I await the Teshuvah of Israel with complete faith ...

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Sujet : I await the Teshuvah of Israel with complete faith ...
De : Josjoha (at) *nospam* market.socialism.nl (Jos Boersema)
Groupes : soc.culture.jewish
Date : 12. Jun 2024, 17:44:54
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Organisation : A noiseless patient Spider
Message-ID : <v4cfpm$1njuh$1@dont-email.me>
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I like to modify this Jewish prayer a little bit ...

   “I believe with complete faith in the coming of Mashiach. Though
   he tarry, nonetheless I await him every day, that he will come.”

Oy oy oy how dare they say this. Tarry ?! Who tarries ! You, Israel, do.
The Tanach itself says "In its time, I will hurry" (IIRC). There is no
tarrying on the side of the good, there is tarrying on the side of
Israel. You think that, after all the efforts done for Israel, all the
work HKB'H himself put into it all, that he would send someone who will
just hang around with a smoothy on the balconey for a few more years or
whatever, when Israel has finally chosen to Redeem themselves, and stop
following the betrayals and the (made up) confusions ? This "article of
faith", the 12th, was made up by Rambam.

He made up that the 'moshiach' would be lazy and "tarrying". I have
asked many times for the source of this, but there does not seem to be
a source for it. It seems to be an attack on the Prophets, because the
blame of no Redemption will be placed on 'moshiach' because after all
'he is tarrying' and although this is not true but a fabrication of the
traitor Rambam/Maimonides, many people have no clue that Rambam just made
it up. Hence it may cause demoralization, besides it also being untrue
(or at least, unproven, unbased).

Here is your corrected version:

I believe in the eventualy Teshuvah of Israel, or at least a remnant
will return, as Isaiah said. Though they tarry day after day after day
as if they are lame and deaf, nonetheless I await every day, that they
will return that day, and want to not to be part of causing any more
delays by doing as much goodness and Torah as I can.

Below is a good example. I ask some Rabbi on youtube about their
betrayal of the Torah, and rather than open their eyes and return to
Justice, they reply with something else. They seem to assume I didn't
understand what they where saying. It is now almost another day of delay
added to the ongoing exile. Is the person who calls for Teshuvah on this
point, the one who is tarrying, or is Israel the one who is dragging
their feet again, delaying more and more for no apparent reason.

On 2024-06-11, Jos Boersema <Josjoha@market.socialism.nl> wrote:
title: The Countdown has begun - for Mashiach (Messiah)
source: 7200beverly
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wndUblT4Vfs&t=1068s
Amen (agreed). While it is a good idea to be nice to everyone of course,
[snip for brevity]
is a small chance, but I guess the only chance.

For once someone replied, apparently with the official channel owner
powers, but it is not necessarily the author of the video (I don't
know). Quote (I quote this in full, because the text is reasonable and
as such true, and should therefore not reflect badly on the unknown
author; although it should have been fairly clear also that I already
agree to this.)

    @7200beverly 20 hours ago
    You missed a very important point in this lecture. There is Evil
    in this world. The Torah is not "nice" to Evil. There are many
    examples of just wars against "evil" sources in the Torah. Judaism
    fights "Evil" in various ways. To be "nice and kind" is the general
    attitude and approach when dealing with difficult people, not with
    "Evil." Therefore, as Rabbi Kin pointed out in the lecture, it is
    important to distinguish Evil from Good. In order to do that, one
    needs to study and become "knowledgeable" with this multifaceted
    world. In this channel you will find many lectures that clarify
    what may appear to you as idiosyncrasies in human nature where even
    "good" people sometimes fail and need to be reprimanded harshly. A
    harsh reprimand, however, can also be done in a "kind" way and has
    good chances of producing the desired result.

@josboersema1352 18 hours ago
@7200beverly  Hello. We seem to agree with each other on this what
you wrote. I did skip a bit of the lecture I shall admit. However,
my point stands it seems: it is not enough for Israel to just be nice
to good people, but the Torah needn to be followed, including the debt
nullification in the 7th year (which implies you probably need to start
opposing the prosbul as it stands, because it is now in a state of
acceptance and part of the Shulchan Aruch), no rent seeking on loans
either (no heter iska, same story), and of course the right to land
and the Jubilee (i realize this last one is not easy at all to do, you
basically need Sovereign rights to Eretz Yisroel). I understand the point
of the lecture, and maybe it is good enough for the gentiles to do that,
but Israel has to be the Lamp to the Nations, give the example. Can you
please oppose the prosbul, or are you already so brave and loyal that you
do. Notice how the world drowns in unforgiven debt, they started money
printing like crazy again, and also see the same in the Weimar Republic,
and what that all led to. It seems to be important. Have a good day.

@josboersema1352 3 hours ago
@7200beverly  Hello again, I didn't receive an answer yet. You are
talking about being nice to people (in the video), but don't you think
it is rude (and illegal under the Torah), to not nullify the loan to a
poor Jewish brother in the 7th year ? Moshe Rabbeinu broke with Egypt,
for the sake of Justice, even though he had an amazing position within
Egypt. His life was probably quite comfortable at the court ? Abraham
broke with his father, because he opposed the idolatry. For the sake
of Justice, they gave up everything for an uncertain future. Moshe
Rabbeinu even went into the desert. I know and you probably do as well,
that the Rabbis in general favor and support this illegal device called a
'prosbul' and also this illegal device called a 'heter iska', for which
the guilty proponants are: Hillel the Elder and Rambam/Maimonides.

So let me then ask you bluntly: do you (or anyone) have the courage of
Abraham and/or Moshe Rabbeinu (who seems to be exceptionally brave and
caring for Justice), and break with whatever you need to break with, in
order to return to the Torah and do Teshuvah. I am asking you, Rabbis:
do Teshuvah, return to the Torah, do not follow the law breakers such
as Hillel the Elder or Rambam/Maimonides. It will be hard ? It will
probably not be completely easy, unless you all decide to repent now,
and perhaps start the Redemption or somehow get closer to it this way
(I hope today of course). Will it be as hard for you or someone else,
to return to the Torah and reject prosbul & heter iska, as for Moshe who
had to go to the desert ? I think probably not. You will still have a
house, you can see how you can survive, you might even still be Rabbis
and do other things. You might still have running water all around,
etc. It's not like when you start coming back to the Torah, that all
of a sudden you have to run into the desert because otherwise you will
be killed, which is what Moshe Rabbeinu faced. Returning to the Torah
on this topic mean to reject Hillel the Elder and Rambam, which I'm
sorry to say, implies a broader rejection of Rabbinical Judaism and the
lawlessness of the exile which they have caused in this way: the worship
of the rich above HKB'H. Worship of the rich and greedy (curiously, also
a topic of above video) is implied in the prosbul and the heter iska,
because it serves them to keep their money. Loans do not get nullified,
and the heter iska introduces a device of rent seeking on loans.

Moshe Rabbeinu nor King David needed to legislate a prosbul or a heter
iska, and never did. It is wrong. If you want a Redemption, you have a
choice to make I suppose: are you serving the rich and greedy, and their
fraudulent devices which probably on purpose are designed to create
confusion (read the protocols for the prosbul and the heter iska, it
is nothing more than an attempt to hide the obvious) ... or you return
to serving the Torah, HKB'H, and care for the poor that way. If you do
nothing, you choose the former, and that means the Redemption is again
delayed because again there is no return to the Torah by Israel. Do
you want to perhaps start the Redemption today, or do you still want to
delay it even more ? Have a great day.

End quote. The original posting is now 21 hours ago, almost another day
went past, but again no redemption today. Why not ? As far as I can
tell, at least I am just about as impatient as an angry motorist behind
a gang of cyclists can get, no ? I'm pretty much an irritant at this
point (lol). If on such simple issues the truth cannot be admitted, and
the Redemption can hence not be brought closer, then doesn't it follow
that 'moshiach' (whoever) will have the same problem, and indeed isn't
this the same problem even Moshe Rabbeinu already had back in the day
(but even worse, as they tried to kill him even) ? It is the same thing
over and over, because it is the same people with the same problems.

[[The Google/Youtube dictators seem to have _immediately_ removed this

They apparently did it after all in this case. Sometimes you see it,
sometimes you don't. Again I acted too quickly I guess ;-).

Do you see how the entire topic above is, as it where, knotted into
itself ? It talks about giving harsh but kind (heh) reprimand to who
does wrong, and this will break the ice. Was I too harsh ? I think I was
fairly reasonable, I didn't attack them personally, and even agree with
them and start with that also. This being a disagreement, there is no
way around saying you disagree. Will there then be the result that they
cave in for the truth ? If they do, it could be the start of the
Redemption. It really could, but you all don't see it, and at this point
that is also on you (your own fault). It is also knotted into itself,
that the video complained about greed and power being a motive, however
when the argument comes up that the prosbul is greed, it seems to be
rejected (at this point).

We shall hope that they will do Teshuvah today, not tarry too long
anymore, and hope for the best. Any moment a remnant from within Israel
may do Teshuvah ! The world might never be the same. It is worth a shot
I guess, it is worth the effort, it is worth the wait ...

I think I started ranting and raving about the Torah on the Internet
somewhere in 2008. That is about 16 years ago, round it off to 15.
15 × 356.256 = close to 5.500 (five thousand five hundred) days of
Israel delaying getting closer to the Redemption by another day. I say
"getting closer" because I don't ultimately know if this would lead
directly to the Redemption, but it should be an improvement of how
things are going with Israel (to stop with the prosbul / heter iska,
admit the lies and regret the greed and darkness from which it came).
That' a lot of days of delay, eh ? I can't even think of having to say
the word 'day' that many times. Ah, but it is "the moshiach's fault",
because Rambam said so. "Moshiach is perhaps riding his donkey around
again, oh boy oh boy, why does it have to take so long." ;-)

I guess a root issue here is that they act like Joshke the Bastard is
their Messiah, which means that they think that their entire Nation as
it is will just suddenly have some kind of hero King big-sword-fighter
dude at the top, lay down the world and then they'll all be rich. The
focus shifts from improving their righteousness, peace and justice,
truth, toward something like a worldly power, an Empire of sorts. They
expect a 'moshiach' who tells them all they did right, who will carry
them on his arm to wealth and happiness. They do not want a 'moshiach'
who will reprimand them for their lies or even shame them for their
mistakes, even though this latter type will improve their character, so
that they may be worthy to live, and create the happiness and peace they
need by themselves, forever.

If you want the Redemption, you better think very seriously about
following these Rabbis with their Hillel and their Rambam, and to help
you with that just realize: Israel has been much better, much greater in
every way, long before there was a Hillel, and long before there was a
Rambam. Rambam was quite controversial in his day, and also he gave a
bad example of going back to Egypt. His entire sub-culture in Spain was
overturned (expulsion from Spain, his family fled), and also after
Hillel the Elder it went worse with Israel, the Romans defeated Israel
and the exile began. There is all kinds of bad stuff associated with
these characters, so don't be confused about making a big mistake if you
start taking a sceptical view upon these characters and their fake laws.
They broke down the Torah. I assume the rich saw it, they saw a way to
lessen the pressure of the Torah upon their wealth, and therefore they
started promoting the works of people like Hillel the Elder and
Maimonides / Rambam.

Money has a great power in this world. Imagine you have the power to
literally build a Yeshivah, and pay a team of Rabbis to teach there,
for an entire generation. Imagine what you could do. You could overturn
the Torah on some key points, to protect your wealth, and in the end
you might even get out of it all, more rich, and in great standing. Make
sure to make those buildings exceedingly impressive ...  While this is
pure speculation, I think this is more or less how it may have gone. It
is the natural human behavior. It isn't some grand conspiracy of the
rich. They just see something they like, each of them on their own:
hey wait a minute, in the teachings of this Rabbi we do not have to
nullify the loans anymore ? I think I am going to like that ! Oh here,
a donation, a charitable donation "for the Torah" (hehehehe).

Israel is an idolatrous Nation (!). They worship their Sages and their
Rabbis. If they focussed their idolatry upon the Torah and the great
Prophets who teach it, upon HKB'H who proposed to be their God and King,
things could still work out. Sadly, they seem to have slipped back,
taking the words of random but well financed Rabbis as an authority.
You see, I write here from my home, no expensive stand here (nor do I
want or need one, but that is not the point). I want *the truth itself*
to impress. I want you to understand an argument, because you care. If
you need Temples and Thrones or great stands and palaces, before you
will even think of listening to anything: go back to Egypt, they have
Temples and thrones like you have never seen before. Go back to Egypt !
Go live with Rambam. Leave the remnant who might care, and maybe when
you see the Lamp of the Nation lit once more, you may see from the
outside because you don't belong inside of it, but you can still see it
from afar, and learn. Perhaps that is how you can save yourself, if you
are an idolator towards random but well financed "Sages" such as Hillel,
who break down the Torah with their fake arguments.

Prosbul dealt with for today: ☑
Ranted and raved on the Internet to no avail: ☑
Pushed for tarrying Israel to do Teshuvah: ☑
Survived riding race bike on the Dutch roads: ☑
All good then ;-). lol

Repeat everything again: ☐

I am starting to think that the best part of overturning the prosbul, is
not so much just that, but also because the much of Rabbinical Judaism
will be flushed out to sea with it, and this entire establishment of
power will just break apart and disappear. They have been so obviously
wrong for so many long years, how do you recover from that ? Maybe you
just don't, and it will come true what HKB'H has said, that he will take
away the teachers and the highly esteemed from Israel in one fell swoop,
because they have deceived his beloved Nation. With the Rabbis out of
the way, perhaps the door to the complete Redemption will suddenly be
open. Is this quite literally and explicitly in-your-face-like true,
like you never would have believed it could be this forceful and this
all consuming ? If it goes as I think it might: absolutely yes. It will
be a Sovereign Revolution in Eretz Yisroel, and it will just rise as a
culture, but not as one of the idolatrous cultures of the past. It will
be a more personal culture, where individuals are valued. Life becomes
small, but the smallness becomes freedom and adventurous. It doesn't
necessarily make sense what I write, but I try to compute how it feels
what I think should happen, and I see how it works (as I proposed it
already of course), and then try to deduct how you will feel living that
system. Yes, it is "a system", an organizational and economic construct,
if you will, which is also what the Torah has and what it also did. The
Torah is also that freedom, but this version of things is potentially
even a little more into that direction. However, since the personal is
so important, your character becomes very important. You need to have a
good character. The soup will taste according to its ingredients. This
cannot just happen with an ill behaved people.

This is a reason why you must repent from the prosbul. You must be
someone who cares, someone who is not an idolator but who cares for
people and the truth. You must be like Moshe Rabbeinu and Abraham, to
stand for the truth, even at all risk. Maybe asking you to be like Moshe
Rabbeinu is too much, given his extreme bravery and zeal for the truth
and the peace (etc), but a measure in that direction will be necessary.
If you cannot overthrow the prosbul for yourself, that's a marker for
you that you cannot handle it, you cannot perform your duties and your
life in this kind of a system.

Compare a rowing boat. A rowing boat is great ! Now imagine a bunch of
people who don't want to be rowing, and if you put them in the boat, out
of the 12 maybe 1 or 2 are rowing, while the rest is just staring at the
horizon. No, you must be exhilirated that you are entering a rowing boat
and you can't wait to start pulling together, because you have been
fighting the currents in your kayak all alone for so long, but it is
hard work alone and now you will all pull together and really get going.
See, if you cannot overturn the prosbul: go back to Egypt if they want
you, or wherever I don't know. Eretz Yisroel is for the Torah, no ?

Last time it was the same: you did not want to hear of the Torah, and so
HKB'H put you in slavery in Egypt. After enough suffering, Justice,
peace and the truth was the way out of the suffering, and although many
caused trouble, in the end it was a succesful rebellion of the slaves.
Will this happen again ? I hope for you, it doesn't again have to take
430 years, before you are ready to face anything, for the sake of
finding peace. Why make it so hard on yourself, why are you so uncertain
about your thinking. If you are unceratin about what is the truth, then
you need to work on it. I am not talking about reading, I am talking
about using your head ! Think ! Can't figure it out, you're stuck,
everything seems difficult, weird, you don't know, there is no answer ?
Good ! You are struggling, you are thinking ! That is called thinking
my man, keep going, keep rowing that kayak !!! One day you will find the
truth, and understand. You became a better person for it, perhaps even a
pillar to your people. Redeem yourselves, and live.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
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Date Sujet#  Auteur
11 Jun 24 * Being (appearing) nice to everyone is not the ultimate solution.2Jos Boersema
12 Jun 24 `- I await the Teshuvah of Israel with complete faith ...1Jos Boersema

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