Schweitzer have been, just be nice and the guards will agree
to you ? It sounds quite naive. It is of course a good start to be nice,
but things have to be in good order _forever_ at this point already. It
is too late to just start. We have to deal with extreme technological
power _forever_ now, or potentially destroy ourselves. It should be about
putting in the finishing touches of an already nearly perfect world,
especially this is the case for Israel, who already had thousands of
years of strong moral appeal to its own people. Israel should be an
adult at this point, knowing very well what they are doing, being very
well organized and also being extremely effective. Israel would then be
the foundation for an ever lasting peace and prosperity on Earth, for
everyone. Did this succeed: evidently not. So here we are in this mess,
and the job still has to be completely done, even near perfectly. Just
being nice to everyone is a good start, but it is not going to cut it,
not even back in the day of Moshe Rabbeinu but certainly not now, unless
we are all fine to go back to the Stone Age and do everything all over
again (???).

Was Hashem friendly and understanding at everything the Jewish people
did wrong during the leaving of Egypt ? No, He decided many of the
Jewish people should die, and many also died a violent death for their
bad behavior. There was a man and a woman who where pierced with a spear
together, presumably both to death, and then Hashem saw that he may have a
loyal people who wanted to be good. They didn't talk nice and friendly to
this woman and man, they didn't talk at all. How many death penalties are
there in the Torah ? Quite a few. Isn't Hashem friendly and nice ? Hashem
is basically the ultimate definition of nice and friendly. He kills, for
an ultimate benefit. If there had been no strong impact upon the Jewish
people, we might already live in hell right now, hell on Earth, a global
Tyranny. Someone has to push for what is good and true. Hence I do not
see this supported as an ultimate idea in the Torah (and frankly also
not in reality): just be nice, all the evil will evaporate. Criminals
are criminals. If you give them an easy sentence, they merely take
you for a fool who should have known better, and when they stab you
to death from behind, they just laugh and think to themselves: another
looser taken out, I did my job well today. The Amelekites (so to say)
have their own inverted morality, in which being kind - really kind,
peaceful, wise and generous - is basically sinful. It is seen as weak,
stupid, ridiculous, absurd and shameful, to be good. I'm sorry to say,
but this scum really just has to die out, and if you contemplate all
their crimes, also if not mainly against each other, then most people
will probably agree. This _is_ the Torah. We can also see other examples:
wasn't the snake in the Garden of Eden very nice to Eve, when he caused
her to steal the soft fruit ? We also see Hillel the Elder who was known
for being friendly (or so I read), who is guilty of issuing the _prosbul_
and therefore has helped cause thousands of years of exile. Oh he was
so nice and friendly, oh let's be friendly to the rich and don't force
them to lend to the poor, easy loans to be nullified, let's put up a
smile to everyone. What was the result ? The poor are denied their help,
and the Nation just breaks apart between the greedy rich (very rightly
derided here in this video, the greed). The Romans then took it over,
but the Jewish people had already destroyed their own Nation, their
own Torah, from the inside out. Such a friendly person, this Hillel
the Elder ? Really ? Consider the cost. All the dying the hunger the
fear of the exile, in part caused by Hillel the Elder and his cursed
_prosbul._ I imagine the prosbul was merely the last straw, and before
that major aspects of laws had been lost (such as the Jubilee on land),
but it was part of the overthrow of the Torah within the 2nd Temple,
by the Rabbis themselves.

Remember this: "I will disperse you between the Nations, and accuse you
there" ? How many times have Jews heard that this western idol is their
'messiah' ? Regardless of what this mad western idolatry actually says
in their book, to the believers their idol is a symbol of peace and
friendliness. Personal friendliness that is, nice and loving at all
times. It is an image of Hillel the Elder again: lawless friendliness,
kindness without much punishment for law breaking, or at least kindness
without taking the law of the Torah seriously. The churches of course
made their own bad laws many times, and created horrendous tyranny all
over the world, and murdered countless people. The key perhaps is that
they made up their _own_ laws, while _ignoring_ the Torah, and in this
they are the mirror of Hillel the Elder, who also made up his own fake
law. Rambam / Maimonides, also made up his own fake law, called the Heter
iska. What do these laws have in common: failure to observe the Jubilee
on land, the prosbul, the heter iska ? Money. By breaking these rules,
the rich can accumulate more and more wealth, while the poor become
poorer and poorer, until they are slaves with no way out. Greed and
money, this is the line which connects Hillel the Elder, with Rambam,
and the current exile. Not punishment for the rich who failed to nullify
the loan, but the law itself was broken, and fake law was passed. This
is how you lost your Nation. You seemed to think that all you had to do
was be nice, but acting like Hillel the Elder, or Joshke the Bastard,
or Rambam, that is not the true friendliness. The true friendliness
(of the Torah), is to give an easy loan without interest to the needy,
and nullify it in the 7th year, and to make sure that at least every 50th
year everyone gets their land back, for a fresh life in freedom. This is
your cage: landlessness, and you caused it yourself, because you do not
acknowledge the Torah land laws, which say: everyone will have free land.

I can go on like this for crazy much longer, but probably nobody
reads it anyway, and youtube/Google probably censors it. You all don't
act. Everything is like taken as entertainment, as a consumption. People
don't read and think: "this is true" and then they start acting upon
it. For this, and other things, you will have World War 3. I agree
also that it is better to ignore the mass media, because it is full of
lies. I never follow their lying either, it is horrible what they are
doing. They are owned by the super rich, which is a class (in general)
also responsible for the exile and overturning the Torah, causing the
exile. There are a lot of criminals in that class. Being nice to them is
no solution. Etc etc etc. Nobody cares so, the end. There will first have
to be World War 3, and maybe then people get shocked enough to be forced
to think about serious things, and finally they might do something. It
is a small chance, but I guess the only chance.


[[The Google/Youtube dictators seem to have _immediately_ removed this
comment. I sometimes wonder what kind of punishment needs to be
effectuated in the end against Google and Youtube, and how punishments
need to be distributed between management and workers. 10 years jail for
helping to create war and Tyranny on Earth, guilty of helping to create
mass murder ? No punishment at all, because it supposedly is their
(monopoly) platform and they can do whatever they want, and not even
tell anyone how or why they do it ? To what extend is the lawmaker
guilty for allowing this monopoly to come about ? Nobody will be
punished for all the lying in the mass media in the end, even though the
cost of life may well run into the Billions after World War 3 ? Nobody
is guilty, everyone just did their thing within the confines of the law ?
Really ? Another show trial like Nuremberg, where a few unlucky ones get
punished for the cruelest crimes of many thousands of people ? I don't
know the answer, but someone is guilty over creating the wars, the
corruption, the crimes. It is certainly a violation against decency and
normal adult behavior, to ask people to comment on a huge monopoly
platform, and then *secretly* delete their comments behind their backs.
It seems to show that they know they are guilty of something. Why else
do they hide their operations, pretend nothing much is going on, or
pretend it is normal to just delete people's hard work by algorithm?

Well, humanity at large will be punished, by the consequences of the
absurd policies which are furthered by this ruling class. Crazy stupid
morally lazy ignorant decadent world. The price will be paid, you have
been warned.]]

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.

Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * Being (appearing) nice to everyone is not the ultimate solution.2Jos Boersema
12 Jun 24 `- I await the Teshuvah of Israel with complete faith ...1Jos Boersema

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